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[BUG 1407228] Speed meter does not animate (X2751, Vallon) #848

Closed twpol closed 9 years ago

twpol commented 9 years ago

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Reported by Werner Heer (wehe-gmx)
Date reported Sat, 03 Jan 2015 10:36:40 GMT

SBB, Roter Pfeil: The animation of the speedmeter does not work in OR. avo

twpol commented 9 years ago

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Property Value
Posted by Werner Heer (wehe-gmx)
Date posted Sat, 03 Jan 2015 10:36:40 GMT
twpol commented 9 years ago

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Posted by Carlo Santucci (carlosanit1)
Date posted Sat, 03 Jan 2015 18:07:16 GMT

Where can the Roter Pfeil be downloaded?

twpol commented 9 years ago

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Posted by Werner Heer (wehe-gmx)
Date posted Sat, 03 Jan 2015 22:20:32 GMT
page 8, SBB_Roter_Pfeil

twpol commented 9 years ago

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Posted by Werner Heer (wehe-gmx)
Date posted Sat, 03 Jan 2015 22:46:31 GMT

Complete path: / Modelle / Lokomotiven elektrisch / page 8

twpol commented 9 years ago

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Property Value
Posted by Carlo Santucci (carlosanit1)
Date posted Sun, 04 Jan 2015 10:12:31 GMT

The problem lies within this block in file SBB_311.cvf: Dial ( Type ( SPEEDOMETER DIAL ) Position ( 234 237 14 37 ) Graphic ( Nadel_rot.ace ) Style ( POINTER ) ScaleRange ( 0 150 ) ScalePos ( 180 180 ) Units ( KM_PER_HOUR ) Pivot ( 27 ) DirIncrease ( 0 ) )

ScalePos ( 180 180 ) (180 are degrees) means that the speedometer can make a whole 360 degrees turn from 0 to max speed. OR does not like to have two equal numbers. If you replace that line with ScalePos ( 180 179 ) the speedometer works. Consider this a workaround. I will check if a simple patch for OR is possible. If not, you will continue using the workaround, as this is the only case up to now that such a problem arose.

twpol commented 9 years ago

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Property Value
Posted by Carlo Santucci (carlosanit1)
Date posted Sun, 04 Jan 2015 10:21:32 GMT

OK, this was an easy one. Fixed in release 2759.

twpol commented 9 years ago

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Property Value
Posted by Werner Heer (wehe-gmx)
Date posted Sun, 04 Jan 2015 11:44:09 GMT

Carlo, thank you very much! Werner