opensearch-project / opensearch-build

🧰 OpenSearch / OpenSearch-Dashboards Build Systems
Apache License 2.0
136 stars 271 forks source link

[RELEASE] Release version 1.3.1 #1805

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 2 years ago

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Release OpenSearch 1.3.1

I noticed that a manifest was automatically created in manifests/1.3.1. Please follow the following checklist to make a release.

How to use this issue

## This Release Issue This issue captures the state of the OpenSearch release, its assignee is responsible for driving the release. Please contact them or @mention them on this issue for help. There are linked issues on components of the release where individual components can be tracked. More details are included in the Maintainers [Release owner]( section. ## Release Steps There are several steps to the release process, these steps are completed as the whole release and components that are behind present risk to the release. The release owner completes the tasks in this ticket, whereas component owners resolve tasks on their ticket in their repositories. Steps have completion dates for coordinating efforts between the components of a release; components can start as soon as they are ready far in advance of a future release. ### Component List To aid in understanding the state of the release there is a table with status indicating each component state. This is updated based on the status of the component issues.


CI/CD (Feature Freeze) - March 28 2022


REPLACE with OpenSearch wide initiatives to improve quality and consistency.

Code Complete - March 28 2022

Release testing - March 29 2022

Performance testing validation - _Ends REPLACERELEASE-minus-6-days

Release - March 30 2022

Post Release


Replace with links to all component tracking issues.

Component On track Notes

| Symbol | Meaning | | -------- | ---------- | | :green_circle: | On track with overall release | | :yellow_circle: | Missed last milestone | | :red_circle: | Missed multiple milestones |

DarshitChanpura commented 2 years ago

Create a release issue in every component repo that links back to this issue, update Components section with these links.

@gaiksaya I don't see the component issues created yet. Should we wait for those issues to be created or should we follow another plan?

bbarani commented 2 years ago

@DarshitChanpura Patch releases follow light weight process. We will cut component issues only for the impacted plugins.

gaiksaya commented 2 years ago

Release testing

From Docker Release

gaiksaya commented 2 years ago

X64 integ-test:

2022-03-30 03:31:30 INFO     | alerting             | with-security        | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 03:31:30 INFO     | alerting             | without-security     | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 03:31:30 INFO     | anomaly-detection    | with-security        | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 03:31:30 ERROR    | anomaly-detection    | without-security     | FAIL  |    1 |
2022-03-30 03:31:30 INFO     | asynchronous-search  | with-security        | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 03:31:30 INFO     | asynchronous-search  | without-security     | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 03:31:30 INFO     | dashboards-reports   | without-security     | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 03:31:30 INFO     | index-management     | with-security        | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 03:31:30 ERROR    | index-management     | without-security     | FAIL  |    1 |
2022-03-30 03:31:30 INFO     | k-NN                 | with-security        | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 03:31:30 INFO     | k-NN                 | without-security     | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 03:31:30 INFO     | ml-commons           | with-security        | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 03:31:30 INFO     | ml-commons           | without-security     | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 03:31:30 INFO     | sql                  | with-security        | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 03:31:30 INFO     | sql                  | without-security     | PASS  |    0 |

Anomaly detection failure:

2022-03-30 03:01:13 INFO     ===============================================
2022-03-30 03:01:13 INFO     Running integration tests for anomaly-detection
2022-03-30 03:01:13 INFO     ===============================================
2022-03-30 03:01:13 INFO     Executing "/var/jenkins/workspace/integ-test/scripts/default/ -b localhost -p 9200 -s false -v 1.3.1" in /tmp/tmpb2asyn0t/anomaly-detection
2022-03-30 03:16:18 INFO     Recording component test results for anomaly-detection at /var/jenkins/workspace/integ-test/test-results/a11f1fbcc3a2431b9b5e7854b490d684/integ-test/anomaly-detection/without-security/test-results
2022-03-30 03:16:18 INFO     Integration test run failed for component anomaly-detection
2022-03-30 03:16:18 INFO     
REPRODUCE WITH: ./gradlew ':integTest' --tests "" -Dtests.seed=986D0119C80CA82A -Dtests.locale=es-NI -Dtests.timezone=Africa/Lagos

Suite: Test class
  2> REPRODUCE WITH: ./gradlew ':integTest' --tests "" -Dtests.seed=986D0119C80CA82A -Dtests.locale=es-NI -Dtests.timezone=Africa/Lagos
  2> org.junit.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...a point is at least [4 minutes ago, consider changing window delay to at least 4] minutes.> but was:<...a point is at least [5 minutes ago, consider changing window delay to at least 5] minutes.>
        at __randomizedtesting.SeedInfo.seed([986D0119C80CA82A:4C8E0E0DE582A13B]:0)
        at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
        at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
  2> NOTE: leaving temporary files on disk at: /tmp/tmpb2asyn0t/anomaly-detection/build/testrun/integTest/temp/
  2> NOTE: test params are: codec=Lucene87, sim=Asserting(RandomSimilarity(queryNorm=true): {}), locale=es-NI, timezone=Africa/Lagos
  2> NOTE: Linux 4.14.243-185.433.amzn2.x86_64 amd64/Eclipse Foundation 11.0.12 (64-bit)/cpus=16,threads=1,free=245788088,total=536870912
  2> NOTE: All tests run in this JVM: [AnomalyDetectorRestApiIT, HistoricalAnalysisRestApiIT, DetectionResultEvalutationIT]

