openshift-eng / elliott

Apache License 2.0
15 stars 28 forks source link

verify-cvp: Fix missing variable failed_optional #539

Closed vfreex closed 1 year ago

vfreex commented 1 year ago

Fix the following error:

$ elliott -g openshift-4.13 --assembly rc.3 verify-cvp --all

  File "/mnt/workspace/users/yuxzhu/elliott/elliottlib/cli/", line 162, in verify_cvp_cli
    if failed or failed_optional:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'failed_optional' referenced before assignment
openshift-bot commented 1 year ago

Build #1

.package create: /mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package
.package installdeps: setuptools>=65.5.1, setuptools_scm[toml]>=6.2
/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _BetaConfiguration: Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*.
  warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _BetaConfiguration: Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*.
  warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
py38 create: /mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/py38
py38 installdeps: .[tests]
py38 inst: /mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.tmp/package/1/rh-elliott-2.0.15.dev46+g10773b4.tar.gz
py38 installed: aiodns==3.0.0,aiohttp==3.8.4,aiosignal==1.3.1,astroid==2.15.2,async-timeout==4.0.2,asynctest==0.13.0,attrs==22.2.0,Brotli==1.0.9,cachetools==5.3.0,cchardet==2.1.7,certifi==2022.12.7,cffi==1.15.1,chardet==5.1.0,charset-normalizer==3.1.0,click==8.1.3,colorama==0.4.6,coverage==7.2.3,decorator==5.1.1,defusedxml==0.7.1,dill==0.3.6,distlib==0.3.6,errata-tool==1.30.0,exceptiongroup==1.1.1,filelock==3.11.0,flake8==6.0.0,flexmock==0.11.3,frozenlist==1.3.3,future==0.18.3,gssapi==1.8.2,idna==3.4,iniconfig==2.0.0,isort==5.12.0,jira==3.5.0,jsonpath-rw==1.4.0,koji==1.32.1,lazy-object-proxy==1.9.0,mccabe==0.7.0,mock==5.0.1,multidict==6.0.4,mypy==1.2.0,mypy-extensions==1.0.0,oauthlib==3.2.2,packaging==23.1,platformdirs==3.2.0,pluggy==1.0.0,ply==3.11,pycares==4.3.0,pycodestyle==2.10.0,pycparser==2.21,pyflakes==3.0.1,pygit2==1.10.1,pylint==2.17.2,pyproject-api==1.5.1,pytest==7.3.0,python-bugzilla==3.2.0,python-dateutil==2.8.2,PyYAML==6.0,requests==2.28.2,requests-gssapi==1.2.3,requests-oauthlib==1.3.1,requests-toolbelt==0.10.1,rh-elliott @ file:///mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.tmp/package/1/rh-elliott-2.0.15.dev46%2Bg10773b4.tar.gz,ruamel.yaml==0.17.21,ruamel.yaml.clib==0.2.7,semver==3.0.0,six==1.16.0,tenacity==8.2.2,tomli==2.0.1,tomlkit==0.11.7,tox==4.4.11,typing-extensions==4.5.0,urllib3==1.26.15,virtualenv==20.21.0,wrapt==1.15.0,yarl==1.8.2
py38 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='287836886'
py38 run-test: commands[0] | coverage run --branch --source elliottlib -m unittest discover -t . -s tests/
..............................................Cannot find any corresponding flaw bugs for these trackers: [13]. These trackers do not have a valid whiteboard component value: [12].
..BZ 9 is ignored because its status was MODIFIED at the moment of sweep cutoff (2021-06-30 12:30:00), however its status changed back to ['ASSIGNED'] afterwards
.....................changed 123 from status1 to status2
.123 is already on status1
.changed 123 from status1 to status2
..changed 123 from status1 to status2
.123 is already on status1
.changed 123 from status1 to status2
.................................................Bug(s) ['OCPBUGS-6', 'OCPBUGS-5', 'OCPBUGS-4'] have CVE in description but do not have TrackerBug labels. Please investigate.
............................................/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/py38/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/ ResourceWarning: Unclosed client session <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7fe833c60760>
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
Unclosed client session
client_session: <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7fe833c60760>
Ran 174 tests in 0.957s

py38 run-test: commands[1] | coverage report
Name                                              Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
elliottlib/                               12      7      2      1    43%
elliottlib/                                2      2      0      0     0%
elliottlib/                               92      9     54      7    89%
elliottlib/                              11      0      6      0   100%
elliottlib/                                  336    195    134      5    36%
elliottlib/bug/                            0      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                          114     12     74     15    86%
elliottlib/                                807    329    336     26    55%
elliottlib/                             21     21      4      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                            0      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/cli/                          270    270     75      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                   28     28      4      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/               90     90     38      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                  37     37     14      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                14     14      2      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/               22     22      6      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    37     37     18      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              130     66     58      9    45%
elliottlib/cli/                   44     44     16      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                           15      0     17      0   100%
elliottlib/cli/                             48     12      6      1    69%
elliottlib/cli/                         70     70     20      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/             36     36     12      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                51     51      8      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              43      4     10      3    87%
elliottlib/cli/                   36      4      6      0    90%
elliottlib/cli/               218     33    124     21    82%
elliottlib/cli/                   268    198    179      2    19%
elliottlib/cli/            59     14     32      9    73%
elliottlib/cli/                           14     14      2      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              34     34      8      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    46      6     14      6    80%
elliottlib/cli/                    61      5     26      6    87%
elliottlib/cli/                          93     93     52      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                       102    102     34      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    128    128     62      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                83     83     26      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                      45     45     16      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/          257     91    167     20    57%
elliottlib/cli/     148     56     68      4    56%
elliottlib/cli/                    166    166     78      0     0%
elliottlib/                              52      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                                   216    216    113      0     0%
elliottlib/                              54     11     30      6    75%
elliottlib/                                329    208    142      4    33%
elliottlib/                          161     20     62      9    86%
elliottlib/                             12      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                              84      7     24      3    89%
elliottlib/                               171    137     76      0    14%
elliottlib/                               21      2      0      0    90%
elliottlib/                                 9      1      2      1    82%
elliottlib/                              154     43     76     18    67%
elliottlib/                                 105     22     30      2    79%
elliottlib/                        34     34      8      0     0%
elliottlib/                                  21      0      2      0   100%
elliottlib/                              28     28      4      0     0%
elliottlib/                                  63     63     16      0     0%
elliottlib/                              30     14     16      5    46%
elliottlib/                                  5      2      0      0    60%
elliottlib/                                31      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                               278    202    106      2    22%
elliottlib/                        90     61     34      0    30%
elliottlib/                                  297    139    110     15    50%
TOTAL                                              6333   3638   2659    200    40%
py38 run-test: commands[2] | flake8
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)
openshift-bot commented 1 year ago

