openshift / kuryr-kubernetes

kuryr-kubernetes - CNI plugin using OpenStack Neutron and Octavia to provide networking for pods and services.
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Removal of the status object from the CRD results in Kuryr Controller crashing #468

Closed bshephar closed 3 years ago

bshephar commented 3 years ago

Description of problem: In some situations, it is necessary to forcefully delete Octavia LB's from OpenStack. In this situation, the way we prompt Kuryr to recreate them, is by removing the information from the status object in the kuryrloadbalancer CRD:

Which needs be changed to: {} $ oc get kuryrloadbalancer -n openshift-monitoring grafana -o jsonpath='{.status}' | jq . {}

If the user inadvertently deletes the status object though, this will force kuryr-controller to return a traceback that ultimately it is unable to recover from until the status object is returned.

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): bash-4.4$ rpm -qa | grep kuryr python3-kuryr-lib-1.1.1-0.20190923160834.41e6964.el8ost.noarch python3-kuryr-kubernetes-4.7.0-202101262230.p0.git.2494.cd95ce5.el8.noarch openshift-kuryr-controller-4.7.0-202101262230.p0.git.2494.cd95ce5.el8.noarch openshift-kuryr-common-4.7.0-202101262230.p0.git.2494.cd95ce5.el8.noarch

How reproducible: 100%

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Edit the kuryrloadbalancer CRD for one of the LB's: oc edit kuryrloadbalancer -n openshift-monitoring grafana Remove everything from status: down. Including the status: line

eg: [...]

To this: [...]

  1. Observe kuryr-controller starts failing with the following traceback: 2021-03-01 22:35:00.876 1 ERROR kuryr_kubernetes.handlers.logging [-] Failed to handle event {'type': 'MODIFIED', 'object': {'apiVersion': '', 'kind': 'KuryrLoadBalancer', 'metadata': {'creationTimestamp': '2021-03-01T06:08:28Z', 'finalizers': [''], 'generation': 34, 'managedFields': [{'apiVersion': '', 'fieldsType': 'FieldsV1', 'fieldsV1': {'f:metadata': {'f:finalizers': {'.': {}, 'v:""': {}}}, 'f:spec': {'.': {}, 'f:endpointSlices': {}, 'f:ip': {}, 'f:ports': {}, 'f:project_id': {}, 'f:provider': {}, 'f:security_groups_ids': {}, 'f:subnet_id': {}, 'f:type': {}}}, 'manager': 'python-requests', 'operation': 'Update', 'time': '2021-03-01T22:30:36Z'}], 'name': 'grafana', 'namespace': 'openshift-monitoring', 'resourceVersion': '2140553', 'selfLink': '/apis/', 'uid': '1e8a70c2-350d-418c-b876-152cbb7d2f4b'}, 'spec': {'endpointSlices': [{'endpoints': [{'addresses': [''], 'conditions': {'ready': True}, 'targetRef': {'kind': 'Pod', 'name': 'grafana-6f4d96d7fd-vm8sv', 'namespace': 'openshift-monitoring', 'resourceVersion': '63165', 'uid': '04630764-2c7e-4e86-a4e8-f986f26931cd'}}], 'ports': [{'name': 'https', 'port': 3000, 'protocol': 'TCP'}]}], 'ip': '', 'ports': [{'name': 'https', 'port': 3000, 'protocol': 'TCP', 'targetPort': 'https'}], 'project_id': 'e75466bcb2eb4cf590026be2d94d95ef', 'provider': 'ovn', 'security_groups_ids': ['e9d30328-ea13-4434-9ed2-fe8f4ddb3173'], 'subnet_id': '0b048882-9b6c-4a5d-97eb-e613645c90fd', 'type': 'ClusterIP'}}}: KeyError: 'status' 2021-03-01 22:35:00.876 1 ERROR kuryr_kubernetes.handlers.logging Traceback (most recent call last): 2021-03-01 22:35:00.876 1 ERROR kuryr_kubernetes.handlers.logging File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kuryr_kubernetes/handlers/", line 37, in call 2021-03-01 22:35:00.876 1 ERROR kuryr_kubernetes.handlers.logging self._handler(event, *args, *kwargs) 2021-03-01 22:35:00.876 1 ERROR kuryr_kubernetes.handlers.logging File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kuryr_kubernetes/handlers/", line 80, in call 2021-03-01 22:35:00.876 1 ERROR kuryr_kubernetes.handlers.logging self._handler(event, args, **kwargs) 2021-03-01 22:35:00.876 1 ERROR kuryr_kubernetes.handlers.logging File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kuryr_kubernetes/handlers/", line 84, in call 2021-03-01 22:35:00.876 1 ERROR kuryr_kubernetes.handlers.logging self.on_present(obj) 2021-03-01 22:35:00.876 1 ERROR kuryr_kubernetes.handlers.logging File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kuryr_kubernetes/controller/handlers/", line 65, in on_present 2021-03-01 22:35:00.876 1 ERROR kuryr_kubernetes.handlers.logging crd_lb = loadbalancer_crd['status'].get('loadbalancer') 2021-03-01 22:35:00.876 1 ERROR kuryr_kubernetes.handlers.logging KeyError: 'status' 2021-03-01 22:35:00.876 1 ERROR kuryr_kubernetes.handlers.logging 2021-03-01 22:35:01.243 1 ERROR [-] Component KuryrLoadBalancerHandler is dead.