73 tests completed, 1 failed, 1 skipped

=== Standard output of node `node{::integTest-0}` ===

=== Standard error of node `node{::integTest-0}` ===

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':integTest'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file:///tmp/tmpb2asyn0t/anomaly-detection/build/reports/tests/integTest/index.html

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

BUILD FAILED in 15m 3s

Index management failure:

2022-03-30 01:30:20 INFO     ===============================================
2022-03-30 01:30:20 INFO     Running integration tests for index-management
2022-03-30 01:30:20 INFO     ===============================================
2022-03-30 01:30:20 INFO     Executing "/var/jenkins/workspace/integ-test/scripts/default/ -b localhost -p 9200 -s false -v 1.3.1" in /tmp/tmpb2asyn0t/index-management
2022-03-30 02:02:08 INFO     Recording component test results for index-management at /var/jenkins/workspace/integ-test/test-results/a11f1fbcc3a2431b9b5e7854b490d684/integ-test/index-management/without-security/test-results
2022-03-30 02:02:08 INFO     Integration test run failed for component index-management
2022-03-30 02:02:08 INFO     WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by (file:/usr/share/opensearch/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-compiler-embeddable/1.4.31/6451ea797cef544e81f507b0d9959cd97ae09c0/kotlin-compiler-embeddable-1.4.31.jar) to method java.util.ResourceBundle.setParent(java.util.ResourceBundle)
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release

REPRODUCE WITH: ./gradlew ':integTest' --tests "org.opensearch.indexmanagement.transform.TransformRunnerIT.test no-op execution when no buckets have been modified" -Dtests.seed=FD2BE1ECF7A30D8D -Dtests.locale=es-UY -Dtests.timezone=Asia/Yangon

Suite: Test class org.opensearch.indexmanagement.transform.TransformRunnerIT
  2> REPRODUCE WITH: ./gradlew ':integTest' --tests "org.opensearch.indexmanagement.transform.TransformRunnerIT.test no-op execution when no buckets have been modified" -Dtests.seed=FD2BE1ECF7A30D8D -Dtests.locale=es-UY -Dtests.timezone=Asia/Yangon
  2> java.lang.NullPointerException
        at __randomizedtesting.SeedInfo.seed([FD2BE1ECF7A30D8D:CEA2FA27CF3FAF3B]:0)
        at java.base/java.time.Instant.compareTo(
        at org.opensearch.indexmanagement.transform.TransformRunnerIT$test no-op execution when no buckets have been modified$secondIterationMetadata$1.invoke(TransformRunnerIT.kt:428)
        at org.opensearch.indexmanagement.transform.TransformRunnerIT$test no-op execution when no buckets have been modified$secondIterationMetadata$1.invoke(TransformRunnerIT.kt:30)
        at org.opensearch.indexmanagement.TestHelpersKt.waitFor(TestHelpers.kt:119)
        at org.opensearch.indexmanagement.TestHelpersKt.waitFor$default(TestHelpers.kt:113)
        at org.opensearch.indexmanagement.transform.TransformRunnerIT.test no-op execution when no buckets have been modified(TransformRunnerIT.kt:424)
  2> NOTE: leaving temporary files on disk at: /tmp/tmpb2asyn0t/index-management/build/testrun/integTest/temp/org.opensearch.indexmanagement.transform.TransformRunnerIT_FD2BE1ECF7A30D8D-001
  2> NOTE: test params are: codec=Asserting(Lucene87): {}, docValues:{}, maxPointsInLeafNode=604, maxMBSortInHeap=5.5557374162838356, sim=Asserting(RandomSimilarity(queryNorm=false): {}), locale=es-UY, timezone=Asia/Yangon
  2> NOTE: Linux 4.14.243-185.433.amzn2.x86_64 amd64/Eclipse Foundation 11.0.12 (64-bit)/cpus=16,threads=1,free=204685176,total=536870912
  2> NOTE: All tests run in this JVM: [ManagedIndexRunnerIT, MigrationServicesIT, ActionRetryIT, ActionTimeoutIT, AllocationActionIT, CloseActionIT, DeleteActionIT, ForceMergeActionIT, IndexPriorityActionIT, IndexStateManagementHistoryIT, OpenActionIT, ReadOnlyActionIT, ReadWriteActionIT, ReplicaCountActionIT, RolloverActionIT, RollupActionIT, SnapshotActionIT, TransitionActionIT, ISMTemplateRestAPIIT, IndexStateManagementRestApiIT, RestAddPolicyActionIT, RestChangePolicyActionIT, RestExplainActionIT, RestRemovePolicyActionIT, RestRetryFailedManagedIndexActionIT, ManagedIndexCoordinatorIT, IndexManagementIndicesIT, TransformRunnerIT]

REPRODUCE WITH: ./gradlew ':integTest' --tests "org.opensearch.indexmanagement.transform.resthandler.RestStartTransformActionIT.test starting a finished transform" -Dtests.seed=FD2BE1ECF7A30D8D -Dtests.locale=ar-OM -Dtests.timezone=Brazil/Acre