Build #2

/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _BetaConfiguration: Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*.
  warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _BetaConfiguration: Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*.
  warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
py38 inst-nodeps: /mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.tmp/package/1/rh-elliott-2.0.15.dev49+gfa596dd.tar.gz
py38 installed: aiodns==3.0.0,aiohttp==3.8.4,aiosignal==1.3.1,astroid==2.15.2,async-timeout==4.0.2,asynctest==0.13.0,attrs==22.2.0,Brotli==1.0.9,cachetools==5.3.0,cchardet==2.1.7,certifi==2022.12.7,cffi==1.15.1,chardet==5.1.0,charset-normalizer==3.1.0,click==8.1.3,colorama==0.4.6,coverage==7.2.3,decorator==5.1.1,defusedxml==0.7.1,dill==0.3.6,distlib==0.3.6,errata-tool==1.30.0,exceptiongroup==1.1.1,filelock==3.11.0,flake8==6.0.0,flexmock==0.11.3,frozenlist==1.3.3,future==0.18.3,gssapi==1.8.2,idna==3.4,iniconfig==2.0.0,isort==5.12.0,jira==3.5.0,jsonpath-rw==1.4.0,koji==1.32.1,lazy-object-proxy==1.9.0,mccabe==0.7.0,mock==5.0.1,multidict==6.0.4,mypy==1.2.0,mypy-extensions==1.0.0,oauthlib==3.2.2,packaging==23.1,platformdirs==3.2.0,pluggy==1.0.0,ply==3.11,pycares==4.3.0,pycodestyle==2.10.0,pycparser==2.21,pyflakes==3.0.1,pygit2==1.10.1,pylint==2.17.2,pyproject-api==1.5.1,pytest==7.3.0,python-bugzilla==3.2.0,python-dateutil==2.8.2,PyYAML==6.0,requests==2.28.2,requests-gssapi==1.2.3,requests-oauthlib==1.3.1,requests-toolbelt==0.10.1,rh-elliott @ file:///mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.tmp/package/1/rh-elliott-2.0.15.dev49%2Bgfa596dd.tar.gz,ruamel.yaml==0.17.21,ruamel.yaml.clib==0.2.7,semver==3.0.0,six==1.16.0,tenacity==8.2.2,tomli==2.0.1,tomlkit==0.11.7,tox==4.4.11,typing-extensions==4.5.0,urllib3==1.26.15,virtualenv==20.21.0,wrapt==1.15.0,yarl==1.8.2
py38 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='3662338096'
py38 run-test: commands[0] | coverage run --branch --source elliottlib -m unittest discover -t . -s tests/
..............................................Cannot find any corresponding flaw bugs for these trackers: [13]. These trackers do not have a valid whiteboard component value: [12].
..BZ 9 is ignored because its status was MODIFIED at the moment of sweep cutoff (2021-06-30 12:30:00), however its status changed back to ['ASSIGNED'] afterwards
.....................changed 123 from status1 to status2
.123 is already on status1
.changed 123 from status1 to status2
..changed 123 from status1 to status2
.123 is already on status1
.changed 123 from status1 to status2
.................................................Bug(s) ['OCPBUGS-5', 'OCPBUGS-4', 'OCPBUGS-6'] have CVE in description but do not have TrackerBug labels. Please investigate.
............................................/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/py38/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/ ResourceWarning: Unclosed client session <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7fe3a034f6a0>
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
Unclosed client session
client_session: <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7fe3a034f6a0>
Ran 174 tests in 1.070s

py38 run-test: commands[1] | coverage report
Name                                              Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
elliottlib/                               12      7      2      1    43%
elliottlib/                                2      2      0      0     0%
elliottlib/                               92      9     54      7    89%
elliottlib/                              11      0      6      0   100%
elliottlib/                                  336    195    134      5    36%
elliottlib/bug/                            0      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                          114     12     74     15    86%
elliottlib/                                807    329    336     26    55%
elliottlib/                             21     21      4      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                            0      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/cli/                          270    270     75      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                   28     28      4      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/               90     90     38      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                  37     37     14      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                14     14      2      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/               22     22      6      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    37     37     18      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              130     66     58      9    45%
elliottlib/cli/                   44     44     16      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                           15      0     17      0   100%
elliottlib/cli/                             48     12      6      1    69%
elliottlib/cli/                         70     70     20      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/             36     36     12      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                51     51      8      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              43      4     10      3    87%
elliottlib/cli/                   36      4      6      0    90%
elliottlib/cli/               218     33    124     21    82%
elliottlib/cli/                   268    198    179      2    19%
elliottlib/cli/            59     14     32      9    73%
elliottlib/cli/                           14     14      2      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              34     34      8      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    46      6     14      6    80%
elliottlib/cli/                    61      5     26      6    87%
elliottlib/cli/                          93     93     52      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                       102    102     34      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    128    128     62      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                83     83     26      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                      45     45     16      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/          257     91    167     20    57%
elliottlib/cli/     149     55     70      4    57%
elliottlib/cli/                    166    166     78      0     0%
elliottlib/                              52      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                                   216    216    113      0     0%
elliottlib/                              54     11     30      6    75%
elliottlib/                                329    208    142      4    33%
elliottlib/                          161     20     62      9    86%
elliottlib/                             12      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                              84      7     24      3    89%
elliottlib/                               171    137     76      0    14%
elliottlib/                               21      2      0      0    90%
elliottlib/                                 9      1      2      1    82%
elliottlib/                              154     43     76     18    67%
elliottlib/                                 105     22     30      2    79%
elliottlib/                        34     34      8      0     0%
elliottlib/                                  21      0      2      0   100%
elliottlib/                              28     28      4      0     0%
elliottlib/                                  63     63     16      0     0%
elliottlib/                              30     14     16      5    46%
elliottlib/                                  5      2      0      0    60%
elliottlib/                                31      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                               278    202    106      2    22%
elliottlib/                        90     61     34      0    30%
elliottlib/                                  297    139    110     15    50%
TOTAL                                              6334   3637   2661    200    40%
py38 run-test: commands[2] | flake8
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)
openshift-bot commented 1 year ago

Build #3

/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _BetaConfiguration: Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*.
  warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _BetaConfiguration: Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*.
  warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
py38 inst-nodeps: /mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.tmp/package/1/rh-elliott-2.0.15.dev51+g51fdfc0.tar.gz
py38 installed: aiodns==3.0.0,aiohttp==3.8.4,aiosignal==1.3.1,astroid==2.15.2,async-timeout==4.0.2,asynctest==0.13.0,attrs==22.2.0,Brotli==1.0.9,cachetools==5.3.0,cchardet==2.1.7,certifi==2022.12.7,cffi==1.15.1,chardet==5.1.0,charset-normalizer==3.1.0,click==8.1.3,colorama==0.4.6,coverage==7.2.3,decorator==5.1.1,defusedxml==0.7.1,dill==0.3.6,distlib==0.3.6,errata-tool==1.30.0,exceptiongroup==1.1.1,filelock==3.11.0,flake8==6.0.0,flexmock==0.11.3,frozenlist==1.3.3,future==0.18.3,gssapi==1.8.2,idna==3.4,iniconfig==2.0.0,isort==5.12.0,jira==3.5.0,jsonpath-rw==1.4.0,koji==1.32.1,lazy-object-proxy==1.9.0,mccabe==0.7.0,mock==5.0.1,multidict==6.0.4,mypy==1.2.0,mypy-extensions==1.0.0,oauthlib==3.2.2,packaging==23.1,platformdirs==3.2.0,pluggy==1.0.0,ply==3.11,pycares==4.3.0,pycodestyle==2.10.0,pycparser==2.21,pyflakes==3.0.1,pygit2==1.10.1,pylint==2.17.2,pyproject-api==1.5.1,pytest==7.3.0,python-bugzilla==3.2.0,python-dateutil==2.8.2,PyYAML==6.0,requests==2.28.2,requests-gssapi==1.2.3,requests-oauthlib==1.3.1,requests-toolbelt==0.10.1,rh-elliott @ file:///mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.tmp/package/1/rh-elliott-2.0.15.dev51%2Bg51fdfc0.tar.gz,ruamel.yaml==0.17.21,ruamel.yaml.clib==0.2.7,semver==3.0.0,six==1.16.0,tenacity==8.2.2,tomli==2.0.1,tomlkit==0.11.7,tox==4.4.11,typing-extensions==4.5.0,urllib3==1.26.15,virtualenv==20.21.0,wrapt==1.15.0,yarl==1.8.2
py38 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='2268396627'
py38 run-test: commands[0] | coverage run --branch --source elliottlib -m unittest discover -t . -s tests/
..............................................Cannot find any corresponding flaw bugs for these trackers: [13]. These trackers do not have a valid whiteboard component value: [12].
..BZ 9 is ignored because its status was MODIFIED at the moment of sweep cutoff (2021-06-30 12:30:00), however its status changed back to ['ASSIGNED'] afterwards
.....................changed 123 from status1 to status2
.123 is already on status1
.changed 123 from status1 to status2
..changed 123 from status1 to status2
.123 is already on status1
.changed 123 from status1 to status2
.................................................Bug(s) ['OCPBUGS-5', 'OCPBUGS-4', 'OCPBUGS-6'] have CVE in description but do not have TrackerBug labels. Please investigate.
............................................/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/py38/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/ ResourceWarning: Unclosed client session <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7f1f47f0e910>
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
Unclosed client session
client_session: <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7f1f47f0e910>
Ran 174 tests in 1.067s

