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Issue discovered with `deploy/basic/terraform/` #1506

Closed kmccarp closed 2 years ago

kmccarp commented 2 years ago


Describe the issue you are experiencing.

HCL formatting appears to shift operators to the left when it shouldn't.

Expected behavior

Describe what you expected to see.

HCL operators not be shifted to the left.

Example diff


 resource "oci_core_instance" "app_instance" {
-  availability_domain                 = random_shuffle.compute_ad.result[count.index % length(random_shuffle.compute_ad.result)]
+  availability_domain                 = random_shuffle.compute_ad.result[count.index% length(random_shuffle.compute_ad.result)]
   compartment_id                      = var.compartment_ocid
   display_name                        = "mushop-${random_string.deploy_id.result}-${count.index}"
   shape                               = local.instance_shape
   create_vnic_details {
     subnet_id        =
     display_name     = "primaryvnic"
-    assign_public_ip = (var.instance_visibility == "Private") ? false : true
+    assign_public_ip = (var.instance_visibility== "Private") ? false : true
     hostname_label   = "mushop-${random_string.deploy_id.result}-${count.index}"

Recipes in example diff:


traceyyoshima commented 2 years ago

Update: This is a parsing issue, the prefix is missing before Normalize touches the AST.

Parsing the HCL in tests shows the space before binary operators is missing:

    fun test() = assertParsePrintAndProcess(
           create_vnic_details {
             assign_public_ip = (var.instance_visibility == "Private") ? false : true

    fun test2() = assertParsePrintAndProcess(
            resource "oci_core_instance" "app_instance" {
              availability_domain = random_shuffle.compute_ad.result[count.index % length(random_shuffle.compute_ad.result)]