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bibtex integration #2

Closed antagomir closed 2 years ago

antagomir commented 3 years ago

Add automated bibliography generation from bibtex file.

The file is located in content/publication_resources/bibtex/lahti.bib.

One option is to use R tools to convert bibtex to markdown and then add this newly generated markdown file to the Hugo site. The procedure is explained here. This can be easily automated with cron jobs, if you can do it on command line.

Another option is to use hugo-academic-cli module but this seems old and I am not sure if it works. It should then be tested on our virtual server as well.

Third option: just search for Hugo & bibtex support and see if there are better ways.

Publications should support different categories (data science, microbiome, computational humanities, open science; dropdown menu?) based on bibtex tags or keywords.

antagomir commented 3 years ago

Does any of the following help with bibtex integration for Hugo website? Let us now come back to this discussion.