py38 run-test: commands[1] | coverage report
Name                                              Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
elliottlib/                               12      7      2      1    43%
elliottlib/                                2      2      0      0     0%
elliottlib/                               92      9     54      7    89%
elliottlib/                              11      0      6      0   100%
elliottlib/                                  336    195    134      5    36%
elliottlib/bug/                            0      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                          114     12     74     15    86%
elliottlib/                                807    329    336     26    55%
elliottlib/                             21     21      4      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                            0      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/cli/                          270    270     75      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                   28     28      4      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/               90     90     38      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                  39     39     14      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                14     14      2      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/               22     22      6      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    37     37     18      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              130     66     58      9    45%
elliottlib/cli/                   44     44     16      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                           15      0     17      0   100%
elliottlib/cli/                             48     12      6      1    69%
elliottlib/cli/                         70     70     20      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/             36     36     12      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                51     51      8      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              43      4     10      3    87%
elliottlib/cli/                   36      4      6      0    90%
elliottlib/cli/               218     33    124     21    82%
elliottlib/cli/                   268    198    179      2    19%
elliottlib/cli/            59     14     32      9    73%
elliottlib/cli/                           14     14      2      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              34     34      8      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    46      6     14      6    80%
elliottlib/cli/                    61      5     26      6    87%
elliottlib/cli/                          93     93     52      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                       102    102     34      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    128    128     62      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                83     83     26      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                      45     45     16      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/          257     91    167     20    57%
elliottlib/cli/     149     55     70      4    57%
elliottlib/cli/                    166    166     78      0     0%
elliottlib/                              52      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                                   216    216    113      0     0%
elliottlib/                              54     11     30      6    75%
elliottlib/                                342    219    150      4    32%
elliottlib/                          161     20     62      9    86%
elliottlib/                             12      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                              84      7     24      3    89%
elliottlib/                               171    137     76      0    14%
elliottlib/                               21      2      0      0    90%
elliottlib/                                 9      1      2      1    82%
elliottlib/                              154     43     76     18    67%
elliottlib/                                 105     22     30      2    79%
elliottlib/                        34     34      8      0     0%
elliottlib/                                  21      0      2      0   100%
elliottlib/                              28     28      4      0     0%
elliottlib/                                  63     63     16      0     0%
elliottlib/                              30     14     16      5    46%
elliottlib/                                  5      2      0      0    60%
elliottlib/                                31      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                               278    202    106      2    22%
elliottlib/                        90     61     34      0    30%
elliottlib/                                  297    139    110     15    50%
TOTAL                                              6349   3650   2669    200    40%
py38 run-test: commands[2] | flake8
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)
openshift-bot commented 1 year ago

Build #4

/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _BetaConfiguration: Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*.
  warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _BetaConfiguration: Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*.
  warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
py38 inst-nodeps: /mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.tmp/package/1/rh-elliott-2.0.15.dev52+g5b84ff1.tar.gz
py38 installed: aiodns==3.0.0,aiohttp==3.8.4,aiosignal==1.3.1,astroid==2.15.2,async-timeout==4.0.2,asynctest==0.13.0,attrs==22.2.0,Brotli==1.0.9,cachetools==5.3.0,cchardet==2.1.7,certifi==2022.12.7,cffi==1.15.1,chardet==5.1.0,charset-normalizer==3.1.0,click==8.1.3,colorama==0.4.6,coverage==7.2.3,decorator==5.1.1,defusedxml==0.7.1,dill==0.3.6,distlib==0.3.6,errata-tool==1.30.0,exceptiongroup==1.1.1,filelock==3.11.0,flake8==6.0.0,flexmock==0.11.3,frozenlist==1.3.3,future==0.18.3,gssapi==1.8.2,idna==3.4,iniconfig==2.0.0,isort==5.12.0,jira==3.5.0,jsonpath-rw==1.4.0,koji==1.32.1,lazy-object-proxy==1.9.0,mccabe==0.7.0,mock==5.0.1,multidict==6.0.4,mypy==1.2.0,mypy-extensions==1.0.0,oauthlib==3.2.2,packaging==23.1,platformdirs==3.2.0,pluggy==1.0.0,ply==3.11,pycares==4.3.0,pycodestyle==2.10.0,pycparser==2.21,pyflakes==3.0.1,pygit2==1.10.1,pylint==2.17.2,pyproject-api==1.5.1,pytest==7.3.0,python-bugzilla==3.2.0,python-dateutil==2.8.2,PyYAML==6.0,requests==2.28.2,requests-gssapi==1.2.3,requests-oauthlib==1.3.1,requests-toolbelt==0.10.1,rh-elliott @ file:///mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.tmp/package/1/rh-elliott-2.0.15.dev52%2Bg5b84ff1.tar.gz,ruamel.yaml==0.17.21,ruamel.yaml.clib==0.2.7,semver==3.0.0,six==1.16.0,tenacity==8.2.2,tomli==2.0.1,tomlkit==0.11.7,tox==4.4.11,typing-extensions==4.5.0,urllib3==1.26.15,virtualenv==20.21.0,wrapt==1.15.0,yarl==1.8.2
py38 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='3770855907'
py38 run-test: commands[0] | coverage run --branch --source elliottlib -m unittest discover -t . -s tests/
..............................................Cannot find any corresponding flaw bugs for these trackers: [13]. These trackers do not have a valid whiteboard component value: [12].
..BZ 9 is ignored because its status was MODIFIED at the moment of sweep cutoff (2021-06-30 12:30:00), however its status changed back to ['ASSIGNED'] afterwards
.......................changed 123 from status1 to status2
.123 is already on status1
.changed 123 from status1 to status2
..changed 123 from status1 to status2
.123 is already on status1
.changed 123 from status1 to status2
............................................................................................../mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/py38/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/ ResourceWarning: Unclosed client session <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7fd7bf6e7c70>
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
Unclosed client session
client_session: <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7fd7bf6e7c70>
Ran 177 tests in 1.070s

py38 run-test: commands[1] | coverage report
Name                                              Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
elliottlib/                               12      7      2      1    43%
elliottlib/                                2      2      0      0     0%
elliottlib/                               92      9     54      7    89%
elliottlib/                              11      0      6      0   100%
elliottlib/                                  336    195    134      5    36%
elliottlib/bug/                            0      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                          114     12     74     15    86%
elliottlib/                                843    343    340     27    55%
elliottlib/                             21     21      4      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                            0      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/cli/                          270    270     75      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                   28     28      4      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/               90     90     38      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                  39     39     14      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                14     14      2      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/               22     22      6      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    37     37     18      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              130     66     58      9    45%
elliottlib/cli/                   44     44     16      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                           15      0     17      0   100%
elliottlib/cli/                             48     12      6      1    69%
elliottlib/cli/                         70     70     20      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/             36     36     12      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                51     51      8      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              43      4     10      3    87%
elliottlib/cli/                   36      4      6      0    90%
elliottlib/cli/               222     32    124     19    83%
elliottlib/cli/                   268    198    179      2    19%
elliottlib/cli/            59     14     32      9    73%
elliottlib/cli/                           14     14      2      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              34     34      8      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    46      6     14      6    80%
elliottlib/cli/                    61      5     26      6    87%
elliottlib/cli/                          93     93     52      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                       102    102     34      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    128    128     62      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                83     83     26      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                      45     45     16      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/          257     91    167     20    57%
elliottlib/cli/     149     55     70      4    57%
elliottlib/cli/                    166    166     78      0     0%
elliottlib/                              52      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                                   216    216    113      0     0%
elliottlib/                              54     11     30      6    75%
elliottlib/                                342    219    150      4    32%
elliottlib/                          161     20     62      9    86%
elliottlib/                             12      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                              84      7     24      3    89%
elliottlib/                               171    137     76      0    14%
elliottlib/                               21      2      0      0    90%
elliottlib/                                 9      1      2      1    82%
elliottlib/                              154     43     76     18    67%
elliottlib/                                 105     22     30      2    79%
elliottlib/                        34     34      8      0     0%
elliottlib/                                  21      0      2      0   100%
elliottlib/                              28     28      4      0     0%
elliottlib/                                  63     63     16      0     0%
elliottlib/                              30     14     16      5    46%
elliottlib/                                  5      2      0      0    60%
elliottlib/                                31      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                               278    202    106      2    22%
elliottlib/                        90     61     34      0    30%
elliottlib/                                  297    139    110     15    50%
TOTAL                                              6389   3663   2673    199    40%
py38 run-test: commands[2] | flake8
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)
openshift-bot commented 1 year ago

