Feedback on documentation on misc client documentation:
[ ] 20230325 | /docs/latest/clients/java/ | the code doesn't compile, the library versions are inaccurate.
[ ] 20230326 | /docs/latest/clients/go/ | Example of how to use APIs which are not defined in the go client is not given. For example I want to hit an api not present in the API? how can I do that? It is not present
[ ] 20230328 | /docs/2.3/clients/java/ | Please provide complete API documentation
[ ] /docs/2.6/clients/java/ | Java client 2.6 document didn't update for new api. for example: IndexSettingsBody cannot found this class in java
[ ] 20230424 | /docs/latest/clients/java-rest-high-level/ | Graddle setup is not shown
[ ] 20230524 | /docs/latest/clients/java/ | searchafter, scroll method usage is not mentioned
[ ] 20230621 | /docs/latest/clients/OpenSearch-dot-net/ | example of multi match and a query and filter combined
[ ] 20231016 | /docs/latest/clients/java/ | AWS examples do not show imports, and no information is provided on which dependencies are required to use the code in the AWS examples.
[ ] 20231222 | /docs/latest/clients/java/ | Would be more helpful if you showed a filtered search with passed in criteria instead of fetching all records from a specific index. Ie search for records where name is "Bruce"
[ ] 20230817 | /docs/latest/clients/java/ | bulk example not found online easily
[ ] 20230830 | /docs/latest/clients/java/ | Needs migration steps from high level client
[ ] 20230914 | /docs/latest/clients/java/ | the sample code is invalid; syntax errors.
[ ] 20230915 | /docs/2.9/clients/python-low-level/ | Needs to document how to send a REST request to the cluster
[ ] 20230924 | /docs/2.9/clients/java/ | This is so basic. It only shows the happy path. How do I configure a data stream to allow custom routing via the Java client?
[ ] 20230925 | /docs/latest/clients/javascript/index/ | what do the calls return?
[ ] 20230927 | /docs/latest/clients/java/ | You have "https" set as the host name parameter when that should be the scheme when initializing the OpenSearch client. It's only correctly flipped in the sample program.
[ ] 20231005 | /docs/latest/clients/java/ | i am getting error while using Initializing the client with SSL and TLS enabled using RestClient Transport,Error : Initializing the client with SSL and TLS enabled using RestClient Transport. i am using opensearch 1.3
[ ] 20231008 | /docs/latest/clients/java/ | I found one issue, I'm not sure. sslcontext is not used. I wonder why?
[ ] 20231012 | /docs/latest/clients/go/ | How am i supposed to read the response body? You just call defer deleteIndexResponse.Body.Clos"e() - and print. Actually parse the data."
2024 data
[ ] 20240103 | /docs/latest/clients/java/ | Example code didn't work because IndexData class couldn't be found. Also, couldn't build this in a working example because of a missing dependency on Jakarta json-api which is not documented here.
[ ] 20240103 | /docs/latest/clients/java/ | Improve documentation on querying part
[ ] 20240318 | /docs/2.5/clients/javascript/helpers/ | Missing java example
[ ] 20240415 | /docs/latest/clients/java-rest-high-level/ | I want to see the code for the implementation.
[ ] 20240424 | /docs/latest/clients/java/ | Samples doesn't work as is
[ ] 20240521 | /docs/latest/clients/java/ | Is there a getrequest example? Or do we always have to use search?
[ ] 20240527 | /docs/latest/clients/java/ | Not enough complexity to the search query to help
[ ] 20240604 | /docs/latest/clients/java/ | how to batch insert?0240515 | /docs/latest/clients/javascript/helpers/ | there is no example for readable stream of strings which is needed in my case
[ ] 20240426 | /docs/latest/clients/javascript/index/ | You need to add documentation for the connection for nestJS
[ ] 20240131 | /docs/latest/clients/OSC-dot-net/ | The method shown here to establish connection with OpenSearch on local does not work.
[ ] 20240131 | /docs/latest/clients/OSC-dot-net/ | Unable to connect to OpenSearch running locally using C# .NET Core client.
[ ] 20240118 | /docs/latest/clients/php/ | You missed setHosts for Connecting to Amazon OpenSearch Service and Connecting to Amazon OpenSearch Serverless
[ ] 20240610 | /docs/latest/clients/php/ | In Connecting to Amazon OpenSearch Service setp setHosts with cluster domain is missing
[ ] 20240430 | /docs/latest/clients/python-high-level/ | Code is missing in # Delete the document.
[ ] 20240610 | /docs/latest/clients/python-low-level/ | there is no detailed list of api methods and functions which are required for development purpose
[ ] 20240605 | /docs/latest/clients/python-low-level/ | I am trying to figure out if the python client is thread safe, and it is not specified here.
[ ] 20240228 | /docs/latest/clients/ | I need scala client
[ ] 20240222 | /docs/latest/clients/go/ | Sample program has errors when run
What is the bug?
Feedback on documentation on misc client documentation: