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OpenCodelists is an open platform for creating and sharing codelists of clinical terms and drugs.
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Sign up to updates for new BNF data #1964

Open lucyb opened 1 month ago

lucyb commented 1 month ago

As a team, we should be alerted to new releases of BNF datasets, so we can import them into Open Codelists. For example, this issue was manually created by Becky to let us know a new dataset was available.

The alert should go somewhere we are likely to see it, so a Slack message or GitHub Issue would be better than an email.

Ideally, the text of the alert should point to the instructions for importing the dataset and to the page on TRUD for downloading the dataset.

Jongmassey commented 1 month ago

I was mistaken on this, BNF is not distributed via TRUD, but the BSA Information Systems Portal. There may be a mechanism to subscribe to updates, but I've not found it using the guest login facility.

lucyb commented 1 month ago

We could speak to Peter/Dave to find out how they do this for OP.

For reference, the paper copy of the BNF is published in March and Sept each year.

Jongmassey commented 1 month ago

There's a scraper in openprescribing but requires manual intervention (incl. CAPTCHA) to get a guest login cookie.

We don't appear to meet the criteria for a "proper" (i.e. non-guest) account.