openshift / source-to-image

A tool for building artifacts from source and injecting into container images
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Can't call the assemble script when providing the scripts url using -s option #82

Closed iocanel closed 9 years ago

iocanel commented 9 years ago

I am trying to use the sti and provide a url to the sti scripts as follows:

sti build fabric8/karaf-2.4 fabric8/test-sti -s file:/somepath/.sti/bin

The error I am getting is:

/bin/bash: assemble: No such file or directory An error occured: Container exited with exit code: 127

soltysh commented 9 years ago

@iocanel you should be using file://somepath/.sti/bin (double slash after file:) since we're matching based on the golang's url scheme. See for details.

iocanel commented 9 years ago

@soltysh Thanks for the very quick response.

The files do get uploaded or at least they seem to get uploaded even with a single slash. Using double slashes, I get an upload error: "An error occured: Scripts download failed". Using tipple slashes, I get the same error I do when using single slash.

bparees commented 9 years ago

and file:/somepath/.sti/bin contains an assemble script?

iocanel commented 9 years ago


From what I understand the script does get uploaded to the container. The error "/bin/bash: assemble: No such file or directory" is thrown when trying to execute it.

soltysh commented 9 years ago

Could you provide us with full build log, invoke sti with --verbose and please attach it here. It'll help us debug the problem you're experiencing. If it's possible attach the sti scripts you're using as well.

iocanel commented 9 years ago

Here's the verbose output:

2014/11/14 00:20:37 Using docker socket: tcp://dockerhost:2375 2014/11/14 00:20:37 Downloaded 'file:///tmp/.sti/bin//assemble' 2014/11/14 00:20:37 Downloaded 'file:///tmp/.sti/bin//run' 2014/11/14 00:20:37 Image fabric8/karaf-2.4 available locally 2014/11/14 00:20:37 Image contains default script url '' 2014/11/14 00:20:37 Looking for assemble script at /var/folders/zw/h58c2fb16jl4w0kp8jttlh5w0000gn/T/sti621297253/downloads/scripts/assemble 2014/11/14 00:20:37 Found assemble script from user provided url. 2014/11/14 00:20:37 Looking for run script at /var/folders/zw/h58c2fb16jl4w0kp8jttlh5w0000gn/T/sti621297253/downloads/scripts/run 2014/11/14 00:20:37 Found run script from user provided url. 2014/11/14 00:20:37 Downloaded 'file:///tmp/.sti/bin//save-artifacts' 2014/11/14 00:20:37 Image fabric8/karaf-2.4 available locally 2014/11/14 00:20:37 Image contains default script url '' 2014/11/14 00:20:37 Looking for save-artifacts script at /var/folders/zw/h58c2fb16jl4w0kp8jttlh5w0000gn/T/sti621297253/downloads/scripts/save-artifacts 2014/11/14 00:20:37 Found save-artifacts script from user provided url. 2014/11/14 00:20:37 Clean build will be performed 2014/11/14 00:20:37 Performing source build from 2014/11/14 00:20:37 Downloading to directory /var/folders/zw/h58c2fb16jl4w0kp8jttlh5w0000gn/T/sti621297253/upload/src Cloning into '/var/folders/zw/h58c2fb16jl4w0kp8jttlh5w0000gn/T/sti621297253/upload/src'... remote: Counting objects: 38, done. remote: Total 38 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) Unpacking objects: 100% (38/38), done. Checking connectivity... done. 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Using image name fabric8/karaf-2.4 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Adding to tar: /var/folders/zw/h58c2fb16jl4w0kp8jttlh5w0000gn/T/sti621297253/upload/scripts/assemble as scripts/assemble 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Adding to tar: /var/folders/zw/h58c2fb16jl4w0kp8jttlh5w0000gn/T/sti621297253/upload/scripts/run as scripts/run 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Adding to tar: /var/folders/zw/h58c2fb16jl4w0kp8jttlh5w0000gn/T/sti621297253/upload/scripts/save-artifacts as scripts/save-artifacts 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Adding to tar: /var/folders/zw/h58c2fb16jl4w0kp8jttlh5w0000gn/T/sti621297253/upload/src/.gitignore as src/.gitignore 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Adding to tar: /var/folders/zw/h58c2fb16jl4w0kp8jttlh5w0000gn/T/sti621297253/upload/src/.sti/bin/assemble as src/.sti/bin/assemble 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Adding to tar: /var/folders/zw/h58c2fb16jl4w0kp8jttlh5w0000gn/T/sti621297253/upload/src/.sti/bin/run as src/.sti/bin/run 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Adding to tar: /var/folders/zw/h58c2fb16jl4w0kp8jttlh5w0000gn/T/sti621297253/upload/src/.sti/bin/save-artifacts as src/.sti/bin/save-artifacts 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Adding to tar: /var/folders/zw/h58c2fb16jl4w0kp8jttlh5w0000gn/T/sti621297253/upload/src/pom.xml as src/pom.xml 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Adding to tar: /var/folders/zw/h58c2fb16jl4w0kp8jttlh5w0000gn/T/sti621297253/upload/src/src/main/fabric8/assembly.xml as src/src/main/fabric8/assembly.xml 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Adding to tar: /var/folders/zw/h58c2fb16jl4w0kp8jttlh5w0000gn/T/sti621297253/upload/src/src/main/fabric8/data/order1.xml as src/src/main/fabric8/data/order1.xml 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Adding to tar: /var/folders/zw/h58c2fb16jl4w0kp8jttlh5w0000gn/T/sti621297253/upload/src/src/main/fabric8/data/order2.xml as src/src/main/fabric8/data/order2.xml 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Adding to tar: /var/folders/zw/h58c2fb16jl4w0kp8jttlh5w0000gn/T/sti621297253/upload/src/src/main/fabric8/data/order3.xml as src/src/main/fabric8/data/order3.xml 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Adding to tar: /var/folders/zw/h58c2fb16jl4w0kp8jttlh5w0000gn/T/sti621297253/upload/src/src/main/fabric8/data/order4.xml as src/src/main/fabric8/data/order4.xml 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Adding to tar: /var/folders/zw/h58c2fb16jl4w0kp8jttlh5w0000gn/T/sti621297253/upload/src/src/main/fabric8/data/order5.xml as src/src/main/fabric8/data/order5.xml 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Adding to tar: /var/folders/zw/h58c2fb16jl4w0kp8jttlh5w0000gn/T/sti621297253/upload/src/src/main/fabric8/features.xml as src/src/main/fabric8/features.xml 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Adding to tar: /var/folders/zw/h58c2fb16jl4w0kp8jttlh5w0000gn/T/sti621297253/upload/src/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/blueprint/cbr.xml as src/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/blueprint/cbr.xml 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Image fabric8/karaf-2.4 available locally 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Creating container using config: {Hostname: Domainname: User: Memory:0 MemorySwap:0 CpuShares:0 CpuSet: AttachStdin:false AttachStdout:true AttachStderr:false PortSpecs:[] ExposedPorts:map[] Tty:false OpenStdin:true StdinOnce:true Env:[] Cmd:[/bin/bash assemble] Dns:[] Image:fabric8/karaf-2.4 Volumes:map[] VolumesFrom: WorkingDir: Entrypoint:[] NetworkDisabled:false} 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Attaching to container 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Starting container 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Waiting for container /bin/bash: assemble: No such file or directory 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Container exited 2014/11/14 00:20:39 Removing directory '/var/folders/zw/h58c2fb16jl4w0kp8jttlh5w0000gn/T/sti621297253' An error occured: Container exited with exit code: 127

