Example "deck" presentation will be showing up from our partner. The goal is to make the app have both a landing page with the map and district search, as well as a "detail" view that shows the district's schools, with groupings, as well as the summary data at the top in the form of the sample deck.
Ultimately we want to add in a "tune" button that adds an additional page to allow for running a tuned optimization and seeing the results through that.
[ ] Flag schools claiming more than total enrollment
[x] School table- Indicate if school / group will be reimbursed
[x] Indicate group reimbursement level
[x] Rename overall isp - District-Wide ISP / School ISP
[x] Add group summary including ISP, Reimbursement - show free rate / paid rate on page, What type of reimbursement?
[x] Make Collapsible groups
[x] Indicate Not CEP Eligible for groups
[x] Add footnotes on school data columns: Daily served - how calculated, Total Eligible - direct certification, 180 days, only CEP schools, only federal
[ ] Export to CSV
[x] Save Edit History
[x] Edit Mode
[ ] Edit Mode assumptions, 2% increase on meals served
[ ] allow select Maximization: Reimbursement vs Coverage
Example "deck" presentation will be showing up from our partner. The goal is to make the app have both a landing page with the map and district search, as well as a "detail" view that shows the district's schools, with groupings, as well as the summary data at the top in the form of the sample deck.
Ultimately we want to add in a "tune" button that adds an additional page to allow for running a tuned optimization and seeing the results through that.