opensearch-project / opensearch-py

Python Client for OpenSearch
Apache License 2.0
338 stars 170 forks source link

Differences between Generated and Existing python client APIs #489

Closed saimedhi closed 11 months ago

saimedhi commented 1 year ago

Take a look at issue #476 for more clarity.

Module existing client has generated client has
Async/init list_all_point_in_time get_all_pits
Async/init create_point_in_time create_pit
Async/security health_check health
Async/security update_audit_config update_audit_configuration
Module API existing client has generated client has status
Async/init search min_compatible_shard_node - min_compatible_shard_node should be removed
Async/init update_by_query version_type - version_type should be removed
Async/init create_point_in_time ignore_unavailable allow_partial_pit_creation ignore_unavailable, allow_partial_pit_creation both should be present
Async/cat cluster_manager cluster_manager cluster_manager_timeout, master_timeout cluster_manager_timeout, master_timeout both should be present and not cluster_manager
Sync/cat cluster_manager - master_timeout master_timeout should be present
Async/cat.pyi cluster_manager - master_timeout master_timeout should be present
Async/cat nodes include_unloaded_segments - include_unloaded_segments should be removed
Async/cat segments - cluster_manager_timeout, master_timeout cluster_manager_timeout, master_timeout both should be present
Async/cat plugins include_bootstrap - include_bootstrap should be removed
Async/cluster health - awareness_attribute, ensure_node_commissioned awareness_attribute should be present, ensure_node_commissioned should be removed
Async/cluster exists_component_template cluster_manager_timeout - cluster_manager_timeout should be present
Async/indices open cluster_manager_timeout - cluster_manager_timeout should be present
Async/indices delete cluster_manager_timeout - cluster_manager_timeout should be present
Async/indices exists_template cluster_manager_timeout - cluster_manager_timeout should be present
Async/indices stats types - types should be removed
Async/indices delete_data_stream expand_wildcards - expand_wildcards should be removed
Async/indices exists_index_template cluster_manager_timeout - cluster_manager_timeout should be present
Async/indices get_data_stream expand_wildcards - expand_wildcards should be removed
Async/ingest get_pipeline summary - summary should be removed
Async/nodes stats include_unloaded_segments - include_unloaded_segments should be removed
Async/nodes hot_threads doc_type - --
Async/snapshot get include_repository, index_details - include_repository, index_details should be removed
Module API existing client has generated client has  status
Async/init create_point_in_time index=None index  need to be changed in python client index!=None
Async/indices put_mapping index=None index  index=None is correct
Async/indices create_data_stream - body=None body=None is should be removed. body param is not present.
Module API existing client has generated client has
Async/init create PUT POST
Async/init put_script PUT POST
Async/cluster put_component_template PUT POST
Async/indices refresh POST GET
Async/indices flush POST GET
Async/indices clone PUT POST
Async/indices put_mapping PUT POST
Async/indices put_alias PUT POST
Async/indices put_template PUT POST
Async/indices shrink PUT POST
Async/indices split PUT POST
Async/indices put_index_template PUT POST
Async/snapshot create PUT POST
Async/snapshot create_repository PUT POST
Module existing client has generated client has -
Async/init terms_enum - terms_enum should be removed
Async/cat transforms all_pit_segments, pit_segments, segment_replication transforms should be removed
Async/cluster - delete_decommission_awareness, delete_weighted_routing, get_decommission_awareness, get_weighted_routing, put_decommission_awareness, put_weighted_routing
Async/ freeze, unfreeze, reload_search_analyzers, promote_data_stream, migrate_to_data_stream, disk_usage, field_usage_stats - freeze, unfreeze, field_usage_stats, reload_search_analyzers, disk_usage, migrate_to_data_stream should be removed. In sync Indices client, flush_synced is working and deprecated. Async Indices.flush_synced is not present.
Async/indices.pyi flush_synced -
Async/ingest geo_ip_stats - geo_ip_stats should be removed
Async/remote_store - all APIs
Async/snapshot repository_analyze - repository_analyze should be removed
  1. Async/init delete_point_in_time


