opensafely / ics-research

This is the code and configuration for our paper, Inhaled corticosteroid use and risk COVID-19 related death among 966,461 patients with COPD or asthma
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Models #67

Closed annaschultze closed 4 years ago

annaschultze commented 4 years ago

This pull request is misleadingly titled models, but is actually a finalisation of descriptives for both asthma and COPD populations.

Requesting review of the Stata code. Specific QC requests are:

DarthCTR commented 4 years ago

@annaschultze Looks amazing!!!

A couple notes as I’m working through: COPD


This is great stuff.

ianjdouglas commented 4 years ago

Great work Anna! Just a few thoughts from me on specific dofiles:

01_cr_create_asthma_population Line 29 – should be <18 (it's correct in the code, just the comment needs to match)? For dead before index date are weonly using CPNS deaths, not ONS dead too?

01_cr_create_copd_population For dead before index date are weonly using CPNS deaths, not ONS dead too?

02_cr_create_asthma_exposure SABA only should be not on other asthma meds. Most have been excluded but if anyone is on LABA_LAMA combi product they won't be picked up at the moment. Although not an asthma combi due to LAMA, the LABA is an asthma drug and would mean they're not on SABA only. Also need to keep an eye out for anyone on SABA LAMA in the baseline group as I think that would be weird

Thanks v much and great to see so much progress!