Suite: Test class org.opensearch.indexmanagement.transform.resthandler.RestStartTransformActionIT
  2> REPRODUCE WITH: ./gradlew ':integTest' --tests "org.opensearch.indexmanagement.transform.resthandler.RestStartTransformActionIT.test starting a finished transform" -Dtests.seed=FD2BE1ECF7A30D8D -Dtests.locale=ar-OM -Dtests.timezone=Brazil/Acre
  2> java.lang.AssertionError: Status should be finished expected:<finished> but was:<started>
        at __randomizedtesting.SeedInfo.seed([FD2BE1ECF7A30D8D:287D9E2912EB2695]:0)
        at org.junit.Assert.failNotEquals(
        at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
        at org.opensearch.indexmanagement.transform.resthandler.RestStartTransformActionIT$test starting a finished transform$2.invoke(RestStartTransformActionIT.kt:196)
        at org.opensearch.indexmanagement.transform.resthandler.RestStartTransformActionIT$test starting a finished transform$2.invoke(RestStartTransformActionIT.kt:26)
        at org.opensearch.indexmanagement.TestHelpersKt.waitFor(TestHelpers.kt:119)
        at org.opensearch.indexmanagement.TestHelpersKt.waitFor$default(TestHelpers.kt:113)
        at org.opensearch.indexmanagement.transform.resthandler.RestStartTransformActionIT.test starting a finished transform(RestStartTransformActionIT.kt:193)
  2> NOTE: leaving temporary files on disk at: /tmp/tmpb2asyn0t/index-management/build/testrun/integTest/temp/org.opensearch.indexmanagement.transform.resthandler.RestStartTransformActionIT_FD2BE1ECF7A30D8D-001
  2> NOTE: test params are: codec=Asserting(Lucene87): {}, docValues:{}, maxPointsInLeafNode=883, maxMBSortInHeap=7.681036291135163, sim=Asserting(RandomSimilarity(queryNorm=true): {}), locale=ar-OM, timezone=Brazil/Acre
  2> NOTE: Linux 4.14.243-185.433.amzn2.x86_64 amd64/Eclipse Foundation 11.0.12 (64-bit)/cpus=16,threads=1,free=384382256,total=536870912
  2> NOTE: All tests run in this JVM: [ManagedIndexRunnerIT, MigrationServicesIT, ActionRetryIT, ActionTimeoutIT, AllocationActionIT, CloseActionIT, DeleteActionIT, ForceMergeActionIT, IndexPriorityActionIT, IndexStateManagementHistoryIT, OpenActionIT, ReadOnlyActionIT, ReadWriteActionIT, ReplicaCountActionIT, RolloverActionIT, RollupActionIT, SnapshotActionIT, TransitionActionIT, ISMTemplateRestAPIIT, IndexStateManagementRestApiIT, RestAddPolicyActionIT, RestChangePolicyActionIT, RestExplainActionIT, RestRemovePolicyActionIT, RestRetryFailedManagedIndexActionIT, ManagedIndexCoordinatorIT, IndexManagementIndicesIT, TransformRunnerIT, RestDeleteTransformActionIT, RestExplainTransformActionIT, RestGetTransformActionIT, RestIndexTransformActionIT, RestPreviewTransformActionIT, RestStartTransformActionIT]

247 tests completed, 2 failed, 6 skipped

=== Standard output of node `node{::integTest-0}` ===

=== Standard error of node `node{::integTest-0}` ===

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':integTest'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file:///tmp/tmpb2asyn0t/index-management/build/reports/tests/integTest/index.html

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

BUILD FAILED in 31m 48s
gaiksaya commented 2 years ago

ARM64 tests:

2022-03-30 05:17:38 INFO     | alerting             | with-security        | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 05:17:38 INFO     | alerting             | without-security     | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 05:17:38 INFO     | anomaly-detection    | with-security        | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 05:17:38 INFO     | anomaly-detection    | without-security     | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 05:17:38 INFO     | asynchronous-search  | with-security        | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 05:17:38 INFO     | asynchronous-search  | without-security     | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 05:17:38 INFO     | dashboards-reports   | without-security     | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 05:17:38 INFO     | index-management     | with-security        | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 05:17:38 INFO     | index-management     | without-security     | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 05:17:38 INFO     | k-NN                 | with-security        | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 05:17:38 INFO     | k-NN                 | without-security     | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 05:17:38 INFO     | ml-commons           | with-security        | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 05:17:38 INFO     | ml-commons           | without-security     | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 05:17:38 INFO     | sql                  | with-security        | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 05:17:38 INFO     | sql                  | without-security     | PASS  |    0 |
kavilla commented 2 years ago

OpenSearch Dashboards (Integ Tests x64 - with-security)