async def delete_point_in_time(self, body=None, all=False, params=None, headers=None):
    Delete a point in time
    :arg body: a point-in-time id to delete
    :arg all: set it to `True` to delete all alive point in time.
    path = (
        _make_path("_search", "point_in_time", "_all")
        if all
        else _make_path("_search", "point_in_time")
    return await self.transport.perform_request(
        "DELETE", path, params=params, headers=headers, body=body


async def delete_all_pits(self, params=None, headers=None):
    Deletes all active point in time searches.
    return await self.transport.perform_request(
        "DELETE", "/_search/point_in_time/_all", params=params, headers=headers

async def delete_pit(self, body=None, params=None, headers=None):
    Deletes one or more point in time searches based on the IDs passed.

    :arg body:
    return await self.transport.perform_request(
  1. Async/nodes hot_threads path difference


            _make_path("_nodes", node_id, "hot_threads"),


            _make_path("_cluster", "nodes", node_id, "hot_threads"),

Tasks and dangling_indices APIs have no differences b/w existing and generated modules

saimedhi commented 1 year ago

Related to #477

saimedhi commented 1 year ago
search_params = {
    "min_compatible_shard_node": 5

# search for all documents in the 'movies' index
response ='movies', params=search_params)

# extract the count of hits from the response
hits_count = response['hits']['total']['value']

# print the count of hits
print("Total Hits: ", hits_count)

RequestError: RequestError(400, 'illegal_argument_exception', 'request [/movies/_search] contains unrecognized parameter: [min_compatible_shard_node]')

saimedhi commented 1 year ago
update_by_query_params = {
    "version_type": 1

# search for all documents in the 'movies' index
response = client.update_by_query(index='movies', params=update_by_query_params)

# print the response
print("Response: ", response)

RequestError: RequestError(400, 'illegal_argument_exception', 'request [/movies/_update_by_query] contains unrecognized parameter: [version_type]')

saimedhi commented 1 year ago
create_point_in_time_params = {
    "ignore_unavailable": "true",
    "keep_alive": "1m"

# create a point-in-time snapshot for the 'movies' index
response = client.create_point_in_time(index='movies', params=create_point_in_time_params)

# print the response
print("Response: ", response)

Response: {'pit_id': '88j_QAEGbW92aWVzFnFhaEJ1TVNVU2o2TmI2OW9XOTBRV3cAFjk5NWJ4MFdaUjJPcjRJNUMwTkhBVFEAAAAAAAAAABsWZzNfS0lrcEpTRnFKalJYN2xBX0dhQQEWcWFoQnVNU1VTajZOYjY5b1c5MFFXdwAA', '_shards': {'total': 1, 'successful': 1, 'skipped': 0, 'failed': 0}, 'creation_time': 1694550942842}

saimedhi commented 1 year ago
create_point_in_time_params = {
    "allow_partial_pit_creation": "true",
    "keep_alive": "1m"

# create a point-in-time snapshot for the 'movies' index
response = client.create_point_in_time(index='movies', params=create_point_in_time_params)

# print the response
print("Response: ", response)

Response: {'pit_id': '88j_QAEGbW92aWVzFnFhaEJ1TVNVU2o2TmI2OW9XOTBRV3cAFjk5NWJ4MFdaUjJPcjRJNUMwTkhBVFEAAAAAAAAAAB8WZzNfS0lrcEpTRnFKalJYN2xBX0dhQQEWcWFoQnVNU1VTajZOYjY5b1c5MFFXdwAA', '_shards': {'total': 1, 'successful': 1, 'skipped': 0, 'failed': 0}, 'creation_time': 1694552239653}

saimedhi commented 1 year ago

get https://localhost:9200/_cat/cluster_manager?cluster_manager='60' { "error": { "root_cause": [ { "type": "illegal_argument_exception", "reason": "request [/_cat/cluster_manager] contains unrecognized parameter: [cluster_manager] -> did you mean [cluster_manager_timeout]?" } ], "type": "illegal_argument_exception", "reason": "request [/_cat/cluster_manager] contains unrecognized parameter: [cluster_manager] -> did you mean [cluster_manager_timeout]?" }, "status": 400 }

