opensafely / codelist-development

Repository for discussion of OpenSAFELY codelists
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History of venous thromboembolism (VTE) by type #92

Open helenmcd opened 3 years ago

helenmcd commented 3 years ago

Subcategorisation of codes for venous thromboembolism from issue #33

These are codes for venous thromboembolism, including 'history of' codes. We want to be able to categorise the type of venous thromboembolic event, for a more detailed description of the prevalence of VTE among COVID-19 vaccine recipients.

I have downloaded the codelist generatedin issue #33 and attached flags for type of VTE. venous-thromboembolic-disease-type.xls

Have indicated types as:

I would be glad of a second opinion, particularly I wondered:

annaschultze commented 3 years ago


I've done a sense check and this all seems very reasonable to me. In response to your questions I think @CarolineMorton input would be great, my take is:

CarolineMorton commented 3 years ago

Hi all,

Sorry for the delay. I have been through the excel document and agree with all the categorisations of the codes included. I don't think any need to be changed. I think keeping VTE as other makes sense as we can't say for sure that it is lower limb, and occasionally you do get them in other places. I suspect given small numbers we will want to split into DVT/PE, other and CVT for the analysis to get the numbers, as I think Budd Chiari for hepatic will be very small for example.

Re: internal jugular vein with upper limb dvt - I agree this should be other.

helenmcd commented 3 years ago

Thanks @CarolineMorton! Agree we will likely in analysis want to categorise as DVT/PE, CVT, and other (with all the rest) - but hopefully useful to have facility to separate out e.g. portal vein thrombosis in future studies if wanted.

annaschultze commented 3 years ago

I've added this to opencodelists here:

helenmcd commented 3 years ago

Thanks @annaschultze!

Have reviewed ICD-10 codes for the same grouping - while I was there, took the chance to review (1) codelists and (2) criteria for defining VTE.

(1) Codelists

Existing codelists in the OpenSAFELY database There are three existing OpenSAFELY ICD-10 codelists for VTE (1) (2) The second includes all codes in (1) and additionally codes for VTE in unspecified sites, which we'd want to include here. Neither includes any codes relating to pregnancy or postpartum, which we would want to include for a full capture of 'a history of VTE' (3) There's also a codelist specifically for cerebral venous thrombosis which includes CVT from all causes (inc pregnancy, post partum and in the context of sepsis and has been discussed with MHRA and PHE

Previously validated codelist

New search Ran a fresh search using WHO browser ICD-10, 2019 version.

Comparison of codelists Proposed codelist marked with 'include==1' in the attached. VTE_ICD-10_220421.xlsx

This combines the codelist by Sultan et al (which includes codes in pregnancy and postpartum) with cerebral venous thrombosis codes. In addition propose to add:

Points for discussion

(2) Criteria for defining VTE

Validation study results and implications for defining VTE: Sultan et al found that in the Swedish database, among pregnant/postpartum women that including VTE codes without treatment confirmation risks the inclusion of false-positive cases, particularly for cases recorded in an outpatient setting.

Relevance to this codelist: the most likely explanation of the findings by Sultan et al seems likely to be recording of historical cases using a diagnosis code (which may be particularly prompted by events such as pregnancy - could also worry about surgery prompting this in the general population) which would affect ascertainment of the timing of the event, rather than whether the event had occurred. So for a prevalence study of any history of VTE, propose to use any diagnosis code in primary or secondary care records - but for any study of incidence of VTE, would strongly consider requiring confirmatory prescription of anticoagulant (or death).

helenmcd commented 3 years ago

Comparison to Vac4EU draft codelists -

The codelist above does not include: K55... since these are abdominal/intestinal vascular events and cannot discriminate between arterial and venous events D73.5 Infarction of spleen I825 Chronic embolism and thrombosis of deep veins of lower extremity (2021 ICD10-CM version - clearly relevant term but not in ICD10 codelist dictionary used in OpenSAFELY) I826 Acute embolism and thrombosis of veins of upper extremity (2016 ICD10-CM version - clearly relevant term but not in ICD10 codelist dictionary used in OpenSAFELY)

We could consider adding in K55 and D73.5. They’re both gut (K55) or spleen (D73.5) infarcts which could be arterial or venous events. If we were adding them, it might be consistent to also add G95.1 vascular myelopathies (arterial or venous event in the spine).

The codelist above also includes codes not in the Vac4EU codelist - in particular codes that specify pregnancy and postpartum. @annaschultze shall we discuss pros and cons of this list? We might want to use both (Vac4EU for comparison to other studies, above codelist if we think it fits our dataset best) but perhaps depends whether the Vac4EU codelist is currently an early draft that might change, or near final version.

annaschultze commented 3 years ago

Decision following call to use the validated codelist by Sultan et al and adding in:

I've reviewed the excel spreadsheet and agree with the include column (minus K751, which we agreed to exclude) as well as the classification. The only code I wasn't sure about was I800, which is not included in Sultan, but has been marked for inclusion in our study. I would think it would be relevant, so wasn't sure if that was a typo. Either way I think I'd be in favour of adding this to our codelist.

We have also discussed the EU4VAC codelists and agreed these are likely preliminary, and therefore we will not adapt our codelists based on these at the moment. We may use finalised versions of their codelists as sensitivity analyses at a later stage.

helenmcd commented 3 years ago

Thanks @annaschultze Checked the Sultan et al codes (link I80.0 is not included Rechecked the code - it is Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of superficial vessels of lower extremities so should not be included in DVT (apologies, my error).

So have removed I80.0 from the list. Have retained I80, I82 and I26

THe attached list, is as discussed: (1) Sultan et al's codelist for VTE in pregnancy/postpartum (validated in CPRD/HES though note non-specific for incident VTE unless combined with anticoagulant prescription, when it performed well - reasons could be delayed recording of past events, or recording of suspected diagnoses later not found to be the case). (2) Three short headings (I80, I81, I26) (3) One code for post thrombotic syndrome (I870) since we are looking at prevalence of a history of VTE (4) Codes for cerebral venous thrombosis

This differs from the [existing OpenSAFELY codelist incident VTE](

) by including codes that specify the event occured during pregnancy or post partum, and post thrombotic syndrome, and by further clarifying type (site) of VTE.