Actual results: kuryr-controller crashes without the status object

Expected results: If the status object is required, it shouldn't be something that can be removed.

Additional info: I only tested this on OCP4.7. But I suspect it would be the same on 4.6. I don't think it's possible to make the status object required, since it's the default status object, eg:

Maybe we can just handle it better by creating it if we can't find it?

bshephar commented 3 years ago

If the status object is re-added as status: {}. Then Kuryr will get all the info from Octavia and repopulate it.


if not loadbalancer_crd['status']:
    # recreate it as status: {}
bshephar commented 3 years ago

So, we spent a fair bit of time looking at this today. While it would probably work if we just added something like this:

❯ git diff                                                                                                                                                                                ─╯
diff --git a/kuryr_kubernetes/controller/handlers/ b/kuryr_kubernetes/controller/handlers/
index c139b4f6..8be485a0 100644
--- a/kuryr_kubernetes/controller/handlers/
+++ b/kuryr_kubernetes/controller/handlers/
@@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ class KuryrLoadBalancerHandler(k8s_base.ResourceEventHandler):

+        if 'status' not in loadbalancer_crd:
+            loadbalancer_crd['status'] = {}
         crd_lb = loadbalancer_crd['status'].get('loadbalancer')
         if crd_lb:
             lb_provider = crd_lb.get('provider')

I think this would probably work as we would end up finding our way back here:

Which would recreate the status field. I haven't created a new Kuryr Controller container and tested that yet. But, it's very hacky. I think we could probably do this better by checking the health of SVC's. If we notice one doesn't work, we could query Octavia. If we get a "Doesn't exist" response back, we could patch status: {} and let the sync_lbaas_loadbalancer() function recreate it.

We discussed querying Octavia to validate LB's exist. But I think if we try to reconcile and query Octavia about every LB every few seconds we're going to crash Octavia, OVN or both for large clusters. Particularly because we're querying loadbalancers, listeners, pools, members, and some of those queries start asking Neutron for details, etc. It's a fair bit of excess for achieving the solution.

Happy for some additional feedback on this from the team. Would be great to know if you guys envision something different here?

If for whatever reason, the status has been removed from the CRD, then you can just patch it back into existence and things are happy from there:

oc patch -n openshift-monitoring klb grafana -p='{"status": {}}' --type=merge
openshift-bot commented 3 years ago

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openshift-bot commented 3 years ago

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openshift-bot commented 3 years ago

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openshift-ci[bot] commented 3 years ago

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