Add files containted in api_generator/rest_specs to .gitignore
What users have asked for this feature?
What problems are you trying to solve?
These files never need to be pushed back to remote. Whenever the api is generated, these files will be too. Developers have to either delete the folder or remove the index manually to conveniently be able to push back to the repository.
What is the developer experience going to be?
It should be a simple addition of a line to .gitignore
Are there any security considerations?
Are there any breaking changes to the API
What is the user experience going to be?
May be inconvenient for somebody who is trying to use it as a package.
Are there breaking changes to the User Experience?
What are you proposing?
Add files containted in api_generator/rest_specs to .gitignore
What users have asked for this feature?
What problems are you trying to solve?
These files never need to be pushed back to remote. Whenever the api is generated, these files will be too. Developers have to either delete the folder or remove the index manually to conveniently be able to push back to the repository.
What is the developer experience going to be?
It should be a simple addition of a line to .gitignore
Are there any security considerations?
Are there any breaking changes to the API
What is the user experience going to be?
May be inconvenient for somebody who is trying to use it as a package.
Are there breaking changes to the User Experience?
Why should it be built? Any reason not to?
Improved developer experience
Any remaining open questions?
Is this a change we are open to make?