Build #5

/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _BetaConfiguration: Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*.
  warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _BetaConfiguration: Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*.
  warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
py38 inst-nodeps: /mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.tmp/package/1/rh-elliott-2.0.15.dev53+g89ceb7f.tar.gz
py38 installed: aiodns==3.0.0,aiohttp==3.8.4,aiosignal==1.3.1,astroid==2.15.2,async-timeout==4.0.2,asynctest==0.13.0,attrs==22.2.0,Brotli==1.0.9,cachetools==5.3.0,cchardet==2.1.7,certifi==2022.12.7,cffi==1.15.1,chardet==5.1.0,charset-normalizer==3.1.0,click==8.1.3,colorama==0.4.6,coverage==7.2.3,decorator==5.1.1,defusedxml==0.7.1,dill==0.3.6,distlib==0.3.6,errata-tool==1.30.0,exceptiongroup==1.1.1,filelock==3.11.0,flake8==6.0.0,flexmock==0.11.3,frozenlist==1.3.3,future==0.18.3,gssapi==1.8.2,idna==3.4,iniconfig==2.0.0,isort==5.12.0,jira==3.5.0,jsonpath-rw==1.4.0,koji==1.32.1,lazy-object-proxy==1.9.0,mccabe==0.7.0,mock==5.0.1,multidict==6.0.4,mypy==1.2.0,mypy-extensions==1.0.0,oauthlib==3.2.2,packaging==23.1,platformdirs==3.2.0,pluggy==1.0.0,ply==3.11,pycares==4.3.0,pycodestyle==2.10.0,pycparser==2.21,pyflakes==3.0.1,pygit2==1.10.1,pylint==2.17.2,pyproject-api==1.5.1,pytest==7.3.0,python-bugzilla==3.2.0,python-dateutil==2.8.2,PyYAML==6.0,requests==2.28.2,requests-gssapi==1.2.3,requests-oauthlib==1.3.1,requests-toolbelt==0.10.1,rh-elliott @ file:///mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.tmp/package/1/rh-elliott-2.0.15.dev53%2Bg89ceb7f.tar.gz,ruamel.yaml==0.17.21,ruamel.yaml.clib==0.2.7,semver==3.0.0,six==1.16.0,tenacity==8.2.2,tomli==2.0.1,tomlkit==0.11.7,tox==4.4.11,typing-extensions==4.5.0,urllib3==1.26.15,virtualenv==20.21.0,wrapt==1.15.0,yarl==1.8.2
py38 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='3218727311'
py38 run-test: commands[0] | coverage run --branch --source elliottlib -m unittest discover -t . -s tests/
..............................................Cannot find any corresponding flaw bugs for these trackers: [13]. These trackers do not have a valid whiteboard component value: [12].
..BZ 9 is ignored because its status was MODIFIED at the moment of sweep cutoff (2021-06-30 12:30:00), however its status changed back to ['ASSIGNED'] afterwards
.......................changed 123 from status1 to status2
.123 is already on status1
.changed 123 from status1 to status2
..changed 123 from status1 to status2
.123 is already on status1
.changed 123 from status1 to status2
............................................................................................../mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/py38/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/ ResourceWarning: Unclosed client session <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7f032d1b6af0>
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
Unclosed client session
client_session: <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7f032d1b6af0>
Ran 177 tests in 1.188s

py38 run-test: commands[1] | coverage report
Name                                              Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
elliottlib/                               12      7      2      1    43%
elliottlib/                                2      2      0      0     0%
elliottlib/                               92      9     54      7    89%
elliottlib/                              11      0      6      0   100%
elliottlib/                                  336    195    134      5    36%
elliottlib/bug/                            0      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                          114     12     74     15    86%
elliottlib/                                850    345    340     27    55%
elliottlib/                             21     21      4      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                            0      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/cli/                          270    270     75      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                   28     28      4      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/               90     90     38      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                  39     39     14      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                14     14      2      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/               22     22      6      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    37     37     18      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              130     66     58      9    45%
elliottlib/cli/                   44     44     16      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                           15      0     17      0   100%
elliottlib/cli/                             48     12      6      1    69%
elliottlib/cli/                         70     70     20      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/             36     36     12      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                51     51      8      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              43      4     10      3    87%
elliottlib/cli/                   36      4      6      0    90%
elliottlib/cli/               222     32    124     19    83%
elliottlib/cli/                   268    198    179      2    19%
elliottlib/cli/            59     14     32      9    73%
elliottlib/cli/                           14     14      2      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              34     34      8      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    46      6     14      6    80%
elliottlib/cli/                    61      5     26      6    87%
elliottlib/cli/                          93     93     52      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                       102    102     34      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    128    128     62      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                83     83     26      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                      45     45     16      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/          258     91    167     20    57%
elliottlib/cli/     149     55     70      4    57%
elliottlib/cli/                    166    166     78      0     0%
elliottlib/                              52      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                                   216    216    113      0     0%
elliottlib/                              54     11     30      6    75%
elliottlib/                                342    219    150      4    32%
elliottlib/                          161     20     62      9    86%
elliottlib/                             12      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                              84      7     24      3    89%
elliottlib/                               171    137     76      0    14%
elliottlib/                               21      2      0      0    90%
elliottlib/                                 9      1      2      1    82%
elliottlib/                              154     43     76     18    67%
elliottlib/                                 105     22     30      2    79%
elliottlib/                        34     34      8      0     0%
elliottlib/                                  21      0      2      0   100%
elliottlib/                              28     28      4      0     0%
elliottlib/                                  63     63     16      0     0%
elliottlib/                              30     14     16      5    46%
elliottlib/                                  5      2      0      0    60%
elliottlib/                                31      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                               278    202    106      2    22%
elliottlib/                        90     61     34      0    30%
elliottlib/                                  297    139    110     15    50%
TOTAL                                              6397   3665   2673    199    40%
py38 run-test: commands[2] | flake8
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)
openshift-bot commented 1 year ago

Build #6

/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _BetaConfiguration: Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*.
  warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _BetaConfiguration: Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*.
  warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
py38 inst-nodeps: /mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.tmp/package/1/rh-elliott-2.0.15.dev56+g2b9320f.tar.gz
py38 installed: aiodns==3.0.0,aiohttp==3.8.4,aiosignal==1.3.1,astroid==2.15.2,async-timeout==4.0.2,asynctest==0.13.0,attrs==22.2.0,Brotli==1.0.9,cachetools==5.3.0,cchardet==2.1.7,certifi==2022.12.7,cffi==1.15.1,chardet==5.1.0,charset-normalizer==3.1.0,click==8.1.3,colorama==0.4.6,coverage==7.2.3,decorator==5.1.1,defusedxml==0.7.1,dill==0.3.6,distlib==0.3.6,errata-tool==1.30.0,exceptiongroup==1.1.1,filelock==3.11.0,flake8==6.0.0,flexmock==0.11.3,frozenlist==1.3.3,future==0.18.3,gssapi==1.8.2,idna==3.4,iniconfig==2.0.0,isort==5.12.0,jira==3.5.0,jsonpath-rw==1.4.0,koji==1.32.1,lazy-object-proxy==1.9.0,mccabe==0.7.0,mock==5.0.1,multidict==6.0.4,mypy==1.2.0,mypy-extensions==1.0.0,oauthlib==3.2.2,packaging==23.1,platformdirs==3.2.0,pluggy==1.0.0,ply==3.11,pycares==4.3.0,pycodestyle==2.10.0,pycparser==2.21,pyflakes==3.0.1,pygit2==1.10.1,pylint==2.17.2,pyproject-api==1.5.1,pytest==7.3.0,python-bugzilla==3.2.0,python-dateutil==2.8.2,PyYAML==6.0,requests==2.28.2,requests-gssapi==1.2.3,requests-oauthlib==1.3.1,requests-toolbelt==0.10.1,rh-elliott @ file:///mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.tmp/package/1/rh-elliott-2.0.15.dev56%2Bg2b9320f.tar.gz,ruamel.yaml==0.17.21,ruamel.yaml.clib==0.2.7,semver==3.0.0,six==1.16.0,tenacity==8.2.2,tomli==2.0.1,tomlkit==0.11.7,tox==4.4.11,typing-extensions==4.5.0,urllib3==1.26.15,virtualenv==20.21.0,wrapt==1.15.0,yarl==1.8.2
py38 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='1861963615'
py38 run-test: commands[0] | coverage run --branch --source elliottlib -m unittest discover -t . -s tests/
..............................................Cannot find any corresponding flaw bugs for these trackers: [13]. These trackers do not have a valid whiteboard component value: [12].
..BZ 9 is ignored because its status was MODIFIED at the moment of sweep cutoff (2021-06-30 12:30:00), however its status changed back to ['ASSIGNED'] afterwards
.......................changed 123 from status1 to status2
.123 is already on status1
.changed 123 from status1 to status2
..changed 123 from status1 to status2
.123 is already on status1
.changed 123 from status1 to status2
............................................................................................../mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/py38/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/ ResourceWarning: Unclosed client session <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7faa222e8b50>
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
Unclosed client session
client_session: <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7faa222e8b50>
Ran 177 tests in 1.176s