Re-run all tests pass

       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
  │ ✔  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      00:45        4        4        -        -        - │
  │    bucket_level_monitor_spec.js                                                                │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/ap      02:21       20       16        -        4        - │
  │    p_analytics.spec.js                                                                         │
    ✔  All specs passed!                        03:06       24       20        -        4        -  
     Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
  │ ✔  core-opensearch-dashboards/opensear      00:35       34       34        -        -        - │
  │    ch-dashboards/dashboard_sanity_test                                                         │
  │    _spec.js                                                                                    │
  │ ✔  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      01:14        3        3        -        -        - │
  │    acknowledge_alerts_modal_spec.js                                                            │
  │ ✔  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      02:14        5        5        -        -        - │
  │    alert_spec.js                                                                               │
  │ ✔  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      01:23        2        2        -        -        - │
  │    alerts_dashboard_flyout_spec.js                                                             │
  │ ✖  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      01:38        4        3        1        -        - │
  │    bucket_level_monitor_spec.js                                                                │
  │ ✔  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      00:13        4        4        -        -        - │
  │    destination_spec.js                                                                         │
  │ ✔  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      00:17        4        4        -        -        - │
  │    query_level_monitor_spec.js                                                                 │
  │ ✔  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      00:14        1        1        -        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/create_detector_spec.js                                                            │
  │ ✔  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      00:11        8        8        -        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/dashboard_spec.js                                                                  │
  │ ✔  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      00:09        5        5        -        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/detector_configuration_spe                                                         │
  │    c.js                                                                                        │
  │ ✔  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      00:16       11       11        -        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/detector_list_spec.js                                                              │
  │ ✔  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      01:05        6        6        -        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/historical_analysis_spec.j                                                         │
  │    s                                                                                           │
  │ ✔  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      00:10        6        6        -        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/overview_spec.js                                                                   │
  │ ✔  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      00:08        3        3        -        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/real_time_results_spec.js                                                          │
  │ ✔  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      00:16        3        3        -        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/sample_detector_spec.js                                                            │
  │ ✔  plugins/gantt-chart-dashboards/gant      00:28        9        9        -        -        - │
  │    t_ui.spec.js                                                                                │
  │ ✔  plugins/index-management-dashboards      00:17        3        3        -        -        - │
  │    -plugin/indices_spec.js                                                                     │
  │ ✔  plugins/index-management-dashboards      01:01        5        5        -        -        - │
  │    -plugin/managed_indices_spec.js                                                             │
  │ ✔  plugins/index-management-dashboards      00:19        5        5        -        -        - │
  │    -plugin/policies_spec.js                                                                    │
  │ ✔  plugins/index-management-dashboards      00:29        4        4        -        -        - │
  │    -plugin/rollups_spec.js                                                                     │
  │ ✔  plugins/index-management-dashboards      00:20        4        4        -        -        - │
  │    -plugin/transforms_spec.js                                                                  │
  │ ✖  plugins/observability-dashboards/ap      03:17       20       15        1        4        - │
  │    p_analytics.spec.js                                                                         │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/ev      01:44       24       22        -        2        - │
  │    ent_analytics.spec.js                                                                       │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/no      04:13       28       26        -        2        - │
  │    tebooks.spec.js                                                                             │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/pa      07:11       26       26        -        -        - │
  │    nels.spec.js                                                                                │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/tr      00:39        8        4        -        4        - │
  │    ace_analytics_dashboard.spec.js                                                             │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/tr      00:29        6        5        -        1        - │
  │    ace_analytics_services.spec.js                                                              │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/tr      00:29        5        5        -        -        - │
  │    ace_analytics_traces.spec.js                                                                │
  │ ✔  plugins/query-workbench-dashboards/      01:22       20       20        -        -        - │
  │    ui.spec.js                                                                                  │
  │ ✔  plugins/reports-dashboards/01-creat      04:08       14       14        -        -        - │
  │    e.spec.js                                                                                   │
  │ ✔  plugins/reports-dashboards/02-edit.      01:21        3        3        -        -        - │
  │    spec.js                                                                                     │
  │ ✔  plugins/reports-dashboards/03-detai      01:57        6        6        -        -        - │
  │    ls.spec.js                                                                                  │
  │ ✔  plugins/reports-dashboards/04-downl      01:16        5        5        -        -        - │
  │    oad.spec.js                                                                                 │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/audit_log_spec.js       00:06        4        4        -        -        - │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/auth_spec.js            00:04        2        2        -        -        - │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/get_started_spec.j      00:11        8        8        -        -        - │
  │    s                                                                                           │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/internalusers_spec      00:07        4        4        -        -        - │
  │    .js                                                                                         │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/permissions_spec.j      00:11        5        5        -        -        - │
  │    s                                                                                           │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/roles_spec.js           00:11        4        4        -        -        - │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/tenants_spec.js         00:10        2        2        -        -        - │
    ✖  2 of 40 failed (5%)                      42:23      323      308        2       13        -  

OpenSearch Dashboards (Integ Tests x64 - without-security)

Re-run 3:

       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
  │ ✔  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      00:09        5        5        -        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/detector_configuration_spe                                                         │
  │    c.js                                                                                        │
  │ ✔  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      00:07        6        6        -        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/overview_spec.js                                                                   │
  │ ✖  plugins/reports-dashboards/04-downl      05:44        5        -        5        -        - │
  │    oad.spec.js                                                                                 │
    ✖  1 of 3 failed (33%)                      06:01       16       11        5        -        -  

Re-run 2:

       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
  │ ✖  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      01:07        5        4        1        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/detector_configuration_spe                                                         │
  │    c.js                                                                                        │
  │ ✖  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      02:05        6        4        2        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/overview_spec.js                                                                   │
  │ ✖  plugins/reports-dashboards/04-downl      01:50        5        4        1        -        - │
  │    oad.spec.js                                                                                 │
    ✖  3 of 3 failed (100%)                     05:03       16       12        4        -        -  

Re-run 1:

       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
  │ ✔  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      01:15        3        3        -        -        - │
  │    acknowledge_alerts_modal_spec.js                                                            │
  │ ✖  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      00:14        1        -        1        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/create_detector_spec.js                                                            │
  │ ✖  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      01:07        5        4        1        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/detector_configuration_spe                                                         │
  │    c.js                                                                                        │
  │ ✖  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      02:05        6        4        2        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/overview_spec.js                                                                   │
  │ ✔  plugins/index-management-dashboards      00:17        3        3        -        -        - │
  │    -plugin/indices_spec.js                                                                     │
  │ ✖  plugins/reports-dashboards/04-downl      02:50        5        3        2        -        - │
  │    oad.spec.js                                                                                 │
    ✖  4 of 6 failed (67%)                      07:50       23       17        6        -        -  
       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
  │ ✔  core-opensearch-dashboards/opensear      00:33       34       34        -        -        - │
  │    ch-dashboards/dashboard_sanity_test                                                         │
  │    _spec.js                                                                                    │
  │ ✖  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      02:36        3        1        2        -        - │
  │    acknowledge_alerts_modal_spec.js                                                            │
  │ ✔  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      02:13        5        5        -        -        - │
  │    alert_spec.js                                                                               │
  │ ✔  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      01:19        2        2        -        -        - │
  │    alerts_dashboard_flyout_spec.js                                                             │
  │ ✔  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      00:39        4        4        -        -        - │
  │    bucket_level_monitor_spec.js                                                                │
  │ ✔  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      00:12        4        4        -        -        - │
  │    destination_spec.js                                                                         │
  │ ✔  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      00:15        4        4        -        -        - │
  │    query_level_monitor_spec.js                                                                 │
  │ ✖  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      00:14        1        -        1        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/create_detector_spec.js                                                            │
  │ ✔  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      00:09        8        8        -        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/dashboard_spec.js                                                                  │
  │ ✖  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      01:07        5        4        1        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/detector_configuration_spe                                                         │
  │    c.js                                                                                        │
  │ ✔  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      00:14       11       11        -        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/detector_list_spec.js                                                              │
  │ ✔  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      01:04        6        6        -        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/historical_analysis_spec.j                                                         │
  │    s                                                                                           │
  │ ✖  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      02:08        6        4        2        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/overview_spec.js                                                                   │
  │ ✔  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      00:07        3        3        -        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/real_time_results_spec.js                                                          │
  │ ✔  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      00:13        3        3        -        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/sample_detector_spec.js                                                            │
  │ ✔  plugins/gantt-chart-dashboards/gant      00:29        9        9        -        -        - │
  │    t_ui.spec.js                                                                                │
  │ ✖  plugins/index-management-dashboards      01:16        3        2        1        -        - │
  │    -plugin/indices_spec.js                                                                     │
  │ ✔  plugins/index-management-dashboards      01:01        5        5        -        -        - │
  │    -plugin/managed_indices_spec.js                                                             │
  │ ✔  plugins/index-management-dashboards      00:19        5        5        -        -        - │
  │    -plugin/policies_spec.js                                                                    │
  │ ✔  plugins/index-management-dashboards      00:33        4        4        -        -        - │
  │    -plugin/rollups_spec.js                                                                     │
  │ ✔  plugins/index-management-dashboards      00:22        4        4        -        -        - │
  │    -plugin/transforms_spec.js                                                                  │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/ap      02:39       20       16        -        4        - │
  │    p_analytics.spec.js                                                                         │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/ev      01:46       24       22        -        2        - │
  │    ent_analytics.spec.js                                                                       │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/no      04:09       28       26        -        2        - │
  │    tebooks.spec.js                                                                             │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/pa      07:09       26       26        -        -        - │
  │    nels.spec.js                                                                                │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/tr      00:38        8        4        -        4        - │
  │    ace_analytics_dashboard.spec.js                                                             │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/tr      00:29        6        5        -        1        - │
  │    ace_analytics_services.spec.js                                                              │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/tr      00:30        5        5        -        -        - │
  │    ace_analytics_traces.spec.js                                                                │
  │ ✔  plugins/query-workbench-dashboards/      01:22       20       20        -        -        - │
  │    ui.spec.js                                                                                  │
  │ ✔  plugins/reports-dashboards/01-creat      04:09       14       14        -        -        - │
  │    e.spec.js                                                                                   │
  │ ✔  plugins/reports-dashboards/02-edit.      01:21        3        3        -        -        - │
  │    spec.js                                                                                     │
  │ ✔  plugins/reports-dashboards/03-detai      01:57        6        6        -        -        - │
  │    ls.spec.js                                                                                  │
  │ ✖  plugins/reports-dashboards/04-downl      01:16        5        4        1        -        - │
  │    oad.spec.js                                                                                 │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/audit_log_spec.js         1ms        -        -        -        -        - │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/auth_spec.js              1ms        -        -        -        -        - │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/get_started_spec.j        1ms        -        -        -        -        - │
  │    s                                                                                           │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/internalusers_spec        2ms        -        -        -        -        - │
  │    .js                                                                                         │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/permissions_spec.j        1ms        -        -        -        -        - │
  │    s                                                                                           │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/roles_spec.js             1ms        -        -        -        -        - │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/tenants_spec.js           1ms        -        -        -        -        - │
    ✖  6 of 40 failed (15%)                     44:43      294      273        8       13        -  

OpenSearch Dashboards (Integ Tests arm64 - with-security)

