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idea: check and fix use of declaration-site type variance #2621

Closed vlsi closed 1 year ago

vlsi commented 1 year ago


Currently, Java requires use-site type variance, so if someone has Function<IN, OUT> method parameter, it should rather be Function<? super IN, ? extends OUT>.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to notice that ? super and ? extends is missing, so it would be nice if there was a tool that could detect missing variance and suggest adding it.

The list of well-known classes could be hard-coded within OpenRewrite: Function, Predicate, BiFunction, Consumer, Supplier, and so on.

Here is a recent case:


Corner cases:

See also:

jkschneider commented 1 year ago

I'm a big fan of this for a set of hard-coded well-known classes.

jkschneider commented 1 year ago

Are there also a series of types for which we wouldn't add variance? For example: Function<String, Car> should be Function<String, ? extends Car> not Function<? super String, ? extends Car> right?

vlsi commented 1 year ago

I think so. However, I suggest discussing meta-issues in jspecify issue (the first link) to avoid splitting the questions/findings into several issues ;)

jkschneider commented 1 year ago

Automatically added variance should skip type parameters that are final classes as well.

jkschneider commented 1 year ago

Note that when a method overrides another method, it cannot use declaration-site type variance without changing the overridden method. Nor can on overridding method remove declaration-site type variance when overriding one that has it.

interface Test {
    void test(Function<List, List> f);

class TestImpl implements Test {
    public void test(Function<? super List, ? extends List> f) {
vlsi commented 1 year ago

A class can become non-final, so having variance for final classes might be helpful. However, it is unlikely String can become open, so ? extends String is probably useless

jkschneider commented 1 year ago

You can tinker with the current form of this recipe at

vlsi commented 1 year ago

I think Consumer<? super String> should be suggested even though String is final, so rewrite should recommend wildcards even for final classes in IN positions

jkschneider commented 1 year ago

In the latest commit I added an option excludeFinalClasses so you can control whether variance is added to final classes.

vlsi commented 1 year ago

What I mean is ? super variance should be added for all the classes no matter if they are final or not.

? super Object is special:

jkschneider commented 1 year ago

By setting excludeFinalClasses to false (which is the default), ? super variance will be added for all the classes no matter if they are final.

vlsi commented 1 year ago

What is the point of skipping ? super variance if somebody sets excludeFinalClasses=true?

jkschneider commented 1 year ago

I'm just coming around on this -- my intuition was originally that ? super Integer just looked overly pedantic? And that maybe there wouldn't be any harm in going part way. But maybe I'm just wrong altogether.

vlsi commented 1 year ago

Not really. Consider

void act(Consumer<Integer> intConsumer) { }
Consumer<Object> tst=...;
act(tst); <-- this will fail to compile.
// act(Consumer<? super Integer> ...) will heal the case
jkschneider commented 1 year ago

I see, so you were literally meaning just the contravariant case? Makes sense. Should we avoid ? extends on final classes?

vlsi commented 1 year ago

I am not sure regarding ? extends for final classes. For instance, Supplier<? extends String> would look weird, so it might make sense to use simpler signatures like Supplier<String>, especially for well-known final classes that will never become open.

I guess it might be great to have an option like suppressOutVarianceForClasses:..., and put String, Integer, there by default. Disabling out variance for non-jdk classes sounds too fragile.

vlsi commented 1 year ago

An unfortunate case is List which should be List<IN> for read-only case, and List<INVARIANT> for read-write (Kotlin's MutableList). Automatic fix sounds complicated for that case

jkschneider commented 1 year ago

An unfortunate case is List

And similar for every collection type likely...

jkschneider commented 1 year ago

Honestly these results are looking pretty good Once b47d9b34cb5b4742ebc73f0028569f90c61e0df7 finishes building we'll have the ability to suppress out variance for final classes (as well as in and out variance for a specified set of excluded glob patterns of fully qualified types).

jkschneider commented 1 year ago

One more thing: this recipe shouldn't modify any parameter that is assigned to a field in the method body.

vlsi commented 1 year ago

Why? On contrary, it should modify the type of the field as well.

jkschneider commented 1 year ago

For completeness yes. Trying to limit complexity somewhat. The assignment may be to a base class coming from a binary dependency, but easy enough to check for.

vlsi commented 1 year ago
vlsi commented 1 year ago

Can the recipie be suppressed for a particular placeholder?

E.g. Consumer<@SuppressWarnings("wildcards") String>

vlsi commented 1 year ago
-MicrometerCollector collector, HistogramSupport histogramSupport, Supplier<Exemplar[]> exemplarsSupplier,
+MicrometerCollector collector, HistogramSupport histogramSupport, Supplier<? extends Exemplar[]> exemplarsSupplier,

It looks like a false-positive. One can't inherit arrays, so ? extends NonNullableArrayType should definitely be suppressed.

However, Supplier<? extends Exemplar @Nullable []> should indeed be converted to Supplier<? extends Exemplar @Nullable []>. In other words, if we accept Supplier that produces Exemplar[] or a null reference, then we should accept even such suppliers that produce non-null Exemplar[].

Just in case, Supplier<@Nullable Exemplar[]> should be kept intact as @Nullable in that position is related to the element type.

The same goes for String: Supplier<@Nullable String> should be converted to Supplier<? extends @Nullable String>.

vlsi commented 1 year ago

One more idea: I guess the recepie should work both ways: if it detects Supplier<? extends String>, then it should suggest simplifying the type to Supplier<String>.

kunli2 commented 1 year ago

I found there is already a recipe there: DeclarationSiteTypeVariance. so closing this out.