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pcall problem when calling require #153

Closed RocFang closed 2 years ago

RocFang commented 2 years ago


Tipically, for versions compatibility consideration, we could use pcall to catch exception of require.

But I have found a strange luajit problem when using pcall and require, especially when ffi involves.

Minimum reproduction configuation:

  1. conf/nginx.conf
events {}

    lua_package_path  ';;$prefix/lua/?.lua';
    init_by_lua_block {
        local has_a, a
        has_a, a= pcall(require, "a")
        if not has_a then
            ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to load a: ", a)

        has_a, a = pcall(require, "a")
        if not has_a then
            ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to load a again: ", a)
            ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "type(a)=", type(a), " a=", a)
  1. lua/a.lua
local ffi = require("ffi")

local _M = {}

int xxxx();

local function get_caches_array()
    return tonumber(ffi.C.xxxx())

local a = get_caches_array()

_M.a = a
_M.get_caches_array = get_caches_array

return _M


Since a.lua contains a non defined xxxx ffi function, I expect everytime we call pcall(require, "a"), a false and an error message retuns.

behavior of diffirent version

openresty- meets my expectation, output:

[root@localhost pcall_error]# /usr/local/openresty-  -p .
nginx: [error] [lua] init_by_lua:5: failed to load a: .//lua/a.lua:10: /usr/local/openresty- undefined symbol: xxxx
nginx: [error] [lua] init_by_lua:10: failed to load a again: loop or previous error loading module 'a'

From openresty-, things becom strange, and have diffirent result in diffirent version.


nginx: [error] [lua] init_by_lua:5: failed to load a: .//lua/a.lua:10: /usr/local/openresty- undefined symbol: xxxx
nginx: [error] [lua] init_by_lua:12: type(a)=userdata a=null


nginx: [error] [lua] init_by_lua:5: failed to load a: .//lua/a.lua:10: /usr/local/openresty- undefined symbol: xxxx
nginx: [error] [lua] init_by_lua:12: type(a)=userdata a=null


nginx: [error] [lua] init_by_lua:5: failed to load a: .//lua/a.lua:10: /usr/local/openresty/luajit/lib/ undefined symbol: xxxx
nginx: [error] [lua] init_by_lua:12: type(a)=number a=-5.6817549271743e-322

I'm not familiar with luajit internals, so have this feedback.


zhuizhuhaomeng commented 2 years ago

try with the,

nginx: [error] [lua] init_by_lua:5: failed to load a: error loading module 'a' from file '/usr/local/openresty/nginx//lua/a.lua':
    /usr/local/openresty/nginx//lua/a.lua:1: '=' expected near 'ffi'
nginx: [error] [lua] init_by_lua:10: failed to load a again: error loading module 'a' from file '/usr/local/openresty/nginx//lua/a.lua':
    /usr/local/openresty/nginx//lua/a.lua:1: '=' expected near 'ffi'
RocFang commented 2 years ago

@zhuizhuhaomeng more interesting...

zhuizhuhaomeng commented 2 years ago

I think it is resolved, but I don't will PR resolve this issue.

RocFang commented 2 years ago

@zhuizhuhaomeng ha.. I have tried righ now, but the log if diffirent with yours:)

[root@localhost pcall_error]# /usr/local/openresty-  -v
nginx version: openresty/

[root@localhost pcall_error]# /usr/local/openresty-  -p .
nginx: [error] [lua] init_by_lua:5: failed to load a: .//lua/a.lua:10: /usr/local/openresty- undefined symbol: xxxx
nginx: [error] [lua] init_by_lua:12: type(a)=number a=-5.6817549271743e-322

Do you mean it's resolved in master?

zhuizhuhaomeng commented 2 years ago

sorry, When I copy the Lua code and paste it into the file, "local" becomes "cal". The bug still exists.

RocFang commented 2 years ago

got it:)

zhuizhuhaomeng commented 2 years ago

run with luajit directly, the error is below. This may be the right error.

[root@localhost openresty]# ./luajit/bin/luajit t.lua 
failed to load a:   ./a.lua:10: ./luajit/bin/luajit: undefined symbol: xxxx
failed to load a again:     loop or previous error loading module 'a'

replace the ngx.print with print

zhuizhuhaomeng commented 2 years ago

@XmiliaH would you please have a look at this?

zhuizhuhaomeng commented 2 years ago

I don't why the second pcall(require, "a") do not enter into the function lj_cf_package_require.

zhuizhuhaomeng commented 2 years ago

I am sure it is a bug of the openresty. but I don't know how to debug.

XmiliaH commented 2 years ago

Yes. It is an openresty problem as it replaces require with a version that does not check for KEY_SENTINEL.

zhuizhuhaomeng commented 2 years ago

Thank you. @XmiliaH Would you please share the debug process?

XmiliaH commented 2 years ago

First I looked at the lj_cf_package_require and found KEY_SENTINEL. I the compared this value to the reported return value of -5.6817549271743e-322 which was the case. I then checked if there is a way that lj_cf_package_require might return that value but found none. I then reduced the test to: = -5.6817549271743e-322
local res = require("abc")

which showed that there is no problem with pcall. Instead it seems that the require function is replaced. To find the location of the replacement function I then used:

print(debug.getinfo(require, 'S').source)

to find that the require function is replaced in resty/core/base.lua,