opensafely-core / ehrql

ehrQL: the electronic health record query language for OpenSAFELY
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Better support the filter/reduce pattern #1645

Open iaindillingham opened 10 months ago

iaindillingham commented 10 months ago

In ehrQL, it's common to filter an event frame by a codelist, and then to reduce it to a patient frame by sorting by date and selecting either the first or the last row. For example:

dataset.ethnicity = (

Because it's common, we've talked about adding a helper method. Such a helper method would make the previous example shorter. It would also make writing the previous example less error-prone, as it's easy to forget the sort_by: that is, to write .where().last_for_patient() rather than .where().sort_by().last_for_patient().

The previous example is an instance of the filter/reduce pattern. However, it's not the only instance. In the following example, we filter an event frame by a codelist and by a date, and reduce it to a patient frame by counting the number of occurrences.

dataset.num_asthma_inhaler_medications = (
            index_date - days(30), index_date

The helper method doesn't help 🙁. Indeed, the helper method may hinder a user's ability to learn ehrQL, because it's easier to notice the filter-reduce pattern when it's not hidden behind a helper method.[^1]

Rather than adding a helper method, we could make it easier to remember the sort_by. We could do so by combining sort_by and last_for_patient. For example:

dataset.ethnicity = (
    .last_for_patient(  # 👀 

We could also warn the user when either first_for_patient or last_for_patient is used without a sort_by. By doing so, we would better support the filter/reduce pattern without hindering a user's ability to learn ehrQL.

@cewalters -- who suggested combining sort_by and last_for_patient -- says this would be more familiar to R users. Thanks for your help writing this issue, Caroline 🙏🏻

[^1]: You're going to have to take my word for it. If you would like to talk more about why noticing is important for learning, then please ask 🙂.

evansd commented 10 months ago

One possibility I've wondered about is to allow tables which have a single "natural" date column to be pre-sorted by that column and also to have shorthand filter methods for dates like:


As an alias for:


That certainly helps to make examples shorter e.g

dataset.num_asthma_inhaler_medications = (
    .where_on_or_between(index_date - days(30), index_date)

And it uses a more generalisable approach than having special case helper methods.

But it may still suffer from the problem of obscuring rather than clarifying the semantics here.