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Maestro Service Repo
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Allow to list the Bundle resources by RESTful API #103

Closed skeeey closed 3 months ago

skeeey commented 4 months ago

Allow to list the resource of type Bundle by RESTful API, then we can use this API to initialize the ManifestWork source client cache with this API, this will have two related tasks

refer to

skeeey commented 4 months ago

/cc @qiujian16 @clyang82 @morvencao @machi1990

morvencao commented 4 months ago

need to update openAPI schema for this. current list API return a list of 'Resource', we should return a list of 'ManifestBundle' for this new requirement.

clyang82 commented 4 months ago

How about the name for API/api/maestro/v1/resource-bundles for all ManifestBundle resources? Post /api/maestro/v1/resource-bundles GET/PATCH/DELETE /api/maestro/v1/resource-bundles/${bundle_id}

morvencao commented 4 months ago

we don't need POST, PATCH and DELETE, right? only need GET and LIST?

skeeey commented 4 months ago

For POST, PATCH and DELETE, we may still to use grpc publish method to do them

morvencao commented 4 months ago

drafted a PR for this: a running example:

# curl -k -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://maestro.${external_apps_domain}/api/maestro/v1/resourcebundles | jq
  "items": [
      "consumer_name": "cluster1",
      "created_at": "2024-05-30T05:03:08.493083Z",
      "delete_option": {
        "propagationPolicy": "Foreground"
      "href": "/api/maestro/v1/resources/68ebf474-6709-48bb-b760-386181268060",
      "id": "68ebf474-6709-48bb-b760-386181268060",
      "kind": "Resource",
      "manifest_configs": [
          "feedbackRules": [
              "jsonPaths": [
                  "name": "status",
                  "path": ".status"
              "type": "JSONPaths"
          "resourceIdentifier": {
            "group": "apps",
            "name": "web",
            "namespace": "default",
            "resource": "deployments"
          "updateStrategy": {
            "type": "ServerSideApply"
      "manifests": [
          "apiVersion": "v1",
          "kind": "ConfigMap",
          "metadata": {
            "name": "web",
            "namespace": "default"
          "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
          "kind": "Deployment",
          "metadata": {
            "name": "web",
            "namespace": "default"
          "spec": {
            "replicas": 1,
            "selector": {
              "matchLabels": {
                "app": "web"
            "template": {
              "metadata": {
                "labels": {
                  "app": "web"
              "spec": {
                "containers": [
                    "image": "nginxinc/nginx-unprivileged",
                    "name": "nginx"
      "name": "68ebf474-6709-48bb-b760-386181268060",
      "status": {
        "ObservedVersion": 1,
        "SequenceID": "1796044690592632832",
        "conditions": [
            "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-30T05:03:08Z",
            "message": "Apply manifest work complete",
            "reason": "AppliedManifestWorkComplete",
            "status": "True",
            "type": "Applied"
            "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-30T05:03:08Z",
            "message": "All resources are available",
            "reason": "ResourcesAvailable",
            "status": "True",
            "type": "Available"
        "resourceStatus": [
            "conditions": [
                "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-30T05:03:08Z",
                "message": "Apply manifest complete",
                "reason": "AppliedManifestComplete",
                "status": "True",
                "type": "Applied"
                "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-30T05:03:08Z",
                "message": "Resource is available",
                "reason": "ResourceAvailable",
                "status": "True",
                "type": "Available"
                "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-30T05:03:08Z",
                "message": "",
                "reason": "NoStatusFeedbackSynced",
                "status": "True",
                "type": "StatusFeedbackSynced"
            "resourceMeta": {
              "group": "",
              "kind": "ConfigMap",
              "name": "web",
              "namespace": "default",
              "ordinal": 0,
              "resource": "configmaps",
              "version": "v1"
            "statusFeedback": {}
            "conditions": [
                "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-30T05:03:08Z",
                "message": "Apply manifest complete",
                "reason": "AppliedManifestComplete",
                "status": "True",
                "type": "Applied"
                "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-30T05:03:08Z",
                "message": "Resource is available",
                "reason": "ResourceAvailable",
                "status": "True",
                "type": "Available"
                "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-30T05:03:08Z",
                "message": "",
                "reason": "StatusFeedbackSynced",
                "status": "True",
                "type": "StatusFeedbackSynced"
            "resourceMeta": {
              "group": "apps",
              "kind": "Deployment",
              "name": "web",
              "namespace": "default",
              "ordinal": 1,
              "resource": "deployments",
              "version": "v1"
            "statusFeedback": {
              "values": [
                  "fieldValue": {
                    "jsonRaw": "{\"availableReplicas\":1,\"conditions\":[{\"lastTransitionTime\":\"2024-05-30T05:03:13Z\",\"lastUpdateTime\":\"2024-05-30T05:03:13Z\",\"message\":\"Deployment has minimum availability.\",\"reason\":\"MinimumReplicasAvailable\",\"status\":\"True\",\"type\":\"Available\"},{\"lastTransitionTime\":\"2024-05-30T05:03:08Z\",\"lastUpdateTime\":\"2024-05-30T05:03:13Z\",\"message\":\"ReplicaSet \\\"web-dcffc4f85\\\" has successfully progressed.\",\"reason\":\"NewReplicaSetAvailable\",\"status\":\"True\",\"type\":\"Progressing\"}],\"observedGeneration\":1,\"readyReplicas\":1,\"replicas\":1,\"updatedReplicas\":1}",
                    "type": "JsonRaw"
                  "name": "status"
      "updated_at": "2024-05-30T05:03:17.796496Z",
      "version": 1
  "kind": "ResourceList",
  "page": 1,
  "size": 1,
  "total": 1
clyang82 commented 3 months ago

@machi1990 the resource-bundles api is also ready for use. please verify it as well. Thanks.

machi1990 commented 3 months ago

I've verified it via the example @skeeey (thanks) created here

Let's close this and iterate from it.