openshift-labs / learn-katacoda

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Partner Dev Team Workshop - Nov 25, 13:00-17:00 #1333

Open goetzrieger opened 2 years ago

goetzrieger commented 2 years ago

We'll run a workshop for the extended developer team of one of Red Hat's major German partners on November 25, 13:00-17:00. We'd like to use the labs in a "take your choice" way to cater for different levels of expertise.

We expect around 35 attendees.

We've asked which courses/paths would me most interesting, this is the list with decreasing priority:

  1. Developing on OpenShift
  2. GitOps
  3. Event-Driven Architecture with Apache Kafka
  4. Enterprise Java Development
  5. Developing with Quarkus
  6. OpenShift Serverless
  7. Building Operators on OpenShift
  8. Developing with Spring and Spring Boot
  9. OpenShift Service Mesh

Is this feasible and can we make sure there is enough capacity? Do we have to limit the list of available labs even more?

We will of course try to distribute people over the labs.



jdob commented 2 years ago

We definitely need to limit the set of labs, largely because of how the scheduling is done. We can schedule at the granularity of a course (as compared to a scenario; check the text in the boxes for each for the distinction) for a group of people, and we're charged by that allocation. Scheduling this many for 4 hours would be astronomical in costs and is something we can't accommodate. For that time period and attendee count, I'd say no more than two courses are feasible.

goetzrieger commented 2 years ago

Okay, understood. So let's go with:

  1. Developing on OpenShift
  2. OpenShift Serverless

And if we are charged by the hour we can narrow the timeframe to 14:00 - 16:30

jdob commented 2 years ago

What timezone are you requesting this for? Actually, the scheduling system uses UTC, so if you can give me that range in UTC, that'd be even more helpful.

goetzrieger commented 2 years ago

Argh, my bad…

we are 1 hour ahead of UTC so 13:00-15:30

jdob commented 2 years ago

Apologies about this, but the serverless courses aren't configured to be able to be scheduled. We are migrating off of Katacoda next week, so there won't be the time to fix it before your session.

That said, this is on US Thanksgiving, so normal traffic to the site is going to be very light. You can let users try any of the courses on the site; for 35 people, they shouldn't run into many problems.

I've also scheduled a dedicated pathway for 35 users on the Developing on OpenShift pathway. Please have them use this URL: