opensearch-project / terraform-provider-opensearch
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[BUG] dependency when destroy a component_template and it usage in a composable_index_template #189

Open imanis opened 2 months ago

imanis commented 2 months ago

What is the bug?

When trying to delete a component_template

How can one reproduce the bug?

1- define opensearch_component_template.default-settings

2- define opensearch_composable_index_template.sample2-template that reference default-settings

resource "opensearch_composable_index_template" "sample2-template" {
  name = "sample2-template"
  body = <<EOF
  "index_patterns": ["logs-sample2-*"],
  "priority": 1000,
  "data_stream": {"timestamp_field": {"name": "@timestamp"}},
  "composed_of": ["default-settings", "default-mappings"]
  depends_on = [opensearch_component_template.default-settings]

3- run terraform apply and create resources

4- remove the definition of default-settings and its reference from the sample2-template

5- run terraform apply and you will get this error message:

module.component_template.opensearch_component_template.default-settings: Destroying... [id=default-settings] ╷ │ Error: elastic: Error 400 (Bad Request): component templates [default-settings] cannot be removed as they are still in use by index templates [sample2-template] [type=illegal_argument_exception]

What is the expected behavior?

A method to set destroy dependency between the 2 resources in order to update sample2-template before destroying default-settings

Do you have any additional context?

Plan of the step 5:

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # module.component_template.opensearch_component_template.default-settings will be destroyed
  # (because opensearch_component_template.default-settings is not in configuration)
  - resource "opensearch_component_template" "default-settings" {
      - body = jsonencode(
              - template = {
                  - settings = {
                      - index = {
                          - codec              = "best_compression"
                          - number_of_replicas = "1"
                          - number_of_shards   = "3"
        ) -> null
      - id   = "default-settings" -> null
      - name = "default-settings" -> null

  # module.data_streams.opensearch_composable_index_template.sample2-template will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "opensearch_composable_index_template" "sample2-template" {
      ~ body = jsonencode(
          ~ {
              ~ composed_of    = [
                  - "default-settings",
        id   = "sample2-template"
        name = "sample2-template"
rblcoder commented 1 month ago

Please see if the comments from an issue from terraform repository helps