Open CarolineMorton opened 3 years ago
Diastolic and systolic BP are switched around in expected values. i.e. 80 for systolic, and 120 for diastolic. This should be the other way round:
# Blood pressure bp_sys=patients.mean_recorded_value( systolic_blood_pressure_codes, on_most_recent_day_of_measurement=True, on_or_before="2020-12-20", include_measurement_date=True, include_month=True, return_expectations={ "float": {"distribution": "normal", "mean": 80, "stddev": 10}, "date": {"latest": "2020-12-19"}, "incidence": 0.95, }, ), bp_dias=patients.mean_recorded_value( diastolic_blood_pressure_codes, on_most_recent_day_of_measurement=True, on_or_before="2020-12-20", include_measurement_date=True, include_month=True, return_expectations={ "float": {"distribution": "normal", "mean": 120, "stddev": 10}, "date": {"latest": "2020-12-19"}, "incidence": 0.95, }, ),
Amended, thanks
Diastolic and systolic BP are switched around in expected values. i.e. 80 for systolic, and 120 for diastolic. This should be the other way round: