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LuaJIT Compiler - Getting wrong bytecode when JIT is off. #146

Closed 0rangeFox closed 2 years ago

0rangeFox commented 2 years ago

Hey guys, I would like to know how I can compile to bytecode via C, but I don't want to with JIT. I have tried several ways to disable JIT, but it still seems to be always on.

I have this snippet code to work with Lua C.

class Lua {
    Lua(std::string file) : _file(std::move(file)) {
        this->_lua = luaL_newstate();

        if (!this->_lua)
            throw std::exception();


        luaJIT_setmode(this->_lua, -1, LUAJIT_MODE_OFF|LUAJIT_MODE_MAX);

        luaL_loadfile(this->_lua, this->_file.c_str());


    lua_State *_lua;
    std::string _file;

    void dump() {
        FILE* fileTest = fopen("test.luac","wb");
        lua_dump(this->_lua, writer, fileTest);

    static int writer(lua_State *L, const void *p, size_t size, void *u) {
        return (fwrite(p, size, 1, (FILE*) u) != 1) && (size != 0);

And the bytecode result I get is: image

And if I do with the command luac, I get this: image

Maybe this is related to JIT, or not? Please correct me if I am wrong, I want to understand what I am doing wrong to get those results.

XmiliaH commented 2 years ago

The generated bytecode from LuaJIT is not compatible with Lua. From Foreign bytecode (e.g. from Lua 5.1) is incompatible and cannot be loaded. To generate bytecode for Lua as luac does one needs to use the PUC Lua library instead of the LuaJIT one.

zhuizhuhaomeng commented 2 years ago

we usually use luajit -bg x.lua x.ljbc to convert Lua to bytecode. I think luajit can not generate bytecode compatible with luac.

0rangeFox commented 2 years ago

The generated bytecode from LuaJIT is not compatible with Lua. From Foreign bytecode (e.g. from Lua 5.1) is incompatible and cannot be loaded. To generate bytecode for Lua as luac does one needs to use the PUC Lua library instead of the LuaJIT one.

Hey guys, as he said, LuaJIT bytecode isn't compatible with Lua and won't compile for Lua. But I'm disabling LuaJIT so it's suppose to use Lua, right? Could you tell me more about PUC Lua Library? Thanks.

XmiliaH commented 2 years ago

There are two totally different Lua implementations. LuaJIT and PUC Lua (can be found here These are two libraries both implementing Lua and the Lua C API but use different internals. This means that when disabling the JIT in LuaJIT one still uses LuaJIT but with the JIT disabled. Disabling the JIT will not switch to a different library (PUC Lua). To use PUC Lua one would need to link against this different library instead of LuaJIT.