py38 run-test: commands[1] | coverage report
Name                                              Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
elliottlib/                               12      7      2      1    43%
elliottlib/                                2      2      0      0     0%
elliottlib/                               92      9     54      7    89%
elliottlib/                              11      0      6      0   100%
elliottlib/                                  336    195    134      5    36%
elliottlib/bug/                            0      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                          114     12     74     15    86%
elliottlib/                                850    345    340     27    55%
elliottlib/                             21     21      4      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                            0      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/cli/                          270    270     75      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                   28     28      4      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/               90     90     38      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                  39     39     14      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                14     14      2      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/               22     22      6      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    37     37     18      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              130     66     58      9    45%
elliottlib/cli/                   44     44     16      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                           15      0     17      0   100%
elliottlib/cli/                             48     12      6      1    69%
elliottlib/cli/                         70     70     20      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/             36     36     12      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                51     51      8      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              43      4     10      3    87%
elliottlib/cli/                   36      4      6      0    90%
elliottlib/cli/               222     32    124     19    83%
elliottlib/cli/                   268    198    179      2    19%
elliottlib/cli/            59     14     32      9    73%
elliottlib/cli/                           14     14      2      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              34     34      8      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    46      6     14      6    80%
elliottlib/cli/                    61      5     26      6    87%
elliottlib/cli/                          93     93     52      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                       102    102     34      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    128    128     62      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                83     83     26      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                      45     45     16      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/          258     91    167     20    57%
elliottlib/cli/     149     55     70      4    57%
elliottlib/cli/                    166    166     78      0     0%
elliottlib/                              52      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                                   216    216    113      0     0%
elliottlib/                              54     11     30      6    75%
elliottlib/                                344    221    150      4    32%
elliottlib/                          161     20     62      9    86%
elliottlib/                             12      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                              84      7     24      3    89%
elliottlib/                               171    137     76      0    14%
elliottlib/                               21      2      0      0    90%
elliottlib/                                 9      1      2      1    82%
elliottlib/                              154     43     76     18    67%
elliottlib/                                 105     22     30      2    79%
elliottlib/                        34     34      8      0     0%
elliottlib/                                  21      0      2      0   100%
elliottlib/                              28     28      4      0     0%
elliottlib/                                  63     63     16      0     0%
elliottlib/                              30     14     16      5    46%
elliottlib/                                  5      2      0      0    60%
elliottlib/                                31      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                               278    202    106      2    22%
elliottlib/                        90     61     34      0    30%
elliottlib/                                  297    139    110     15    50%
TOTAL                                              6399   3667   2673    199    40%
py38 run-test: commands[2] | flake8
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)
openshift-bot commented 1 year ago

Build #7

/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _BetaConfiguration: Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*.
  warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _BetaConfiguration: Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*.
  warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
py38 inst-nodeps: /mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.tmp/package/1/rh-elliott-2.0.15.dev57+g28d5e00.tar.gz
py38 installed: aiodns==3.0.0,aiohttp==3.8.4,aiosignal==1.3.1,astroid==2.15.2,async-timeout==4.0.2,asynctest==0.13.0,attrs==22.2.0,Brotli==1.0.9,cachetools==5.3.0,cchardet==2.1.7,certifi==2022.12.7,cffi==1.15.1,chardet==5.1.0,charset-normalizer==3.1.0,click==8.1.3,colorama==0.4.6,coverage==7.2.3,decorator==5.1.1,defusedxml==0.7.1,dill==0.3.6,distlib==0.3.6,errata-tool==1.30.0,exceptiongroup==1.1.1,filelock==3.11.0,flake8==6.0.0,flexmock==0.11.3,frozenlist==1.3.3,future==0.18.3,gssapi==1.8.2,idna==3.4,iniconfig==2.0.0,isort==5.12.0,jira==3.5.0,jsonpath-rw==1.4.0,koji==1.32.1,lazy-object-proxy==1.9.0,mccabe==0.7.0,mock==5.0.1,multidict==6.0.4,mypy==1.2.0,mypy-extensions==1.0.0,oauthlib==3.2.2,packaging==23.1,platformdirs==3.2.0,pluggy==1.0.0,ply==3.11,pycares==4.3.0,pycodestyle==2.10.0,pycparser==2.21,pyflakes==3.0.1,pygit2==1.10.1,pylint==2.17.2,pyproject-api==1.5.1,pytest==7.3.0,python-bugzilla==3.2.0,python-dateutil==2.8.2,PyYAML==6.0,requests==2.28.2,requests-gssapi==1.2.3,requests-oauthlib==1.3.1,requests-toolbelt==0.10.1,rh-elliott @ file:///mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.tmp/package/1/rh-elliott-2.0.15.dev57%2Bg28d5e00.tar.gz,ruamel.yaml==0.17.21,ruamel.yaml.clib==0.2.7,semver==3.0.0,six==1.16.0,tenacity==8.2.2,tomli==2.0.1,tomlkit==0.11.7,tox==4.4.11,typing-extensions==4.5.0,urllib3==1.26.15,virtualenv==20.21.0,wrapt==1.15.0,yarl==1.8.2
py38 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='1435038577'
py38 run-test: commands[0] | coverage run --branch --source elliottlib -m unittest discover -t . -s tests/
..............................................Cannot find any corresponding flaw bugs for these trackers: [13]. These trackers do not have a valid whiteboard component value: [12].
..BZ 9 is ignored because its status was MODIFIED at the moment of sweep cutoff (2021-06-30 12:30:00), however its status changed back to ['ASSIGNED'] afterwards
.......................changed 123 from status1 to status2
.123 is already on status1
.changed 123 from status1 to status2
..changed 123 from status1 to status2
.123 is already on status1
.changed 123 from status1 to status2
............................................................................................../mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/py38/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/ ResourceWarning: Unclosed client session <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7f864b2cab20>
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
Unclosed client session
client_session: <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7f864b2cab20>
Ran 177 tests in 1.083s

py38 run-test: commands[1] | coverage report
Name                                              Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
elliottlib/                               12      7      2      1    43%
elliottlib/                                2      2      0      0     0%
elliottlib/                               92      9     54      7    89%
elliottlib/                              11      0      6      0   100%
elliottlib/                                  336    195    134      5    36%
elliottlib/bug/                            0      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                          114     12     74     15    86%
elliottlib/                                850    345    340     27    55%
elliottlib/                             21     21      4      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                            0      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/cli/                          270    270     75      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                   28     28      4      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/               90     90     38      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                  39     39     14      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                14     14      2      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/               22     22      6      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    37     37     18      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              130     66     58      9    45%
elliottlib/cli/                   44     44     16      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                           15      0     17      0   100%
elliottlib/cli/                             48     12      6      1    69%
elliottlib/cli/                         70     70     20      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/             36     36     12      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                51     51      8      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              43      4     10      3    87%
elliottlib/cli/                   36      4      6      0    90%
elliottlib/cli/               222     32    124     19    83%
elliottlib/cli/                   268    198    179      2    19%
elliottlib/cli/            59     14     32      9    73%
elliottlib/cli/                           14     14      2      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              34     34      8      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    46      6     14      6    80%
elliottlib/cli/                    61      5     26      6    87%
elliottlib/cli/                          93     93     52      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                       102    102     34      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    128    128     62      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                83     83     26      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                      45     45     16      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/          266     94    171     20    57%
elliottlib/cli/     149     55     70      4    57%
elliottlib/cli/                    166    166     78      0     0%
elliottlib/                              52      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                                   216    216    113      0     0%
elliottlib/                              54     11     30      6    75%
elliottlib/                                344    221    150      4    32%
elliottlib/                          161     20     62      9    86%
elliottlib/                             12      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                              84      7     24      3    89%
elliottlib/                               171    137     76      0    14%
elliottlib/                               21      2      0      0    90%
elliottlib/                                 9      1      2      1    82%
elliottlib/                              154     43     76     18    67%
elliottlib/                                 105     22     30      2    79%
elliottlib/                        34     34      8      0     0%
elliottlib/                                  21      0      2      0   100%
elliottlib/                              28     28      4      0     0%
elliottlib/                                  63     63     16      0     0%
elliottlib/                              30     14     16      5    46%
elliottlib/                                  5      2      0      0    60%
elliottlib/                                31      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                               278    202    106      2    22%
elliottlib/                        90     61     34      0    30%
elliottlib/                                  297    139    110     15    50%
TOTAL                                              6407   3670   2677    199    40%
py38 run-test: commands[2] | flake8
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)
openshift-bot commented 1 year ago

