openseg-group / openseg.pytorch

The official Pytorch implementation of OCNet, OCRNet, and SegFix.
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how to use segmix directly #45

Closed yu-Mas closed 4 years ago

yu-Mas commented 4 years ago

Hi,your work are so awesome!Congratulation! I want to progress my prediction ,would you give a simple tutorial to use Segmix directly? Thanks for your help! 您好,我想把Segmix应用到我的模型,请问能否出个关于Segmix代码的简单使用教程吗? 万分感谢!

PkuRainBow commented 4 years ago

Please follow the if you are trying to apply the SegFix to improve your Cityscapes submission.

yu-Mas commented 4 years ago

oh,i'm sorry that i haven't seen it.Thanks for your patient answer.Another little quetion:can i use segfix on my own dateset or other project but not only Cityspaces?