I use lua-resty-websocket as server. when we do performance test, we found lj_str_new use too much cpu by 'perf top'.
so we use stap to collect the cpu useage, and found 'lj_str_new ' use too much cpu in 'resty.websocket.protocol.recv_frame' function.
I check the latest version, it use ffi_string. we try the latest version, the cpu issuse is still exist.
Can we do any improvement ?
I use lua-resty-websocket as server. when we do performance test, we found lj_str_new use too much cpu by 'perf top'. so we use stap to collect the cpu useage, and found 'lj_str_new ' use too much cpu in 'resty.websocket.protocol.recv_frame' function.
I check the latest version, it use ffi_string. we try the latest version, the cpu issuse is still exist. Can we do any improvement ?