Build #8

/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _BetaConfiguration: Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*.
  warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _BetaConfiguration: Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*.
  warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
py38 inst-nodeps: /mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.tmp/package/1/rh-elliott-2.0.15.dev58+ge7842f7.tar.gz
py38 installed: aiodns==3.0.0,aiohttp==3.8.4,aiosignal==1.3.1,astroid==2.15.2,async-timeout==4.0.2,asynctest==0.13.0,attrs==22.2.0,Brotli==1.0.9,cachetools==5.3.0,cchardet==2.1.7,certifi==2022.12.7,cffi==1.15.1,chardet==5.1.0,charset-normalizer==3.1.0,click==8.1.3,colorama==0.4.6,coverage==7.2.3,decorator==5.1.1,defusedxml==0.7.1,dill==0.3.6,distlib==0.3.6,errata-tool==1.30.0,exceptiongroup==1.1.1,filelock==3.11.0,flake8==6.0.0,flexmock==0.11.3,frozenlist==1.3.3,future==0.18.3,gssapi==1.8.2,idna==3.4,iniconfig==2.0.0,isort==5.12.0,jira==3.5.0,jsonpath-rw==1.4.0,koji==1.32.1,lazy-object-proxy==1.9.0,mccabe==0.7.0,mock==5.0.1,multidict==6.0.4,mypy==1.2.0,mypy-extensions==1.0.0,oauthlib==3.2.2,packaging==23.1,platformdirs==3.2.0,pluggy==1.0.0,ply==3.11,pycares==4.3.0,pycodestyle==2.10.0,pycparser==2.21,pyflakes==3.0.1,pygit2==1.10.1,pylint==2.17.2,pyproject-api==1.5.1,pytest==7.3.0,python-bugzilla==3.2.0,python-dateutil==2.8.2,PyYAML==6.0,requests==2.28.2,requests-gssapi==1.2.3,requests-oauthlib==1.3.1,requests-toolbelt==0.10.1,rh-elliott @ file:///mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.tmp/package/1/rh-elliott-2.0.15.dev58%2Bge7842f7.tar.gz,ruamel.yaml==0.17.21,ruamel.yaml.clib==0.2.7,semver==3.0.0,six==1.16.0,tenacity==8.2.2,tomli==2.0.1,tomlkit==0.11.7,tox==4.4.11,typing-extensions==4.5.0,urllib3==1.26.15,virtualenv==20.21.0,wrapt==1.15.0,yarl==1.8.2
py38 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='3027148073'
py38 run-test: commands[0] | coverage run --branch --source elliottlib -m unittest discover -t . -s tests/
..............................................Cannot find any corresponding flaw bugs for these trackers: [13]. These trackers do not have a valid whiteboard component value: [12].
..BZ 9 is ignored because its status was MODIFIED at the moment of sweep cutoff (2021-06-30 12:30:00), however its status changed back to ['ASSIGNED'] afterwards
.......................changed 123 from status1 to status2
.123 is already on status1
.changed 123 from status1 to status2
..changed 123 from status1 to status2
.123 is already on status1
.changed 123 from status1 to status2
............................................................................................../mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/py38/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/ ResourceWarning: Unclosed client session <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7f419519cac0>
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
Unclosed client session
client_session: <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7f419519cac0>
Ran 177 tests in 0.991s

py38 run-test: commands[1] | coverage report
Name                                              Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
elliottlib/                               12      7      2      1    43%
elliottlib/                                2      2      0      0     0%
elliottlib/                               92      9     54      7    89%
elliottlib/                              11      0      6      0   100%
elliottlib/                                  336    195    134      5    36%
elliottlib/bug/                            0      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                          114     12     74     15    86%
elliottlib/                                850    345    340     27    55%
elliottlib/                             21     21      4      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                            0      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/cli/                          270    270     75      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                   28     28      4      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/               90     90     38      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                  39     39     14      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                14     14      2      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/               22     22      6      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    37     37     18      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              130     66     58      9    45%
elliottlib/cli/                   44     44     16      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                           15      0     17      0   100%
elliottlib/cli/                             48     12      6      1    69%
elliottlib/cli/                         70     70     20      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/             36     36     12      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                51     51      8      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              43      4     10      3    87%
elliottlib/cli/                   36      4      6      0    90%
elliottlib/cli/               222     32    124     19    83%
elliottlib/cli/                   268    198    179      2    19%
elliottlib/cli/            59     14     32      9    73%
elliottlib/cli/                           14     14      2      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              34     34      8      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    46      6     14      6    80%
elliottlib/cli/                    61      5     26      6    87%
elliottlib/cli/                          93     93     52      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                       102    102     34      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    128    128     62      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                83     83     26      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                      45     45     16      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/          266     94    171     20    57%
elliottlib/cli/     149     55     70      4    57%
elliottlib/cli/                    166    166     78      0     0%
elliottlib/                              52      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                                   216    216    113      0     0%
elliottlib/                              54     11     30      6    75%
elliottlib/                                344    221    150      4    32%
elliottlib/                          161     20     62      9    86%
elliottlib/                             12      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                              84      7     24      3    89%
elliottlib/                               171    137     76      0    14%
elliottlib/                               21      2      0      0    90%
elliottlib/                                 9      1      2      1    82%
elliottlib/                              154     43     76     18    67%
elliottlib/                                 105     22     30      2    79%
elliottlib/                        34     34      8      0     0%
elliottlib/                                  21      0      2      0   100%
elliottlib/                              28     28      4      0     0%
elliottlib/                                  63     63     16      0     0%
elliottlib/                              30     14     16      5    46%
elliottlib/                                  5      2      0      0    60%
elliottlib/                                31      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                               278    202    106      2    22%
elliottlib/                        90     61     34      0    30%
elliottlib/                                  297    139    110     15    50%
TOTAL                                              6407   3670   2677    199    40%
py38 run-test: commands[2] | flake8
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)
openshift-bot commented 1 year ago