       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
  │ ✔  core-opensearch-dashboards/opensear      00:37       34       34        -        -        - │
  │    ch-dashboards/dashboard_sanity_test                                                         │
  │    _spec.js                                                                                    │
  │ ✔  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      01:19        3        3        -        -        - │
  │    acknowledge_alerts_modal_spec.js                                                            │
  │ ✔  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      02:17        5        5        -        -        - │
  │    alert_spec.js                                                                               │
  │ ✔  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      01:23        2        2        -        -        - │
  │    alerts_dashboard_flyout_spec.js                                                             │
  │ ✖  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      01:41        4        3        1        -        - │
  │    bucket_level_monitor_spec.js                                                                │
  │ ✔  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      00:15        4        4        -        -        - │
  │    destination_spec.js                                                                         │
  │ ✔  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      00:20        4        4        -        -        - │
  │    query_level_monitor_spec.js                                                                 │
  │ ✔  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      00:15        1        1        -        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/create_detector_spec.js                                                            │
  │ ✖  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      04:15        8        4        4        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/dashboard_spec.js                                                                  │
  │ ✔  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      00:12        5        5        -        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/detector_configuration_spe                                                         │
  │    c.js                                                                                        │
  │ ✖  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      03:22       11        8        3        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/detector_list_spec.js                                                              │
  │ ✔  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      01:09        6        6        -        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/historical_analysis_spec.j                                                         │
  │    s                                                                                           │
  │ ✔  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      00:12        6        6        -        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/overview_spec.js                                                                   │
  │ ✖  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      01:10        3        2        1        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/real_time_results_spec.js                                                          │
  │ ✖  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      03:07        3        -        3        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/sample_detector_spec.js                                                            │
  │ ✔  plugins/gantt-chart-dashboards/gant      00:35        9        9        -        -        - │
  │    t_ui.spec.js                                                                                │
  │ ✔  plugins/index-management-dashboards      00:21        3        3        -        -        - │
  │    -plugin/indices_spec.js                                                                     │
  │ ✔  plugins/index-management-dashboards      01:04        5        5        -        -        - │
  │    -plugin/managed_indices_spec.js                                                             │
  │ ✔  plugins/index-management-dashboards      00:22        5        5        -        -        - │
  │    -plugin/policies_spec.js                                                                    │
  │ ✔  plugins/index-management-dashboards      00:37        4        4        -        -        - │
  │    -plugin/rollups_spec.js                                                                     │
  │ ✔  plugins/index-management-dashboards      00:24        4        4        -        -        - │
  │    -plugin/transforms_spec.js                                                                  │
  │ ✖  plugins/observability-dashboards/ap      06:48       20       12        4        4        - │
  │    p_analytics.spec.js                                                                         │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/ev      01:55       24       22        -        2        - │
  │    ent_analytics.spec.js                                                                       │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/no      04:42       28       26        -        2        - │
  │    tebooks.spec.js                                                                             │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/pa      07:23       26       26        -        -        - │
  │    nels.spec.js                                                                                │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/tr      00:52        8        4        -        4        - │
  │    ace_analytics_dashboard.spec.js                                                             │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/tr      00:35        6        5        -        1        - │
  │    ace_analytics_services.spec.js                                                              │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/tr      00:32        5        5        -        -        - │
  │    ace_analytics_traces.spec.js                                                                │
  │ ✔  plugins/query-workbench-dashboards/      01:28       20       20        -        -        - │
  │    ui.spec.js                                                                                  │
  │ ✔  plugins/reports-dashboards/01-creat      04:14       14       14        -        -        - │
  │    e.spec.js                                                                                   │
  │ ✔  plugins/reports-dashboards/02-edit.      01:22        3        3        -        -        - │
  │    spec.js                                                                                     │
  │ ✔  plugins/reports-dashboards/03-detai      01:59        6        6        -        -        - │
  │    ls.spec.js                                                                                  │
  │ ✖  plugins/reports-dashboards/04-downl      01:17        5        4        1        -        - │
  │    oad.spec.js                                                                                 │
  │ ✖  plugins/security/audit_log_spec.js       00:07        4        1        3        -        - │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/auth_spec.js            00:04        2        2        -        -        - │
  │ ✖  plugins/security/get_started_spec.j      00:09        8        7        1        -        - │
  │    s                                                                                           │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/internalusers_spec      00:07        4        4        -        -        - │
  │    .js                                                                                         │
  │ ✖  plugins/security/permissions_spec.j      01:10        5        3        2        -        - │
  │    s                                                                                           │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/roles_spec.js           00:06        4        4        -        -        - │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/tenants_spec.js         00:05        2        2        -        -        - │
    ✖  10 of 40 failed (25%)                  1:00:10      323      287       23       13        -  

OpenSearch Dashboards (Integ Tests arm64 - without-security)

