opensafely / codelist-development

Repository for discussion of OpenSAFELY codelists
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*DISEASE* Inflammatory Bowel Disease #13

Open CarolineMorton opened 4 years ago

CarolineMorton commented 4 years ago


We need to write a definition for these. Can wait until second week though as not needed for primary study.

@hmcd are you able to write a plain word summary of the definition

alexwalkerepi commented 4 years ago
  1. LSHTM codes from link above: IBD_ReadCodes.xlsx
  2. Can't find any relevant QoF cluster codes, searched for:
    • bowel
    • colon
    • colitis
  3. Snomed codes snowmed-ibd.xlsx, searched for:
    • ibd
    • ulcerative colitis
    • ulcerative proctocolitis
    • crohn
CarolineMorton commented 4 years ago


DEFINITION: Patients who have an inflammatory bowel disease code on their record ever. Absence of code indicates absence of condition.

Example output: patient_id ibd_bin condition date
3123 1 Crohn's colitis 15-3-2004
5345 1 Ulcerative proctitis 12-1-1999

CODE LISTS: IBD codes in Read 3: IBD_FINAL.xlsx. Created by the following process:

  1. Read 2 LSHTM code list IBD_ReadCodes.xlsx

  2. Addition of relevant QoF cluster codes @alexwalkercebm. Can't find any relevant QoF cluster codes, searched for:

    • bowel
    • colon
    • colitis
  3. Addition of relevant high level Snomed codes: Snomed codes snowmed-ibd.xlsx, @alexwalkercebm searched for:

    • ibd
    • ulcerative colitis
    • ulcerative proctocolitis
    • crohn
  4. Final code list reviewed by @CarolineMorton. See document here: IBD_REVIEWED.xlsx. Reasons for inclusion or exclusion explained in Column D, with a '1' in 'non-include' column if not included.

    • Excluded toxic megacolon as seen in C Difficule so may not represent true IBD process
    • Non infective diarrhoea - again because not specific enough
    • Necrotising enter-colitis - neonatal condition associated with prematurity

POTENTIAL BIASES: We may miss patients who have IBD but have no symptoms due to removal of parts of bowel. We are not looking for patients' medications so we may miss some.

CLINICAL SIGN OFF & DATE: Caroline Morton (@CarolineMorton) 7-4-2020 15:26

EPIDEMIOLOGY SIGN OFF & DATE: Alex Walker (@alexwalkercebm) 7/4/2020 16:16


FINAL SIGN OFF DATE (and apply label) 8/4/2020 20:29