openscopeproject / TrguiNG

Remote GUI for Transmission torrent daemon
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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appimage, flatpak, rpm or archlinux aur #91

Open rezad1393 opened 1 year ago

rezad1393 commented 1 year ago

I wanted to try this app but it doesn't have a x64 version of bianry for linux (not a deb one).

maybe a flatpak or an appimage would help users like me.

qu1ck commented 9 months ago

Neither of those are what caused the failure. Probably just dbus is missing as dependency in the script.

The other difference is the place where we are downloading the mmdb file from. When I do it manually, i am using your wget command on github, but in the script we downloaded it from somewhere else.

I simply mirrored the mmdb file from to release page in this repo because old db files tend to disappear from the original website making old links invalid.

username227 commented 9 months ago

so probably it needs -ldbus-1 flag or something like that

How do I add this flag? does it go on the "npm run build -- -b" line like this:?? npm run build -- -b -ldbus-1

qu1ck commented 9 months ago

No, that won't work. You probably can add it through defining RUSTFLAGS env variable but you shouldn't have to manually add it, as you say yourself, the manual build works, that means there is some difference in how script environment is setup. Did you try to add dbus to dependencies in the PKGBUILD?

username227 commented 9 months ago

yes, adding dbus as a dependency didn't make a difference. I checked the diff's between the old pkgbuild and the new one...there's absolutely no reason I can think of why it should work when I do it manually but not when I do it through the pkgbuild. I am stumped. Have to get to work though. Will try to look again later. Hopefully in the interim someone on the aur will yell at us that the pkg is broken and tell us the

username227 commented 9 months ago

OK, reddit to the rescue. It appears that it won't link properly with LTO enabled. Using options=('!lto') in the package build seems to solve the problem. Not sure why it worked until now, but whatever.

Before I push out a correction on the AUR, someone claimed that git is missing from makedepends. Should I add this? I wanted your input to see if it was necessary or if it's redundant.

qu1ck commented 9 months ago

Yes, rust uses git to checkout some libs.

Can you open a PR with the changes for the template here?

username227 commented 9 months ago

Yes, rust uses git to checkout some libs. I don't see git on the list of dependencies for rust in arch, so i'll add it just in case.

Can you open a PR with the changes for the template here?

Sure, i'll work on that.

username227 commented 8 months ago

I made a git pkgbuild. I installed it for myself. I am hoping it will auto-update when you make another commit, but i'm not sure. I'll keep an eye out. If it works, I could theoretically publish it. We would just have to make the git version contra to the regular one and vice-versa.

username227 commented 7 months ago

just sharing that everything seems to have worked absolutely flawlessly for the arch package in the latest update!