       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
  │ ✔  core-opensearch-dashboards/opensear      00:34       34       34        -        -        - │
  │    ch-dashboards/dashboard_sanity_test                                                         │
  │    _spec.js                                                                                    │
  │ ✖  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      02:41        3        1        2        -        - │
  │    acknowledge_alerts_modal_spec.js                                                            │
  │ ✔  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      02:15        5        5        -        -        - │
  │    alert_spec.js                                                                               │
  │ ✔  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      01:23        2        2        -        -        - │
  │    alerts_dashboard_flyout_spec.js                                                             │
  │ ✔  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      00:49        4        4        -        -        - │
  │    bucket_level_monitor_spec.js                                                                │
  │ ✔  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      00:13        4        4        -        -        - │
  │    destination_spec.js                                                                         │
  │ ✔  plugins/alerting-dashboards-plugin/      00:18        4        4        -        -        - │
  │    query_level_monitor_spec.js                                                                 │
  │ ✖  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      00:15        1        -        1        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/create_detector_spec.js                                                            │
  │ ✖  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      04:12        8        4        4        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/dashboard_spec.js                                                                  │
  │ ✖  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      01:03        5        -        1        -        4 │
  │    s-plugin/detector_configuration_spe                                                         │
  │    c.js                                                                                        │
  │ ✖  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      03:20       11        7        4        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/detector_list_spec.js                                                              │
  │ ✖  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      01:03        6        -        1        -        5 │
  │    s-plugin/historical_analysis_spec.j                                                         │
  │    s                                                                                           │
  │ ✖  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      02:10        6        4        2        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/overview_spec.js                                                                   │
  │ ✖  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      01:03        3        -        1        -        2 │
  │    s-plugin/real_time_results_spec.js                                                          │
  │ ✖  plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboard      03:07        3        -        3        -        - │
  │    s-plugin/sample_detector_spec.js                                                            │
  │ ✔  plugins/gantt-chart-dashboards/gant      00:34        9        9        -        -        - │
  │    t_ui.spec.js                                                                                │
  │ ✖  plugins/index-management-dashboards      01:18        3        2        1        -        - │
  │    -plugin/indices_spec.js                                                                     │
  │ ✔  plugins/index-management-dashboards      01:01        5        5        -        -        - │
  │    -plugin/managed_indices_spec.js                                                             │
  │ ✔  plugins/index-management-dashboards      00:20        5        5        -        -        - │
  │    -plugin/policies_spec.js                                                                    │
  │ ✔  plugins/index-management-dashboards      00:36        4        4        -        -        - │
  │    -plugin/rollups_spec.js                                                                     │
  │ ✔  plugins/index-management-dashboards      00:23        4        4        -        -        - │
  │    -plugin/transforms_spec.js                                                                  │
  │ ✖  plugins/observability-dashboards/ap      04:39       20       14        2        4        - │
  │    p_analytics.spec.js                                                                         │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/ev      01:54       24       22        -        2        - │
  │    ent_analytics.spec.js                                                                       │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/no      04:39       28       26        -        2        - │
  │    tebooks.spec.js                                                                             │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/pa      07:22       26       26        -        -        - │
  │    nels.spec.js                                                                                │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/tr      00:47        8        4        -        4        - │
  │    ace_analytics_dashboard.spec.js                                                             │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/tr      00:34        6        5        -        1        - │
  │    ace_analytics_services.spec.js                                                              │
  │ ✔  plugins/observability-dashboards/tr      00:32        5        5        -        -        - │
  │    ace_analytics_traces.spec.js                                                                │
  │ ✔  plugins/query-workbench-dashboards/      01:27       20       20        -        -        - │
  │    ui.spec.js                                                                                  │
  │ ✔  plugins/reports-dashboards/01-creat      04:13       14       14        -        -        - │
  │    e.spec.js                                                                                   │
  │ ✔  plugins/reports-dashboards/02-edit.      01:22        3        3        -        -        - │
  │    spec.js                                                                                     │
  │ ✔  plugins/reports-dashboards/03-detai      01:58        6        6        -        -        - │
  │    ls.spec.js                                                                                  │
  │ ✖  plugins/reports-dashboards/04-downl      01:17        5        4        1        -        - │
  │    oad.spec.js                                                                                 │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/audit_log_spec.js         2ms        -        -        -        -        - │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/auth_spec.js              1ms        -        -        -        -        - │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/get_started_spec.j        2ms        -        -        -        -        - │
  │    s                                                                                           │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/internalusers_spec        2ms        -        -        -        -        - │
  │    .js                                                                                         │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/permissions_spec.j        2ms        -        -        -        -        - │
  │    s                                                                                           │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/roles_spec.js             2ms        -        -        -        -        - │
  │ ✔  plugins/security/tenants_spec.js           2ms        -        -        -        -        - │
    ✖  12 of 40 failed (30%)                    59:40      294      247       23       13       11  
gaiksaya commented 2 years ago

Reran X64 tests looks like tests were flaky. Everything looks good now:

2022-03-30 07:10:20 INFO     | alerting             | with-security        | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 07:10:20 INFO     | alerting             | without-security     | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 07:10:20 INFO     | anomaly-detection    | with-security        | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 07:10:20 INFO     | anomaly-detection    | without-security     | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 07:10:20 INFO     | asynchronous-search  | with-security        | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 07:10:20 INFO     | asynchronous-search  | without-security     | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 07:10:20 INFO     | dashboards-reports   | without-security     | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 07:10:20 INFO     | index-management     | with-security        | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 07:10:20 INFO     | index-management     | without-security     | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 07:10:20 INFO     | k-NN                 | with-security        | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 07:10:20 INFO     | k-NN                 | without-security     | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 07:10:20 INFO     | ml-commons           | with-security        | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 07:10:20 INFO     | ml-commons           | without-security     | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 07:10:20 INFO     | sql                  | with-security        | PASS  |    0 |
2022-03-30 07:10:20 INFO     | sql                  | without-security     | PASS  |    0 |
kavilla commented 2 years ago

Test failure due to flakiness of the test. Reran locally working fine.

cc: @joshuali925

peterzhuamazon commented 2 years ago

Install core plugins:

$ ./opensearch-plugin install repository-s3
-> Installing repository-s3
-> Downloading repository-s3 from opensearch
[=================================================] 100%
@     WARNING: plugin requires additional permissions     @
* java.lang.RuntimePermission accessDeclaredMembers
* java.lang.RuntimePermission getClassLoader
* java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission suppressAccessChecks
* setDefaultAuthenticator
* * connect,resolve
* java.util.PropertyPermission opensearch.allow_insecure_settings read,write
for descriptions of what these permissions allow and the associated risks.