saimedhi commented 1 year ago

get https://localhost:9200/_cat/cluster_manager?master_timeout=60ms success

saimedhi commented 1 year ago

get https://localhost:9200/_cat/nodes?include_unloaded_segments=true { "error": { "root_cause": [ { "type": "illegal_argument_exception", "reason": "request [/_cat/nodes] contains unrecognized parameter: [include_unloaded_segments]" } ], "type": "illegal_argument_exception", "reason": "request [/_cat/nodes] contains unrecognized parameter: [include_unloaded_segments]" }, "status": 400 }

saimedhi commented 1 year ago

get https://localhost:9200/_cat/segments?master_timeout=10ms


get https://localhost:9200/_cat/segments?cluster_manager_timeout=10ms


saimedhi commented 1 year ago

get https://localhost:9200/_cat/plugins?include_bootstrap=true { "error": { "root_cause": [ { "type": "illegal_argument_exception", "reason": "request [/_cat/plugins] contains unrecognized parameter: [include_bootstrap]" } ], "type": "illegal_argument_exception", "reason": "request [/_cat/plugins] contains unrecognized parameter: [include_bootstrap]" }, "status": 400 }

saimedhi commented 1 year ago

https://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?ensure_node_commissioned=true { "error": { "root_cause": [ { "type": "illegal_argument_exception", "reason": "request [/_cluster/health] contains unrecognized parameter: [ensure_node_commissioned] -> did you mean [ensure_node_weighed_in]?" } ], "type": "illegal_argument_exception", "reason": "request [/_cluster/health] contains unrecognized parameter: [ensure_node_commissioned] -> did you mean [ensure_node_weighed_in]?" }, "status": 400 }

saimedhi commented 1 year ago

post https://localhost:9200/movies/_open?cluster_manager_timeout=100ms

{ "acknowledged": true, "shards_acknowledged": true }

saimedhi commented 1 year ago

DELETE https://localhost:9200/movies/?cluster_manager_timeout=100ms { "acknowledged": true }

saimedhi commented 1 year ago

get https://localhost:9200/_stats/_all?include_unloaded_segments=true success

delete https://localhost:9200/_data_stream/*?expand_wildcards=open { "error": { "root_cause": [ { "type": "illegal_argument_exception", "reason": "request [/_data_stream/] contains unrecognized parameter: [expand_wildcards]" } ], "type": "illegal_argument_exception", "reason": "request [/_data_stream/] contains unrecognized parameter: [expand_wildcards]" }, "status": 400 }

get https://localhost:9200/_data_stream/*?expand_wildcards=open { "error": { "root_cause": [ { "type": "illegal_argument_exception", "reason": "request [/_data_stream/] contains unrecognized parameter: [expand_wildcards]" } ], "type": "illegal_argument_exception", "reason": "request [/_data_stream/] contains unrecognized parameter: [expand_wildcards]" }, "status": 400 }

put https://localhost:9200/_ingest/pipeline/pipelineid123

  "description": "This pipeline processes student data",
  "processors": [
      "set": {
        "description": "Sets the graduation year to 2023",
        "field": "grad_year",
        "value": 2023
      "set": {
        "description": "Sets graduated to true",
        "field": "graduated",
        "value": true
      "uppercase": {
        "field": "name"

{ "acknowledged": true }

get https://localhost:9200/_ingest/pipeline/pipelineid123?summary=true { "error": { "root_cause": [ { "type": "illegal_argument_exception", "reason": "request [/_ingest/pipeline/pipelineid123] contains unrecognized parameter: [summary]" } ], "type": "illegal_argument_exception", "reason": "request [/_ingest/pipeline/pipelineid123] contains unrecognized parameter: [summary]" }, "status": 400 }

get https://localhost:9200/_nodes/stats?include_unloaded_segments=true { "error": { "root_cause": [ { "type": "illegal_argument_exception", "reason": "request [/_nodes/stats] contains unrecognized parameter: [include_unloaded_segments]" } ], "type": "illegal_argument_exception", "reason": "request [/_nodes/stats] contains unrecognized parameter: [include_unloaded_segments]" }, "status": 400 }