Build #9

/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _BetaConfiguration: Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*.
  warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _BetaConfiguration: Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*.
  warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
py38 inst-nodeps: /mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.tmp/package/1/rh-elliott-2.0.15.dev60+g5ef9558.tar.gz
py38 installed: aiodns==3.0.0,aiohttp==3.8.4,aiosignal==1.3.1,astroid==2.15.2,async-timeout==4.0.2,asynctest==0.13.0,attrs==22.2.0,Brotli==1.0.9,cachetools==5.3.0,cchardet==2.1.7,certifi==2022.12.7,cffi==1.15.1,chardet==5.1.0,charset-normalizer==3.1.0,click==8.1.3,colorama==0.4.6,coverage==7.2.3,decorator==5.1.1,defusedxml==0.7.1,dill==0.3.6,distlib==0.3.6,errata-tool==1.30.0,exceptiongroup==1.1.1,filelock==3.11.0,flake8==6.0.0,flexmock==0.11.3,frozenlist==1.3.3,future==0.18.3,gssapi==1.8.2,idna==3.4,iniconfig==2.0.0,isort==5.12.0,jira==3.5.0,jsonpath-rw==1.4.0,koji==1.32.1,lazy-object-proxy==1.9.0,mccabe==0.7.0,mock==5.0.1,multidict==6.0.4,mypy==1.2.0,mypy-extensions==1.0.0,oauthlib==3.2.2,packaging==23.1,platformdirs==3.2.0,pluggy==1.0.0,ply==3.11,pycares==4.3.0,pycodestyle==2.10.0,pycparser==2.21,pyflakes==3.0.1,pygit2==1.10.1,pylint==2.17.2,pyproject-api==1.5.1,pytest==7.3.0,python-bugzilla==3.2.0,python-dateutil==2.8.2,PyYAML==6.0,requests==2.28.2,requests-gssapi==1.2.3,requests-oauthlib==1.3.1,requests-toolbelt==0.10.1,rh-elliott @ file:///mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.tmp/package/1/rh-elliott-2.0.15.dev60%2Bg5ef9558.tar.gz,ruamel.yaml==0.17.21,ruamel.yaml.clib==0.2.7,semver==3.0.0,six==1.16.0,tenacity==8.2.2,tomli==2.0.1,tomlkit==0.11.7,tox==4.4.11,typing-extensions==4.5.0,urllib3==1.26.15,virtualenv==20.21.0,wrapt==1.15.0,yarl==1.8.2
py38 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='2080039446'
py38 run-test: commands[0] | coverage run --branch --source elliottlib -m unittest discover -t . -s tests/
..............................................Cannot find any corresponding flaw bugs for these trackers: [13]. These trackers do not have a valid whiteboard component value: [12].
..BZ 9 is ignored because its status was MODIFIED at the moment of sweep cutoff (2021-06-30 12:30:00), however its status changed back to ['ASSIGNED'] afterwards
.......................changed 123 from status1 to status2
.123 is already on status1
.changed 123 from status1 to status2
..changed 123 from status1 to status2
.123 is already on status1
.changed 123 from status1 to status2
............................................................................................../mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/py38/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/ ResourceWarning: Unclosed client session <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7f325455ca90>
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
Unclosed client session
client_session: <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7f325455ca90>
Ran 177 tests in 1.003s

py38 run-test: commands[1] | coverage report
Name                                              Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
elliottlib/                               12      7      2      1    43%
elliottlib/                                2      2      0      0     0%
elliottlib/                               92      9     54      7    89%
elliottlib/                              11      0      6      0   100%
elliottlib/                                  336    195    134      5    36%
elliottlib/bug/                            0      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                          114     12     74     15    86%
elliottlib/                                854    348    344     28    55%
elliottlib/                             21     21      4      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                            0      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/cli/                          270    270     75      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                   28     28      4      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/               90     90     38      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                  39     39     14      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                14     14      2      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/               22     22      6      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    37     37     18      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              130     66     58      9    45%
elliottlib/cli/                   44     44     16      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                           15      0     17      0   100%
elliottlib/cli/                             48     12      6      1    69%
elliottlib/cli/                         70     70     20      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/             36     36     12      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                51     51      8      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              43      4     10      3    87%
elliottlib/cli/                   36      4      6      0    90%
elliottlib/cli/               222     32    124     19    83%
elliottlib/cli/                   268    198    179      2    19%
elliottlib/cli/            59     14     32      9    73%
elliottlib/cli/                           14     14      2      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              34     34      8      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    46      6     14      6    80%
elliottlib/cli/                    61      5     26      6    87%
elliottlib/cli/                          93     93     52      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                       102    102     34      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    128    128     62      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                83     83     26      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                      45     45     16      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/          266     94    171     20    57%
elliottlib/cli/     149     55     70      4    57%
elliottlib/cli/                    166    166     78      0     0%
elliottlib/                              52      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                                   216    216    113      0     0%
elliottlib/                              54     11     30      6    75%
elliottlib/                                344    221    150      4    32%
elliottlib/                          161     20     62      9    86%
elliottlib/                             12      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                              84      7     24      3    89%
elliottlib/                               171    137     76      0    14%
elliottlib/                               21      2      0      0    90%
elliottlib/                                 9      1      2      1    82%
elliottlib/                              154     43     76     18    67%
elliottlib/                                 105     22     30      2    79%
elliottlib/                        34     34      8      0     0%
elliottlib/                                  21      0      2      0   100%
elliottlib/                              28     28      4      0     0%
elliottlib/                                  63     63     16      0     0%
elliottlib/                              30     14     16      5    46%
elliottlib/                                  5      2      0      0    60%
elliottlib/                                31      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                               278    202    106      2    22%
elliottlib/                        90     61     34      0    30%
elliottlib/                                  297    139    110     15    50%
TOTAL                                              6411   3673   2681    200    40%
py38 run-test: commands[2] | flake8
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)
openshift-bot commented 1 year ago

Build #10

/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _BetaConfiguration: Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*.
  warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _BetaConfiguration: Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*.
  warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
py38 inst-nodeps: /mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.tmp/package/1/rh-elliott-2.0.15.dev62+g7a7c22e.tar.gz
py38 installed: aiodns==3.0.0,aiohttp==3.8.4,aiosignal==1.3.1,astroid==2.15.2,async-timeout==4.0.2,asynctest==0.13.0,attrs==22.2.0,Brotli==1.0.9,cachetools==5.3.0,cchardet==2.1.7,certifi==2022.12.7,cffi==1.15.1,chardet==5.1.0,charset-normalizer==3.1.0,click==8.1.3,colorama==0.4.6,coverage==7.2.3,decorator==5.1.1,defusedxml==0.7.1,dill==0.3.6,distlib==0.3.6,errata-tool==1.30.0,exceptiongroup==1.1.1,filelock==3.11.0,flake8==6.0.0,flexmock==0.11.3,frozenlist==1.3.3,future==0.18.3,gssapi==1.8.2,idna==3.4,iniconfig==2.0.0,isort==5.12.0,jira==3.5.0,jsonpath-rw==1.4.0,koji==1.32.1,lazy-object-proxy==1.9.0,mccabe==0.7.0,mock==5.0.1,multidict==6.0.4,mypy==1.2.0,mypy-extensions==1.0.0,oauthlib==3.2.2,packaging==23.1,platformdirs==3.2.0,pluggy==1.0.0,ply==3.11,pycares==4.3.0,pycodestyle==2.10.0,pycparser==2.21,pyflakes==3.0.1,pygit2==1.10.1,pylint==2.17.2,pyproject-api==1.5.1,pytest==7.3.0,python-bugzilla==3.2.0,python-dateutil==2.8.2,PyYAML==6.0,requests==2.28.2,requests-gssapi==1.2.3,requests-oauthlib==1.3.1,requests-toolbelt==0.10.1,rh-elliott @ file:///mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.tmp/package/1/rh-elliott-2.0.15.dev62%2Bg7a7c22e.tar.gz,ruamel.yaml==0.17.21,ruamel.yaml.clib==0.2.7,semver==3.0.0,six==1.16.0,tenacity==8.2.2,tomli==2.0.1,tomlkit==0.11.7,tox==4.4.11,typing-extensions==4.5.0,urllib3==1.26.15,virtualenv==20.21.0,wrapt==1.15.0,yarl==1.8.2
py38 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='1263108800'
py38 run-test: commands[0] | coverage run --branch --source elliottlib -m unittest discover -t . -s tests/
..............................................Cannot find any corresponding flaw bugs for these trackers: [13]. These trackers do not have a valid whiteboard component value: [12].
..BZ 9 is ignored because its status was MODIFIED at the moment of sweep cutoff (2021-06-30 12:30:00), however its status changed back to ['ASSIGNED'] afterwards
.......................changed 123 from status1 to status2
.123 is already on status1
.changed 123 from status1 to status2
..changed 123 from status1 to status2
.123 is already on status1
.changed 123 from status1 to status2
............................................................................................../mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/py38/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/ ResourceWarning: Unclosed client session <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7f9c08725550>
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
Unclosed client session
client_session: <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7f9c08725550>
Ran 177 tests in 1.039s

