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ServiceUnavailable for "oc new-project" requests #230

Open jdandrea opened 1 year ago

jdandrea commented 1 year ago

In which track did this bug occur? Working with Kustomize

what is the url for the track?

At what step of the track did this happen? Step 1: Exploring Kustomize

Describe the bug Node that has been up 150d is unable to handle API requests.

Logs or error messages

[root@crc-lgph7-master-0 kustomize-build]# oc get nodes
NAME                 STATUS   ROLES           AGE    VERSION
crc-lgph7-master-0   Ready    master,worker   150d   v1.24.0+3882f8f
[root@crc-lgph7-master-0 kustomize-build]# oc new-project kustomize-test
Error from server (ServiceUnavailable): the server is currently unable to handle the request (get

Expected behavior Expect to be able to create a new project.

Screenshots n/a

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Smartphone (please complete the following information): n/a

Additional context 4:15pm EST, 2 March 2023

jdandrea commented 1 year ago

It eventually worked! Still, this has happened many times before, so I wanted to capture it here.

[root@crc-lgph7-master-0 kustomize-build]# oc new-project kustomize-test
Now using project "kustomize-test" on server "https://api.crc.testing:6443".

You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try:

    oc new-app rails-postgresql-example

to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application:

    kubectl create deployment hello-node -- /agnhost serve-hostname