PPL currently only supports read based queries from the underlying datastore.
In some cases it is required to construct a projection view (materialized into a view) of the query results. This projection can be later used as a source of continued queries for further slicing and dicing the data, in addition such tables can be also saved into a MV table that are pushed into OpenSearch and can be used for visualization and enhanced performant queries.
The command can also function as an ETL process where the original datasource will be transformed and ingested into the output projected view using the ppl transformation and aggregation operators:
What solution would you like?
A new project as PPL command should take the following shape:
project newTableName as |
source = table | where fieldA > value | stats count(fieldA) by fieldB
project ipRanges as |
source = table | where isV6 = true | eval inRange = case(cidrmatch(ipAddress, '2003:db8::/32'), 'in' else 'out') | fields ip, inRange
project avgBridgesByCountry as |
source = table | fields country, bridges | flatten bridges | fields country, length | stats avg(length) as avg by country
project ageDistribByCountry as |
source = table | stats avg(age) as avg_city_age by country, state, city | eval new_avg_city_age = avg_city_age - 1 | stats
avg(new_avg_city_age) as avg_state_age by country, state | where avg_state_age > 18 | stats avg(avg_state_age) as
avg_adult_country_age by country
Is your feature request related to a problem?
PPL currently only supports read based queries from the underlying datastore.
In some cases it is required to construct a projection view (materialized into a view) of the query results. This projection can be later used as a source of continued queries for further slicing and dicing the data, in addition such tables can be also saved into a MV table that are pushed into OpenSearch and can be used for visualization and enhanced performant queries.
The command can also function as an ETL process where the original datasource will be transformed and ingested into the output projected view using the ppl transformation and aggregation operators:
What solution would you like? A new
project as
PPL command should take the following shape:Do you have any additional context?