Open vegarringdal opened 2 years ago
Think i actually go it working...
Hint to myself for later, if validation works and I need to clean this up..
post.js -> rename addOnPreMain to addOnInit (commented the path and updated exported functions
#! /bin/sh
cp xmlvalidate.c libxml2
cd libxml2
#patch -N < ../
[ -f ./Makefile ] || emconfigure ./ --with-minimum --with-schemas --disable-shared
emmake make
OBJECTS="SAX.o entities.o encoding.o error.o parserInternals.o \
parser.o tree.o hash.o list.o xmlIO.o xmlmemory.o uri.o \
valid.o xlink.o HTMLparser.o HTMLtree.o debugXML.o xpath.o \
xpointer.o xinclude.o nanohttp.o nanoftp.o \
catalog.o globals.o threads.o c14n.o xmlstring.o buf.o \
xmlregexp.o xmlschemas.o xmlschemastypes.o xmlunicode.o \
xmlreader.o relaxng.o dict.o SAX2.o \
xmlwriter.o legacy.o chvalid.o pattern.o xmlsave.o \
xmlmodule.o schematron.o xzlib.o"
emcc -Os xmlvalidate.o $OBJECTS -o xmlvalidate.js -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS='["_validate", "_init", "_malloc", "_free"]' -s EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS='["cwrap"]' -s 'ENVIRONMENT=worker' --pre-js ../pre.js --post-js ../post.js
mv xmlvalidate.wasm xmlvalidate.js ../dist
cd ..
int the of newest libxml2 I added this to xmlCatalog?sources
xmlcatalog_SOURCES=xmlcatalog.c buf.c chvalid.c dict.c entities.c encoding.c error.c xmlmodule.c \
globals.c hash.c list.c parser.c parserInternals.c relaxng.c xmlwriter.c legacy.c pattern.c xmlsave.c schematron.c xzlib.c \
SAX2.c threads.c tree.c uri.c valid.c xmlIO.c xmlschemas.c xmlschemastypes.c xmlunicode.c xmlreader.c \
xmlmemory.c xmlstring.c xmlvalidate.c SAX.c xlink.c HTMLparser.c HTMLtree.c debugXML.c xpath.c xpointer.c xinclude.c nanohttp.c nanoftp.c catalog.c c14n.c xmlregexp.c
feel free to tell me what I could do better :smile:
I tried to make new version of a updated version of libxml2 Did not go well, making old version was ok. but looks like libxml2 have changed.
I just tried to manually add the xmlvalidate.c to libxml2_la_SOURCES in the But no xmlvalidate.o gets generated.
Figured I could ask if you see what is needed, so I get a better start.