opensearch-project / opensearch-k8s-operator

OpenSearch Kubernetes Operator
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Handle array for ismTemplate in ISMPolicy opensearch API #742

Closed cthtrifork closed 4 months ago

cthtrifork commented 4 months ago


Change from

ISMTemplate *ISMTemplate json:"ismTemplate,omitempty"


ISMTemplate []ISMTemplate json:"ismTemplate,omitempty"

Issues Resolved

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cgroschupp commented 4 months ago
operator-controller-manager {"level":"error","ts":"2024-03-07T08:00:47.969Z","msg":"failed to get policy from Opensearch API","controller":"opensearchismpolicy","controllerGroup":"","controllerKind":"OpenSearchISMPolicy","OpenSearchISMPolicy":{"name":"myismpolicy","namespace":"default"},"namespace":"default","name":"myismpolicy","reconcileID":"642d2228-afef-4ca3-9d6e-7c4b171d9e3a","reconciler":"ismpolicy","error":"json: cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field ISMPolicy.policy.ism_template of type requests.ISMTemplate","stacktrace":"*IsmPolicyReconciler).Reconcile\n\t/workspace/pkg/reconcilers/ismpolicy.go:200\*OpensearchISMPolicyReconciler).Reconcile\n\t/workspace/controllers/opensearchism_controller.go:53\*Controller).Reconcile\n\t/go/pkg/mod/\*Controller).reconcileHandler\n\t/go/pkg/mod/\*Controller).processNextWorkItem\n\t/go/pkg/mod/\*Controller).Start.func2.2\n\t/go/pkg/mod/"}

I have a custom build of the operator based on the latest commit of the main branch, I get this error when updating this OpenSearchISMPolicy.

kind: OpenSearchISMPolicy
  name: myismpolicy
    name: testcluster
  policyId: example
  description: "Example Policy"
      - "test-*"
    priority: 100
  defaultState: hot
    - name: hot
        - rollover:
            minIndexAge: 1h
            minPrimaryShardSize: 10mb
        - stateName: delete
            minIndexAge: 3h
    - name: delete
        - delete: {}
cthtrifork commented 4 months ago

What version of opensearch are you running? It seems we need to support the object both as an array or object. I am not sure how, since the schema is autogenerated from the code.

cgroschupp commented 4 months ago

I am using version 2.11.1.

cthtrifork commented 3 months ago

I tried recreating your ISM manually and got the following structure when i choose "view json" in OpenSearch dashboard:


And I get the same from the rest API:

curl -k https://opensearch.opensearch.svc.cluster.local:9200/_plugins/_ism/policies/myismpolicy

{"_id":"myismpolicy","_version":1,"_seq_no":475148,"_primary_term":9,"policy":{"policy_id":"myismpolicy","description":"A sample description of the policy","last_updated_time":1709883236528,"schema_version":19,"error_notification":null,"default_state":"hot","states":[{"name":"hot","actions":[{"retry":{"count":3,"backoff":"exponential","delay":"1m"},"rollover":{"min_doc_count":5,"min_index_age":"1h","min_primary_shard_size":"10mb","copy_alias":false}}],"transitions":[{"state_name":"delete","conditions":{"min_index_age":"3h"}}]},{"name":"delete","actions":[{"retry":{"count":3,"backoff":"exponential","delay":"1m"},"delete":{}}],"transitions":[]}],"ism_template":[{"index_patterns":["test-*"],"priority":1,"last_updated_time":1709883236528}]}}

I am running

cgroschupp commented 3 months ago

@swoehrl-mw any ideas to solve this? My ideas:

cgroschupp commented 3 months ago

Ok, found out that only the transition is not working. When I create an ISMPolicy with the dev build, the creation and also the update works.

But when I create an ISMPolicy with 2.5.1 and then update to the dev build, I get the already mentioned error message.

When is a new release planned?

swoehrl-mw commented 3 months ago


When is a new release planned?

No concrete plans on a new release yet. Probably when more new features have accumulated. Although this one is something that could be part of a bugfix patch release @prudhvigodithi .

Introduce a new apiVersion for OpenSearchISMPolicy and only support OpenSearch versions above x.x.x there.

Probably the best solution long-term, but for the short-term I'd like to avoid that as it has quite the overhead. For the short term it's best to hide this in operator logic (there are already other places in the code where logic is done differently based on version so its nothing new) and accept a less than optimal interface.

Define ISMTemplate as json.RawMessage and support both cases in code.

I'd like to avoid that as it removes alot of the validation that the kubernetes api does on its own.