Continue with installation? [y/N]y
-> Installed repository-s3 with folder name repository-s3
peterzhuamazon commented 2 years ago

Arm64 docker:

$ curl https://localhost:9200/ -u admin:admin --insecure
  "name" : "opensearch-node1",
  "cluster_name" : "opensearch-cluster",
  "cluster_uuid" : "teJylxlBQVKqXt_doKdSxQ",
  "version" : {
    "distribution" : "opensearch",
    "number" : "1.3.1",
    "build_type" : "tar",
    "build_hash" : "c4c0672877bf0f787ca857c7c37b775967f93d81",
    "build_date" : "2022-03-29T18:35:30.372094Z",
    "build_snapshot" : false,
    "lucene_version" : "8.10.1",
    "minimum_wire_compatibility_version" : "6.8.0",
    "minimum_index_compatibility_version" : "6.0.0-beta1"
  "tagline" : "The OpenSearch Project:"
$ uname -a
Linux <>.<> 4.14.268-205.500.amzn2.aarch64 #1 SMP Wed Mar 2 18:38:29 UTC 2022 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux
$ curl https://localhost:9200/_cat/plugins?v -u admin:admin --insecure
name             component                            version
opensearch-node1 opensearch-alerting        
opensearch-node1 opensearch-anomaly-detection
opensearch-node1 opensearch-asynchronous-search
opensearch-node1 opensearch-cross-cluster-replication
opensearch-node1 opensearch-index-management
opensearch-node1 opensearch-job-scheduler   
opensearch-node1 opensearch-knn             
opensearch-node1 opensearch-ml              
opensearch-node1 opensearch-observability   
opensearch-node1 opensearch-performance-analyzer
opensearch-node1 opensearch-reports-scheduler
opensearch-node1 opensearch-security        
opensearch-node1 opensearch-sql             
opensearch-node2 opensearch-alerting        
opensearch-node2 opensearch-anomaly-detection
opensearch-node2 opensearch-asynchronous-search
opensearch-node2 opensearch-cross-cluster-replication
opensearch-node2 opensearch-index-management
opensearch-node2 opensearch-job-scheduler   
opensearch-node2 opensearch-knn             
opensearch-node2 opensearch-ml              
opensearch-node2 opensearch-observability   
opensearch-node2 opensearch-performance-analyzer
opensearch-node2 opensearch-reports-scheduler
opensearch-node2 opensearch-security        
opensearch-node2 opensearch-sql             
gaiksaya commented 2 years ago

x64 tarball:

% ./opensearch-plugin install discovery-ec2
-> Installing discovery-ec2
-> Downloading discovery-ec2 from opensearch
[=================================================] 100%
@     WARNING: plugin requires additional permissions     @
* java.lang.RuntimePermission accessDeclaredMembers
* java.lang.RuntimePermission getClassLoader
* java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission suppressAccessChecks
* * connect,resolve
for descriptions of what these permissions allow and the associated risks.

Continue with installation? [y/N]y
-> Installed discovery-ec2 with folder name discovery-ec2

% curl https://localhost:9200/_cat/plugins -u admin:admin --insecure opensearch-alerting         opensearch-anomaly-detection opensearch-asynchronous-search opensearch-cross-cluster-replication opensearch-index-management opensearch-job-scheduler    opensearch-knn              opensearch-ml               opensearch-observability    opensearch-performance-analyzer opensearch-reports-scheduler opensearch-security         opensearch-sql             
peterzhuamazon commented 2 years ago

Maven: image

gaiksaya commented 2 years ago

OpenSearch 1.3.1 is released and available for public use. Working on post release activities

gaiksaya commented 2 years ago

All the post release activities have been completed. closing this issue. Thanks!

dblock commented 2 years ago

I see tags, but don't see 1.3.1 releases anywhere on GitHub, checked,,, ... Note that doesn't have a 1.3.0 release either.

dblock commented 2 years ago

The release notes, only mention 1 plugin, including a version bump in it, but no version bump changes in any other plugins/no release notes for them?


Expected: Versions are consistent on website, github, docker, etc and there are changenotes and a news item on the website on the focus of the release.

bbarani commented 2 years ago

@dblock We do not add all the version bump related notes to the consolidated release notes for patch releases. We only add the release notes of the plugins that had changes.

dblock commented 2 years ago

@dblock We do not add all the version bump related notes to the consolidated release notes for patch releases. We only add the release notes of the plugins that had changes.

That's fair, I was just confused because 1 plugin had that in the release notes, and the others didn't. I am still confused :)

dblock commented 2 years ago

@gaiksaya Care to comment on

bbarani commented 2 years ago

Ml-commons and security plugin changes were included in 1.3.1 and looks like @gaiksaya copied the entire release notes from here.

bbarani commented 2 years ago

@gaiksaya Care to comment on #1805 (comment)?

The automated tagging tool currently creates tags only but we will enhance it to create releases as well. Also, the teams doesn't seem to follow the process of creating releases prior to automating tag creation process as well. They were only creating tags manually after releases and not releases itself (Ex:

gaiksaya commented 2 years ago

We have created issue to address the above releases on GH concern:

zelinh commented 2 years ago

Closing this issue now.