Closed fmui closed 6 years ago
@chipchilders what does the CFF (or CF) do for stuff like this?
The TM policy is here >
The OSBAPI reference to that is here >
Specifically >
Licensing and Trademarks The licensing and copyright of the API specification and any software produced within the PMC will follow the CFF Intellectual Property Policy, including: All contributions to the Open Service Broker API and related projects require the individual contributing to be covered by a CLA. All work of the Open Service Broker PMC will be licensed using the Apache Software License version 2. Labeling of all artifacts as “Copyright (c) YYYY Foundation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.” The use of the CFF trademarks and word marks is governed by CFF’s Trademark Usage Guidelines. Implementations (consumer or provider) of the Open Service Broker API are encouraged to document which version(s) of the Open Service Broker API they support. References to the API itself should be referred to as the “Open Service Broker API”.
Have a look and let me know if there are any thoughts for improvement or clarity!
@fmui does @chipchilders's response answer your question?
Technically, everything is there. But I know from other standard working groups that people want/need an extra statement about the logo. Can they put it on their websites or in publications? Can it be used for marketing? Is there some kind of certification process to use the logo? The "Licensing and Trademarks" section talks about "API specification and any software". Does this cover the logo? How do I label the logo with a copyright statement? This is all about clarity.
Additionally, at some point somebody will ask for his-res versions of the logo...
@avade on that note, is there a high res version of the logo you can add to the repo?
@fmui do you have any specific suggestions for what we should change?
@mattmcneeney @duglin if the PMC wants to have us change the policy to support a specific goal, happy to help with that if the goal can be articulated!
@christopherclark Adding you to this thread... can you please work with Melissa L to get a high-res OSBAPI logo to @mattmcneeney so that he can add to the repo?
@chipchilders I have sent Matt the logo.
Logo added in #463. Thanks @christopherclark !
What is our reuse policy regarding the OSB logo? I guess it is covered by the Apache license, but should we be more precise here? For example, we could add text like this: