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ASE'14 Chunk 4 #84

Closed nave91 closed 9 years ago

nave91 commented 9 years ago

SESSION: Symbolic execution II

Docovery: toward generic automatic document recovery

Tomasz Kuchta, Cristian Cadar, Miguel Castro, Manuel Costa Pages: 563-574 doi>10.1145/2642937.2643004 Full text: PDFPDF

Application crashes and errors that occur while loading a document are one of the most visible defects of consumer software. While documents become corrupted in various ways---from storage media failures to incompatibility across applications to malicious ... expand

Exact and approximate probabilistic symbolic execution for nondeterministic programs

Kasper Luckow, Corina S. Păsăreanu, Matthew B. Dwyer, Antonio Filieri, Willem Visser Pages: 575-586 doi>10.1145/2642937.2643011 Full text: PDFPDF

Probabilistic software analysis seeks to quantify the likelihood of reaching a target event under uncertain environments. Recent approaches compute probabilities of execution paths using symbolic execution, but do not support nondeterminism. Nondeterminism ... expand

Derailer: interactive security analysis for web applications

Joseph P. Near, Daniel Jackson Pages: 587-598 doi>10.1145/2642937.2643012 Full text: PDFPDF

Derailer is an interactive tool for finding security bugs in web applications. Using symbolic execution, it enumerates the ways in which application data might be exposed. The user is asked to examine these exposures and classify the conditions under ... expand

SESSION: Specification and debugging

Tracking down root causes of defects in simulink models

Johanna Schneider Pages: 599-604 doi>10.1145/2642937.2642943 Full text: PDFPDF

Being confronted with a defect in software leads to the well known task: correcting the software such that the defect does not occur anymore. Here, the location of the defect and the corresponding root cause do not have to be identical. Thus, before ... expand

The confidence in our k-tails

Hila Cohen, Shahar Maoz Pages: 605-610 doi>10.1145/2642937.2642944 Full text: PDFPDF

k-Tails is a popular algorithm for extracting a candidate behavioral model from a log of execution traces. The usefulness of k-Tails depends on the quality of its input log, which may include too few traces to build a representative model, or too many ... expand

Localization of concurrency bugs using shared memory access pairs

Wenwen Wang, Zhenjiang Wang, Chenggang Wu, Pen-Chung Yew, Xipeng Shen, Xiang Yuan, Jianjun Li, Xiaobing Feng, Yong Guan Pages: 611-622 doi>10.1145/2642937.2642972 Full text: PDFPDF

We propose an effective approach to automatically localize buggy shared memory accesses that trigger concurrency bugs. Compared to existing approaches, our approach has two advantages. First, as long as enough successful runs of a concurrent program ... expand

Towards self-healing smartphone software via automated patching

Md. Tanzirul Azim, Iulian Neamtiu, Lisa M. Marvel Pages: 623-628 doi>10.1145/2642937.2642955 Full text: PDFPDF

Frequent app bugs and low tolerance for loss of functionality create an impetus for self-healing smartphone software. We take a step towards this via on-the-fly error detection and automated patching. Specifically, we add failure detection and recovery ... expand

Minimal strongly unsatisfiable subsets of reactive system specifications

Shigeki Hagihara, Naoki Egawa, Masaya Shimakawa, Naoki Yonezaki Pages: 629-634 doi>10.1145/2642937.2642968 Full text: PDFPDF

Verifying realizability in the specification phase is expected to reduce the development costs of safety-critical reactive systems. If a specification is not realizable, we must correct the specification. However, it is not always obvious what part of ... expand

SESSION: Transformations II

Droidmarking: resilient software watermarking for impeding android application repackaging

Chuangang Ren, Kai Chen, Peng Liu Pages: 635-646 doi>10.1145/2642937.2642977 Full text: PDFPDF

Software plagiarism in Android markets (app repackaging) is raising serious concerns about the health of the Android ecosystem. Existing app repackaging detection techniques fall short in detection efficiency and in resilience to circumventing attacks; ... expand

From out-place transformation evolution to in-place model patching

Alexander Bergmayr, Javier Troya, Manuel Wimmer Pages: 647-652 doi>10.1145/2642937.2642946 Full text: PDFPDF

Model transformation is a key technique to automate software engineering tasks. Like any other software, transformations are not resilient to change. As changes to transformations can invalidate previously produced models, these changes need to be reflected ... expand

