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`ChangeStaticFielToMethod` does not correctly handle statically imported inner class. #1626

Closed yeikel closed 2 years ago

yeikel commented 2 years ago

In my codebase, I have many usages of

Constants.OK (returns the constant 200) and I'd like to replace it with io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus.200.code() as I have the library in my classpath and there is no need to redefine the same constant

Is this something possible with the current recipes? Or do we need a new one?

Similar issues :


tkvangorder commented 2 years ago

I think you can probably get away with using ChangeStaticFieldToMethod for this use case. I would give that a try first.

tkvangorder commented 2 years ago

I will leave this open for the time being until you get a chance to try the existing recipe.

tkvangorder commented 2 years ago

@yeikel Did you get a chance to try this out?

yeikel commented 2 years ago

@yeikel Did you get a chance to try this out?

I tried

      oldClassName: com.Constants
      oldFieldName: SUCCESS_CODE
      newMethodName: io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus.OK.codeAsText()
Constants { 

public static final String SUCCESS_CODE = "200"


io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus.OK.codeAsText() returns "200" as well

After applying the recipe, I did not see any diff. I noticed the following warning in the logs but I am not sure what that means for me

[WARNING] class$NewArray cannot be cast to class$Block ($NewArray and$Block are in unnamed module of loader org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm @ff7ea29)
tkvangorder commented 2 years ago

@yeikel I have added a test that is working for your use case, you need to separate the new method class and new method name as follows (and drop the parens):

      oldClassName: com.Constants
      oldFieldName: SUCCESS_CODE
      newClassName: io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus.OK
      newMethodName: codeAsText

See this test, it is similar but has a different package for Constants:

tkvangorder commented 2 years ago

Let me know if this works for you. Thanks!

yeikel commented 2 years ago

Thank you

That worked, but I am also seeing this in my logs :

[WARNING] Expected a template that would generate exactly one statement to replace one statement, but generated 0. Template: {OK.codeAsText();}

tkvangorder commented 2 years ago

I suspect there is an edge case in your code that is resulting in an invalid template. If you search for any remaining instances of com.Constants.SUCCESS_CODE we might get a hint at where this is happening.

Thanks for all your input!

yeikel commented 2 years ago

Actually, the transformation worked (in terms of changes) but it is not compiling

It added the import

import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus.OK;

And called OK.codeAsText()

But OK is a static variable so it had to be imported statically for it to work :

public static final HttpResponseStatus OK = newStatus(200, "OK");

import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus.OK

yeikel commented 2 years ago

Alternatively, it could be called HttpResponseStatus.OK.codeAsText() to avoid the static import

tkvangorder commented 2 years ago

Added the ability to specify the target (inside the newClass) on which the method will be invoked:

      oldClassName: com.Constants
      oldFieldName: SUCCESS_CODE
      newClassName: io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus
      newTarget: OK
      newMethodName: codeAsText

This will result in the import of the class (as before) and then add the target in each replacement:

yeikel commented 2 years ago

Added the ability to specify the target (inside the newClass) on which the method will be invoked:

      oldClassName: com.Constants
      oldFieldName: SUCCESS_CODE
      newClassName: io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus
      newTarget: OK
      newMethodName: codeAsText

This will result in the import of the class (as before) and then add the target in each replacement:

Thank you. I'll give it a try as soon as it's released