iocanel commented 9 years ago

The sti scripts look like this: and are still work in progress.

By the way, since I have them under .sti/bin in my git repo, shouldn't they be used if I don't specify any URL?

bparees commented 9 years ago

where's the dockerfile for your image?

@soltysh I think the issue here is the scripts aren't handling+untarring the tar stream. Seems like maybe our docs need work?

iocanel commented 9 years ago

The docker file is based on with minor local modifications.

I also tried the openshift/wildfly-8-centos image and didn't had much luck either. The main difference when used the wildly image is that the command that is sent to docker is "./bin/sh -c usage assemble". It then just displays the usage message and doesn't seem to execute assemble.

iocanel commented 9 years ago

I found the pull request and copied the "sti-helper" script into my image. Now it seems that its able to execute the assemble script when passed both from command line using the -s option and by specifying a remote URL into the base image.

Now I need to check if my assemble script can find the sources and build them.

soltysh commented 9 years ago

The wildfly image have a pending PR that @bparees will merge ( I'll be working on the docs for the STI to be more helpful as well. I'll also have a closer look at your output later today, so any input you get in the meantime are very appreciated. Anyway thanks for your input and commitment :+1:

iocanel commented 9 years ago

Yeah, that the PR I copied the sti-helper from.

I thank you for the quick feedback and support :-)

bparees commented 9 years ago

fyi, PR has been merged.

soltysh commented 9 years ago

@iocanel from your last comment I'm assuming it worked, right? Can we then close this issue?

iocanel commented 9 years ago

Yes it worked. I'd close the issue myself but thought you may wanted to keep it open until the doc gets updated.

soltysh commented 9 years ago

I have a trello for that one ( and I'm going to handle that one in this upcoming sprint, so I think it's ok to close it.