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[BUG] Multiple Cluster state objects found in data node's heap snapshot for bulk request #13524

Open anshu1106 opened 2 weeks ago

anshu1106 commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug

While analyzing a heap dump taken on a domain with large no. nodes and 200k shards, it is found that out of 16.1 GB, ~14.7 GB in the retained heap is due to TransportResponseHandlers. The dump is from a data node and there were _bulk queries running in the domain at the time when heap dump was captured.


Expanding TransportResponseHandler


On expanding a ConcurrentHashMap object, it is found that TransportBulkAction$ConcreteIndices is taking ~63 MB. Most of which is taken by ClusterState.

The histogram below shows 215 ClusterState object taking ~11 GB of heap.


The incoming object reference for most of the ClusterState object is TransportBulkAction$ConcreteIndices.


There seem to be a bug in TransportBulkAction path which is creating new ClusterState objects rather than referencing one.

Related component


To Reproduce

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior

There has to be atmost 2 cluster state objects in the domain when updates are going on. TransportBulkAction should not create new ClusterState objects.

Additional Details

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shwetathareja commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks @anshu1106 for filing this issue. It is an interesting one.

shwetathareja commented 2 weeks ago

This looks like due to dynamic mapping, cluster state is changing often and hence that many different objects are present. One thing we should evaluate is instead of passing the whole cluster state what we sub object (indicesLookUp ?) we can pass to ConcreteIndices constructor so that retained heap is not so much until the bulk request is processed.