opensearch-project / opensearch-java

Java Client for OpenSearch
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[BUG] BulkRequest with scripted noop upsert UpdateOperation fails with "missing required property" #1042

Closed BrendonFaleiro closed 3 days ago

BrendonFaleiro commented 1 week ago

What is the bug?

Similar to Elasticsearch bug: When you do a scripted upsert with a script that does a "noop", there is no source in the response. But the InlineGet has source as a required field.

A bulk request with an update operation set to do scripted upsert where the script chooses to set ctx.op = 'none' currently fails with

Missing required property 'InlineGet.source': org.opensearch.client.util.MissingRequiredPropertyException
org.opensearch.client.util.MissingRequiredPropertyException: Missing required property 'InlineGet.source'
    at org.opensearch.client.util.ApiTypeHelper.requireNonNull(
    at org.opensearch.client.opensearch._types.InlineGet.<init>(
    at org.opensearch.client.opensearch._types.InlineGet.<init>(
    at org.opensearch.client.opensearch._types.InlineGet$
    at org.opensearch.client.opensearch._types.InlineGet$
    at org.opensearch.client.json.ObjectBuilderDeserializer.deserialize(
    at org.opensearch.client.json.ObjectDeserializer$FieldObjectDeserializer.deserialize(
    at org.opensearch.client.json.ObjectDeserializer.deserialize(
    at org.opensearch.client.json.ObjectDeserializer.deserialize(
    at org.opensearch.client.json.ObjectBuilderDeserializer.deserialize(
    at org.opensearch.client.json.DelegatingDeserializer$SameType.deserialize(
    at org.opensearch.client.json.JsonpDeserializerBase$ArrayDeserializer.deserialize(
    at org.opensearch.client.json.JsonpDeserializerBase$ArrayDeserializer.deserialize(
    at org.opensearch.client.json.JsonpDeserializer.deserialize(
    at org.opensearch.client.json.ObjectDeserializer$FieldObjectDeserializer.deserialize(
    at org.opensearch.client.json.ObjectDeserializer.deserialize(
    at org.opensearch.client.json.ObjectDeserializer.deserialize(
    at org.opensearch.client.json.JsonpDeserializer.deserialize(
    at org.opensearch.client.json.ObjectBuilderDeserializer.deserialize(
    at org.opensearch.client.json.DelegatingDeserializer$SameType.deserialize(

How can one reproduce the bug?

BulkResponse response = client.bulk(
        BulkRequest.of(bulkRequest -> bulkRequest
                .operations(bulkOperation -> bulkOperation
                        .update(updateOperation -> updateOperation
                            .script(new Script.Builder()
                                .inline(new InlineScript.Builder()
                                    .source("ctx.op = 'none';")

What is the expected behavior?

This should succeed.

The response from Opensearch that reaches the Transport is

    "took": 2,
    "errors": false,
    "items": [{
        "update": {
            "_index": "test-index",
            "_id": "myId",
            "_version": -1,
            "result": "noop",
            "_shards": {
                "total": 3,
                "successful": 3,
                "failed": 0
            "get": {
                "found": false
            "status": 200

Do you have any additional context?

Similar to Elasticsearch bug:

BrendonFaleiro commented 1 week ago

I think this will also require a change in the api spec:

dblock commented 1 week ago

I think this will also require a change in the api spec:

Yes, please! With a test.

BrendonFaleiro commented 1 week ago


With a test.

Did you mean in opensearch-java or in the api-spec? I have added a commit with the test.

I have sent the following requests:

Please let me know if anything else needs to be done.

BrendonFaleiro commented 1 week ago

Closed the previous pull requests. Here are the updated requests:

dblock commented 1 week ago

Closed the previous pull requests.

You can amend and force push btw, less work.

Xtansia commented 3 days ago

This fix was released in v2.11.1