Open ctron opened 7 years ago
@tnozicka FYI (I think you was building something related)
@ctron Take a look at
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@enj Any updates on this matter? :innocent:
/assign @tnozicka The plan is to adpot when that merges.
Now has its trello card
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@ctron & @tnozicka,
I ve tested this and it worked great! Really cool stuff, thanks...and funny to meet my old friend @ctron in this issue. Made lets encrypt cert management so smooth and easy. Any plans how the trello card will continue?
BR Mehmet
@marziman thx.
Any plans how the trello card will continue?
I'd like us to be able to provide certificates for masters and for the router. Also for the purposes of multitenancy we need to have internal rate limits.
about openshift-acme, it is working great for routes, not sure how to configure it for console as well, any ideas? works great! It would just be cool to have this work with the click of a "Get Certificate!" button built into OpenShift, just to save a long night of reading up and searching to understand what to look for and ultimately find this... :smiley:
@stlaz @sttts @mfojtik
Let's encrypt [1] provides a great way to get SSL certificates which are accepted by browsers.
When it comes to OpenShift there are two downsides using Let's encrypt. Certificates are only valid for 90 days and they don't offer wildcard certificates. So you either need one for each domain or your can use server aliases to include more.
However there is an API for automating this process [2], which could be included into OpenShift in order to automate this process out of the box.
Of course you can find some way to fiddle around with some shell scripts and the router templates to DIY, but it would be cool to have this support out of the box for front-facing HTTPS access.
[1] [2]
oc v1.4.1+3f9807a kubernetes v1.4.0+776c994 features: Basic-Auth GSSAPI Kerberos SPNEGO
Steps To Reproduce
Current Result
Not supported
Expected Result
Out of the box support for Let's encrypt.