py38 run-test: commands[1] | coverage report
Name                                              Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
elliottlib/                               12      7      2      1    43%
elliottlib/                                2      2      0      0     0%
elliottlib/                               92      9     54      7    89%
elliottlib/                              11      0      6      0   100%
elliottlib/                                  336    195    134      5    36%
elliottlib/bug/                            0      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                          114     12     74     15    86%
elliottlib/                                854    348    344     28    55%
elliottlib/                             21     21      4      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                            0      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/cli/                          270    270     75      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                   28     28      4      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/               90     90     38      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                  39     39     14      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                14     14      2      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/               22     22      6      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    37     37     18      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              130     66     58      9    45%
elliottlib/cli/                   44     44     16      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                           15      0     17      0   100%
elliottlib/cli/                             48     12      6      1    69%
elliottlib/cli/                         70     70     20      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/             36     36     12      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                51     51      8      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              43      4     10      3    87%
elliottlib/cli/                   36      4      6      0    90%
elliottlib/cli/               222     32    124     19    83%
elliottlib/cli/                   268    198    179      2    19%
elliottlib/cli/            59     14     32      9    73%
elliottlib/cli/                           14     14      2      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              34     34      8      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    46      6     14      6    80%
elliottlib/cli/                    61      5     26      6    87%
elliottlib/cli/                          93     93     52      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                       102    102     34      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    128    128     62      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                83     83     26      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                      45     45     16      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/          266     94    171     20    57%
elliottlib/cli/     149     55     70      4    57%
elliottlib/cli/                    166    166     78      0     0%
elliottlib/                              52      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                                   216    216    113      0     0%
elliottlib/                              54     11     30      6    75%
elliottlib/                                344    221    150      4    32%
elliottlib/                          160     20     62      9    86%
elliottlib/                             12      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                              84      7     24      3    89%
elliottlib/                               171    137     76      0    14%
elliottlib/                               21      2      0      0    90%
elliottlib/                                 9      1      2      1    82%
elliottlib/                              154     43     76     18    67%
elliottlib/                                 105     22     30      2    79%
elliottlib/                        34     34      8      0     0%
elliottlib/                                  21      0      2      0   100%
elliottlib/                              28     28      4      0     0%
elliottlib/                                  63     63     16      0     0%
elliottlib/                              30     14     16      5    46%
elliottlib/                                  5      2      0      0    60%
elliottlib/                                31      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                               278    202    106      2    22%
elliottlib/                        90     61     34      0    30%
elliottlib/                                  297    139    110     15    50%
TOTAL                                              6410   3673   2681    200    40%
py38 run-test: commands[2] | flake8
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)
openshift-bot commented 1 year ago

Build #11

/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _BetaConfiguration: Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*.
  warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
/mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _BetaConfiguration: Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*.
  warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
py38 inst-nodeps: /mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.tmp/package/1/rh-elliott-2.0.15.dev64+g8a46b58.tar.gz
py38 installed: aiodns==3.0.0,aiohttp==3.8.4,aiosignal==1.3.1,astroid==2.15.2,async-timeout==4.0.2,asynctest==0.13.0,attrs==22.2.0,Brotli==1.0.9,cachetools==5.3.0,cchardet==2.1.7,certifi==2022.12.7,cffi==1.15.1,chardet==5.1.0,charset-normalizer==3.1.0,click==8.1.3,colorama==0.4.6,coverage==7.2.3,decorator==5.1.1,defusedxml==0.7.1,dill==0.3.6,distlib==0.3.6,errata-tool==1.30.0,exceptiongroup==1.1.1,filelock==3.11.0,flake8==6.0.0,flexmock==0.11.3,frozenlist==1.3.3,future==0.18.3,gssapi==1.8.2,idna==3.4,iniconfig==2.0.0,isort==5.12.0,jira==3.5.0,jsonpath-rw==1.4.0,koji==1.32.1,lazy-object-proxy==1.9.0,mccabe==0.7.0,mock==5.0.1,multidict==6.0.4,mypy==1.2.0,mypy-extensions==1.0.0,oauthlib==3.2.2,packaging==23.1,platformdirs==3.2.0,pluggy==1.0.0,ply==3.11,pycares==4.3.0,pycodestyle==2.10.0,pycparser==2.21,pyflakes==3.0.1,pygit2==1.10.1,pylint==2.17.2,pyproject-api==1.5.1,pytest==7.3.0,python-bugzilla==3.2.0,python-dateutil==2.8.2,PyYAML==6.0,requests==2.28.2,requests-gssapi==1.2.3,requests-oauthlib==1.3.1,requests-toolbelt==0.10.1,rh-elliott @ file:///mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/.tmp/package/1/rh-elliott-2.0.15.dev64%2Bg8a46b58.tar.gz,ruamel.yaml==0.17.21,ruamel.yaml.clib==0.2.7,semver==3.0.0,six==1.16.0,tenacity==8.2.2,tomli==2.0.1,tomlkit==0.11.7,tox==4.4.11,typing-extensions==4.5.0,urllib3==1.26.15,virtualenv==20.21.0,wrapt==1.15.0,yarl==1.8.2
py38 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='1220522246'
py38 run-test: commands[0] | coverage run --branch --source elliottlib -m unittest discover -t . -s tests/
..............................................Cannot find any corresponding flaw bugs for these trackers: [13]. These trackers do not have a valid whiteboard component value: [12].
..BZ 9 is ignored because its status was MODIFIED at the moment of sweep cutoff (2021-06-30 12:30:00), however its status changed back to ['ASSIGNED'] afterwards
.......................changed 123 from status1 to status2
.123 is already on status1
.changed 123 from status1 to status2
..changed 123 from status1 to status2
.123 is already on status1
.changed 123 from status1 to status2
............................................................................................../mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_elliott_PR-539/.tox/py38/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/ ResourceWarning: Unclosed client session <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7f39383a0cd0>
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
Unclosed client session
client_session: <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7f39383a0cd0>
Ran 177 tests in 0.977s

py38 run-test: commands[1] | coverage report
Name                                              Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
elliottlib/                               12      7      2      1    43%
elliottlib/                                2      2      0      0     0%
elliottlib/                              131     39     76      7    67%
elliottlib/                              11      0      6      0   100%
elliottlib/                                  336    195    134      5    36%
elliottlib/bug/                            0      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                          114     12     74     15    86%
elliottlib/                                854    348    344     28    55%
elliottlib/                             21     21      4      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                            0      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/cli/                          272    272     75      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                   28     28      4      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/               90     90     38      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                  39     39     14      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                14     14      2      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/               22     22      6      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    37     37     18      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              130     66     58      9    45%
elliottlib/cli/                   44     44     16      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                           15      0     17      0   100%
elliottlib/cli/                             48     12      6      1    69%
elliottlib/cli/                         70     70     20      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/             36     36     12      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                51     51      8      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              43      4     10      3    87%
elliottlib/cli/                   36      4      6      0    90%
elliottlib/cli/               222     32    124     19    83%
elliottlib/cli/                   268    198    179      2    19%
elliottlib/cli/               98     98     56      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/            59     14     32      9    73%
elliottlib/cli/                           14     14      2      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/              34     34      8      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    46      6     14      6    80%
elliottlib/cli/                    61      5     26      6    87%
elliottlib/cli/                          93     93     52      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                       102    102     34      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                    128    128     62      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                83     83     26      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/                      45     45     16      0     0%
elliottlib/cli/          266     94    171     20    57%
elliottlib/cli/     149     55     70      4    57%
elliottlib/cli/                    166    166     78      0     0%
elliottlib/                              52      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                                   216    216    113      0     0%
elliottlib/                              54     11     30      6    75%
elliottlib/                                344    221    150      4    32%
elliottlib/                          160     20     62      9    86%
elliottlib/                             12      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                              84      7     24      3    89%
elliottlib/                               171    137     76      0    14%
elliottlib/                               21      2      0      0    90%
elliottlib/                                 9      1      2      1    82%
elliottlib/                              154     43     76     18    67%
elliottlib/                                 105     22     30      2    79%
elliottlib/                        34     34      8      0     0%
elliottlib/                                  21      0      2      0   100%
elliottlib/                              28     28      4      0     0%
elliottlib/                                  80     80     16      0     0%
elliottlib/                              30     14     16      5    46%
elliottlib/                                  5      2      0      0    60%
elliottlib/                                31      0      0      0   100%
elliottlib/                               278    202    106      2    22%
elliottlib/                        90     61     34      0    30%
elliottlib/                                  297    139    110     15    50%
TOTAL                                              6566   3820   2759    200    39%
py38 run-test: commands[2] | flake8
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)