The service catalog wont allow names and ids that do not meet the regex [a-zA-Z0-9]([-a-zA-Z0-9]*[a-zA-Z0-9])
It returns the following error when getting the catalog:
'Error syncing catalog from Broker. Error reconciling serviceClass "mongo-db"
(broker "mongo-service-broker"): "mongo-db"
is invalid: [plans[0].name: Invalid value: "gold plan": [-_a-z0-9]+ (e.g. ''plan_name'',
regex used for validation is ''plan-name''), plans[0].osbGuid: Invalid value:
"gold_plan_id": [a-zA-Z0-9]([-a-zA-Z0-9]*[a-zA-Z0-9])? (e.g. ''123-abc'', or
''456-DEF'', regex used for validation is ''my-name'')]'
The service catalog wont allow names and ids that do not meet the regex
It returns the following error when getting the catalog:
I have a pr coming to fix this.