openshift-online / maestro

Maestro Service Repo
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e2e is flaky #120

Closed clyang82 closed 5 days ago

clyang82 commented 2 weeks ago
• [FAILED] [60.008 seconds]
Resources Resource Delete Option Tests [It] delete the nginx resource from the maestro api [e2e-tests-resources]

  [FAILED] Timed out after 60.000s.
  Unexpected error:
      <*errors.StatusError | 0xc000868c80>: 
      deployments.apps "nginx" not found
          ErrStatus: {
              TypeMeta: {Kind: "", APIVersion: ""},
              ListMeta: {
                  SelfLink: "",
                  ResourceVersion: "",
                  Continue: "",
                  RemainingItemCount: nil,
              Status: "Failure",
              Message: "deployments.apps \"nginx\" not found",
              Reason: "NotFound",
              Details: {Name: "nginx", Group: "apps", Kind: "deployments", UID: "", Causes: nil, RetryAfterSeconds: 0},
              Code: 404,
  In [It] at: /home/runner/work/maestro/maestro/test/e2e/pkg/resources_test.go:136 @ 06/11/24 08:16:17.353
clyang82 commented 2 weeks ago

the replicas is 2 which is not desired since the updateStrategy is createOnly. the replicas should remain 1.

• [FAILED] [60.009 seconds]
Resources Resource Update Strategy Tests [It] delete the nginx resource [e2e-tests-resources]

  [FAILED] Timed out after 60.001s.
  Unexpected error:
      <*errors.errorString | 0xc00090b510>: 
      nginx deployment still exists
          s: "nginx deployment still exists",
  In [It] at: /home/runner/work/maestro/maestro/test/e2e/pkg/resources_test.go:217 @ 06/07/24 09:38:02.353
clyang82 commented 5 days ago

it should be fixed in #126.