openrif / vivo-isf-ontology

The "VIVO-ISF Ontology" is an OWL2 representation of the VIVO-ISF Data Standard
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Add domain and range to vivo:middleName #712

Open mconlon17 opened 6 years ago

mconlon17 commented 6 years ago

Opened by @gneissone

vcard:givenName and vcard:familyName both have a domain of vcard:Name. vivo:middleName does not. This makes it impossible to add a middle name to a vcard:Name in the VIVO web interface unless you specify the domain manually (or edit the name via a foaf:person editing page). Should the following domain and range be added to vivo:middleName in the ontology?

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource=""/>


mconlon17 commented 6 years ago

Is the problem with vivo:middleName or with vcard:additionalName or both?

gneissone commented 6 years ago

It's vivo:middleName. The use case is for editing vcard name's via the VIVO GUI that aren't attached to a foaf:Person. Though ontology-related, the change may need to be within VIVO... the domain of vcard:givenName and vcard:familyName are defined in VIVO/home/src/main/resources/rdf/tbox/filegraph/data-properties.owl.

I'm attaching two screenshots of vcard:Name objects. One already has a middle name and the field is shown, the other does not and the middle name field is missing. vcard_edit_nomiddle vcard_edit_wmiddle

mconlon17 commented 6 years ago

Low Impact.

Existing data, and queries are unaffected. Additional investigation is needed regarding the impact on the software. Currently expected to be minor.