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Debug JS no Atom #4

Open cristofersousa opened 7 years ago

cristofersousa commented 7 years ago

Pessoas, segue esse plugin que mostra como fazer Debug do seu código JavaScript usando Node. Como ainda não estamos codando e executando no browser para usar as ferramentas do Developer Tools do Chrome/Firefox ficamos apenas com o recurso do terminal apontar o erro na linha, segue o link de como fazer isso direto no Atom.

Abaixo segue a explicação:

node-debugger package

A simple Node.js/io.js debugger for daily use.


Open a javascript (.js) file and execute the start-resume command (F5) to launch the debugger.

Debug panels will show up as shown in the image below.

Screenshot of node-debugger in action

The '>' symbol in the gutter marks the current line of execution.

Execute the toggle-breakpoint (F9) command to set a breakpoint. The breakpoint will be displayed in the gutter using a red marker.

Execute start-resume (F5) again to resume debugging or use the step-next (F10), step-in (F11) or step-out (shift-F11) commands.


You may access the commands using CMD/Ctrl+p or by using the shortcut key specified within the brackets.

'node-debugger:start-resume' (F5)
'node-debugger:debug-active-file' (ctrl-F5)
'node-debugger:stop' (shift-F5)
'node-debugger:toggle-breakpoint' (F9)
'node-debugger:step-next' (F10)
'node-debugger:step-in' (F11)
'node-debugger:step-out' (shift-F11)


The following attributes can be set to control the node-debugger.

An example of a configuration is given below.

  nodePath: "C:/program/nodejs/node.exe"
  nodeArgs: "--use-strict --use_inlining"
  appArgs: "--arg1=10 --arg2"
  debugHost: ""
  debugPort: 5860
  env: "key1=value1;key2=value2;key3=value3"  
  scriptMain: "c:/myproject/main.js"

Debugging projects in atom

When executing the start-resume command the node-debugger will try to figure out which file that is the main file of the current atom project. This is the strategy being used:

  1. use configured entry point (scriptMain)
  2. attempt to read entry point from package.json in the project root folder
  3. attempt to start currently open file (ctrl+F5 hot-key)
  4. cannot start debugger

    Attaching to external processes

Start your node application in debug mode using

>node --debug=5858 a.js


>node --debug-brk=5858 a.js

Make sure that your node-debugger settings for debugHost and debugPort are matching what you are using. In the case above debugPort should be 5858.

Execute command node-debugger: attach either from the menu or using the command panel.

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