SESSION: Human factors

Using visual dataflow programming for interactive model comparison Rainer Lutz, Stephan Diehl Pages: 653-664 doi>10.1145/2642937.2642984 Full text: PDFPDF

In software engineering the comparison of graph-based models is a well-known problem. Although different comparison metrics have been proposed, there are situations in which automatic or pre-configured approaches do not provide reasonable results. Especially ... expand

NeedFeed: taming change notifications by modeling code relevance

Rohan Padhye, Senthil Mani, Vibha Singhal Sinha Pages: 665-676 doi>10.1145/2642937.2642985 Full text: PDFPDF

Most software development tools allow developers to subscribe to notifications about code checked-in by their team members in order to review changes to artifacts that they are responsible for. However, past user studies have indicated that this mechanism ... expand

Active code search: incorporating user feedback to improve code search relevance

Shaowei Wang, David Lo, Lingxiao Jiang Pages: 677-682 doi>10.1145/2642937.2642947 Full text: PDFPDF

Code search techniques return relevant code fragments given a user query. They typically work in a passive mode: given a user query, a static list of code fragments sorted by the relevance scores decided by a code search technique is returned ... expand

Resilient user interface level tests

Heidar Pirzadeh, Sara Shanian Pages: 683-688 doi>10.1145/2642937.2642954 Full text: PDFPDF

About 60% of the software development cost for online applications is related to developing user interfaces commonly used by the end users to interact with those applications. Frequent small changes to user interfaces (UIs) however easily break about ... expand

Studying task allocation decisions of novice agile teams with data from agile project management tools

Jun Lin, Han Yu, Zhiqi Shen, Chunyan Miao Pages: 689-694 doi>10.1145/2642937.2642959 Full text: PDFPDF

Task allocation decisions are critical for the success of Agile teams yet not well understood. Traditional survey/interview based methods limit the scale and level of details of data collection. As agile project management (APM) tools are increasingly ... expand

PiE: programming in eliza

Xiao Liu, Dinghao Wu Pages: 695-700 doi>10.1145/2642937.2642967 Full text: PDFPDF

Eliza, a primitive example of natural language processing, adopts a rule-based method to conduct simple conversations with people. In this paper, we extend Eliza for a novel application. We propose a system to assist with program synthesis called Programming ... expand

SESSION: Verification

Search-based inference of polynomial metamorphic relations

Jie Zhang, Junjie Chen, Dan Hao, Yingfei Xiong, Bing Xie, Lu Zhang, Hong Mei Pages: 701-712 doi>10.1145/2642937.2642994 Full text: PDFPDF

Metamorphic testing (MT) is an effective methodology for testing those so-called ``non-testable'' programs (e.g., scientific programs), where it is sometimes very difficult for testers to know whether the outputs are correct. In metamorphic testing, ... expand

A dynamic analysis to support object-sharing code refactorings

Girish Maskeri Rama, Raghavan Komondoor Pages: 713-724 doi>10.1145/2642937.2642992 Full text: PDFPDF

Creation of large numbers of co-existing long-lived isomorphic objects increases the memory footprint of applications significantly. In this paper we propose a dynamic-analysis based approach that detects allocation sites that create large numbers of ... expand

Language fuzzing using constraint logic programming

Kyle Dewey, Jared Roesch, Ben Hardekopf Pages: 725-730 doi>10.1145/2642937.2642963 Full text: PDFPDF

Fuzz testing builds confidence in compilers and interpreters. It is desirable for fuzzers to allow targeted generation of programs that showcase specific language features and behaviors. However, the predominant program generation technique used by most ... expand

Tracing software build processes to uncover license compliance inconsistencies

Sander van der Burg, Eelco Dolstra, Shane McIntosh, Julius Davies, Daniel M. German, Armijn Hemel Pages: 731-742 doi>10.1145/2642937.2643013 Full text: PDFPDF

Open Source Software (OSS) components form the basis for many software systems. While the use of OSS components accelerates development, client systems must comply with the license terms of the OSS components that they use. Failure to do so exposes client ... expand

Automatic verification of interactions in asynchronous systems with unbounded buffers

Samik Basu, Tevfik Bultan Pages: 743-754 doi>10.1145/2642937.2643016 Full text: PDFPDF

Asynchronous communication requires message queues to store the messages that are yet to be consumed. Verification of interactions in asynchronously communicating systems is challenging since the sizes of these queues can grow arbitrarily large during ... expand

CarterPape commented 9 years ago

Created all papers as "maybe has data" issues