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Parsing errors in OSHB #88

Open joeldruark opened 2 years ago

joeldruark commented 2 years ago

There look to be some errors in OSHB parsing that need to be corrected.

(1) The following words should be "Sp" instead of "Pp" Judg.13.14.18 lemma="6680" morph="Vpp1cs/Pp3fs" InnerText="צִוִּיתִ֖י/הָ" Judg.13.17.10 lemma="1697" morph="Ncmpc/Pp2ms" InnerText="דברי/ך" Judg.13.17.11 lemma="1697" morph="Ncmsc/Pp2ms" InnerText="דְבָרְ/ךָ֖" Judg.13.23.14 lemma="7200" morph="Vhp3ms/Pp1cp" InnerText="הֶרְאָ֖/נוּ" Judg.14.15.21 lemma="d/l/3423" morph="Td/R/Vqc/Pp1cp" InnerText="הַ/לְ/יָרְשֵׁ֕/נוּ" Ezra.4.2.12 lemma="k" morph="Rd/Pp2mp" InnerText="כָ/כֶ֔ם" Ezra.4.3.11 lemma="c/l" morph="C/Rd/Pp1cp" InnerText="וָ/לָ֔/נוּ" Ezra.4.7.8 lemma="3674" morph="Ncmpc/Pp3ms" InnerText="כנות/ו" Ezra.4.7.9 lemma="3674" morph="Ncmpc/Pp3ms" InnerText="כְּנָוֺתָ֔י/ו" Dan.6.6.14 lemma="5922" morph="R/Pp3ms" InnerText="עֲל֖וֹ/הִי"

(2) In these two instances the lemma field should read "l/935" 1Chr.5.9.4 lemma="935" morph="R/Vqc" InnerText="לְ/ב֣וֹא" 2Chr.26.8.8 lemma="935" morph="R/Vqc" InnerText="לְ/ב֣וֹא"

(3) Finally, it looks all four of these morph tags are completely errant. Jer.23.18.12 lemma="1697" morph="C/Vqw3ms" InnerText="דבר/י". [should be "Ncmsc/Sp1cs"] Jer.23.18.13 lemma="1697" morph="C/Vqw3ms" InnerText="דְּבָר֖/וֹ". [should be "Ncmsc/Sp3ms"] Jer.32.4.21 lemma="5869 a" morph="Td/Aofsa" InnerText="עֵינָ֥י/ו". [should be "Ncbdc/Sp3ms"] Dan.7.6.21 lemma="l" morph="C/Acbsa" InnerText="לַֽ/הּ". [should be "R/Sp3fs"]

rkjtan commented 2 years ago

I think Joel has a typo with added d for the following two cases: Ezra.4.2.12 lemma="k" morph="Rd/Pp2mp" (current erroneous morph is R/Pp2mp) InnerText="כָ/כֶ֔ם" Ezra.4.3.11 lemma="c/l" morph="C/Rd/Pp1cp" (current erroneous morph is C/R/Pp1cp) InnerText="וָ/לָ֔/נוּ" Agree that Pp for both cases should be Sp instead.

The pull request submitted by Jonathan & discussed in Issue #90 also includes the same suggested changes for: 1Chr.5.9.4 lemma="935" morph="R/Vqc" InnerText="לְ/ב֣וֹא" 2Chr.26.8.8 lemma="935" morph="R/Vqc" InnerText="לְ/ב֣וֹא"

jonathanrobie commented 2 years ago

I submitted a pull request here, it also corrects a few items: