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Creating additional fields in Food Program Profiles #30

Closed NWHarvest closed 7 years ago

NWHarvest commented 7 years ago

Creating fields that allow food programs to include narrative about their program, and a "wish list" of popular produce within their food banks.

Wish list could either be part of narrative, or could be separate section of profile.

alimon808 commented 7 years ago

Purpose of the narrative? Will this be visible to other users (e.g. food programs & growers)?

NWHarvest commented 7 years ago

Yes, the content will be available to other users. The narratives allow growers to become more familiar with the food banks in their communities (wants, needs, client preferences, etc.)

alimon808 commented 7 years ago

Can you provide a sample narrative.

NWHarvest commented 7 years ago

Produce Portal - Grower and Food Program Profile Pages.docx

alimon808 commented 7 years ago

dup #32, #37