openresearchdata / ckanext-oaipmh

OAI-PMH harvester for CKAN
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Potentially Add DCAT/Scheming support #23

Open anotheredward opened 5 years ago

anotheredward commented 5 years ago

Hi @metaodi ,

We currently use the following plug-ins:

Which seem to be reasonably popular, we use them to modify the internal CKAN schema to match the DCAT standard.

We're looking into specifying additional field mappings in this plug-in so that the oaipmh fields show up in the appropriate fields according to the dcat standard.

Our idea is that if we provide is as an opt-in feature-flag/configuration item, it will be a backwards-compatible change, and there might be potential to avoid creating a fork.

This may also potentially be a large enough change that a simple fork is warranted.

Any thoughts? And is this something you'd consider merging back (once we've developed it, and have a clearer idea of the scope)

Thanks, Edward

mdsnor commented 4 years ago

Hi @anotheredward, any progress on this? Thanks!