opensatelliteproject / metlrpt

Meteor LRPT Decoder (WIP)
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Documentation? #1

Open kuttkutt opened 7 years ago

kuttkutt commented 7 years ago

Hello, I was impressed to find a LRPT decoder for Linux - or at least a project if decoding this on Linux.

Well I have some troubles to get this running.

Is there somewhere a documentation how I can get this running? I assume I have to record the transmission from rtl_fm and then decode it using the phyton script?

Would it be possible that you provide some kind of "how to set-up"?

Thanks in advance and thanks for this amazing project!


racerxdl commented 7 years ago

Hey @kuttkutt thanks!

Actually for now there isn't a documentation because the software isnt fully complete. For now it's missing the JPEG Decompressing part for the images itself. I'm planning to keep finish it after I get some stuff fixed in XRIT Receiver.

But for now you have to use the GNU Radio flow, since it requires the QPSK demodulation as well (the decoder is only for demodulated part, like the .s file LRPT Processor accept).

So at least for final users, its pretty useless (you can test the reception quality, but the images won't be out for now).



kuttkutt commented 7 years ago

Hello Lucas,

I know "basic" how this should work. Well - at least I think I know.

My guess: I record the sat-pass using rtl_fm into a wav file. What should be the paratemters of rtl_fm (bandwith?) Then the QPSK needs to be decoded - this is done by GNU Radio? Do you have some kind of prefered HowTo? (Honestly - I never worked with GNU Radio) And this is later processed by you script/program - right?

I am interested in trying this out on a Raspberry PI 3, so if you need I am offering myself as tester (I work with Debian since 15 years)