openshift-metal3 / dev-scripts

Scripts to automate development/test setup for openshift integration with
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increase default VM RAM requirement to match AWS infrastructure requirements #331

Closed jhutar closed 5 years ago

jhutar commented 5 years ago

Proposing this after discussion with @mcornea and after debugging issues caused by OOM on a host with 32GB RAM. Would 16GB be more reasonable default allowing higher installation success rate?

russellb commented 5 years ago

I think it makes sense to default to the same limits used on AWS, for our own sanity.

Based on my last AWS deployment, it looks like 8 GB (m4.large) for bootstrap, and 16 GB (m4.xlarge) for masters.

This will make it very difficult to use a 32 GB host, except for a single master deployment.

64 GB would work, but only for a 3 master deployment without workers. I suppose we could automate creating a worker VM after the bootstrap VM is destroyed.

128 GB is ideal, but I know most folks don't have machines that big available for this work.

russellb commented 5 years ago

stbenjam commented 5 years ago

I agree. I've been seeing OOM killed pods with 8GB masters. My deployment with 16GB masters from yesterday is still online - longest successfully running deployment I've had lately.

We've made some assumptions about there being 3 masters for metalkube, so unfortunately that means you need really powerful hardware. But it's rather pointless to have these low limits if it results in instability and a good percentage of deployments failing.

I'm working on making changes to accommodate only a single master which should make a 32GB box acceptable for development (KNIDEPLOY-429).

hardys commented 5 years ago

Sounds reasonable, I've been holding off though because I know this will impact existing users on 32G boxes until we get the single-master thing worked out.

Yesterday I did push too which should enable easier customization, e.g for single master/worker or custom memory/cpu sizes. We should optimize the default path to "just work" as much as possible though, even if it means by default a larger test host is required.

hardys commented 5 years ago

Ok that patch increases the master nodes to 16G, and reduces the worker count to 1.

Re the bootstrap VM, in my environment that only gets 4G so I guess we need to confirm if that needs increasing as well, AFAICT it's working OK though

dantrainor commented 5 years ago

I'm looking at upstream memory requirements[0] and they state 16G for masters. Maybe we've just been doing it wrong the whole time, attempting to use 8G.


dantrainor commented 5 years ago

Just to confirm, I ran vmstat in the background and can confirm we do indeed basically run out of memory with a default_memory of 8192 specified in tripleo-quickstart-config/metalkube-nodes.yml:

procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ------cpu----- r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa st 10 0 27648 8799540 0 11148604 0 0 0 47 15536 11527 73 15 12 0 0 7 0 27648 8724768 0 11149784 0 0 0 25 15718 10032 69 12 19 0 0 2 0 27648 8674748 0 11150948 0 0 0 27 8680 11505 32 10 58 0 0 5 0 27648 8648832 0 11150948 0 0 0 0 6760 10718 27 11 63 0 0 5 0 27648 8608160 0 11150952 0 0 0 0 9740 11945 47 17 36 0 0 10 0 27648 8465268 0 11151036 0 0 76 435 12989 14346 53 24 22 0 0 7 0 27648 8246360 0 11151276 0 0 0 564 13998 17058 56 31 13 0 0 7 0 27648 7896492 0 11151176 0 0 0 2542 15612 18893 58 32 10 0 0 8 0 27648 7575840 0 11151584 0 0 0 430 15281 19264 48 34 18 0 0 7 0 27648 7226444 0 11151648 0 0 0 10 15435 16718 56 33 11 0 0 5 0 27648 6792260 0 11360376 0 0 0 95 15148 31816 40 31 29 0 0 7 1 27648 4486760 0 13602468 0 0 0 167596 13103 31558 32 39 27 1 0 1 5 27648 2989744 0 15083124 0 0 0 506504 11338 31921 26 29 32 13 0 3 2 27648 2451676 0 15617612 0 0 0 519680 4972 16460 10 15 39 37 0 1 4 27648 1927412 0 16141104 0 0 0 508956 4963 12990 9 15 45 31 0 1 4 27648 1571700 0 16496072 0 0 0 522276 3985 4689 5 11 44 39 0 1 5 27648 1012480 0 17054256 0 0 0 506664 4239 6937 6 13 37 44 0 1 5 27648 664920 0 17402064 0 0 0 520360 14422 11115 6 15 38 42 0 1 5 27648 570924 0 17496904 0 0 0 504674 11241 6857 5 13 35 47 0 3 5 27904 369128 0 17697036 0 340 0 506400 13533 8592 5 16 42 37 0 1 5 28160 356136 0 17709488 0 156 0 507366 4996 6369 5 12 37 47 0 1 6 30464 236668 0 17827852 0 2224 0 525008 5298 7279 5 14 32 48 0 2 5 31232 240608 0 17825784 0 900 0 506971 5072 5265 5 12 39 44 0 3 4 33280 239268 0 17829956 0 1912 0 521112 9801 46663 13 22 28 38 0 2 4 35328 199016 0 17868648 32 2180 32 426195 9324 61442 16 26 28 30 0 4 3 35840 198704 0 17871324 0 592 0 473754 6685 59156 17 21 30 32 0 4 4 37376 199356 0 17874700 0 1516 0 411058 7274 63749 17 25 32 26 0 9 3 37632 231044 0 17846520 312 408 312 409954 7237 64255 17 25 31 27 0 4 5 38656 199052 0 17882168 728 972 728 361001 8018 65690 17 28 29 26 0 2 4 39168 221864 0 17856652 908 796 908 458940 7835 59056 15 28 33 23 0

This definitively concludes that we are running out of memory - by hot much, I'm not sure, but I think we can get this done with less than 16G per master.

dantrainor commented 5 years ago

Note that the aforementioned memory counters are running during the OpenShift Installer:

evel=debug msg="State path: /tmp/kni-install-158504556/terraform.tfstate" level=debug msg="OpenShift Installer 0447ab1fa360139aef298a1a8bc17fdf6302caec" level=debug msg="Built from commit 0447ab1fa360139aef298a1a8bc17fdf6302caec" level=info msg="Waiting up to 30m0s for the Kubernetes API at" level=debug msg="Still waiting for the Kubernetes API: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused" level=debug msg="Still waiting for the Kubernetes API: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused" level=debug msg="Still waiting for the Kubernetes API: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused" level=debug msg="Still waiting for the Kubernetes API: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused" level=debug msg="Still waiting for the Kubernetes API: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused" level=debug msg="Still waiting for the Kubernetes API: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused" level=debug msg="Still waiting for the Kubernetes API: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused" level=debug msg="Still waiting for the Kubernetes API: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused" level=debug msg="Still waiting for the Kubernetes API: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused"

The system starts swapping, things slow down, causing timeouts, if not simply OOMing. This is likely the cause of the transient errors, the "sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't" failures.