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The enablement of features is controlled by Feature Flags #1165

Open qodfathr opened 6 years ago

qodfathr commented 6 years ago


Ability for Product Management to control which features in production are visible to groups of users.


This is the phase one implementation of feature flags for OSIO. This will allow Red Hat to continue to create experimental and innovative features without disrupting users in production. It will provide per-user controls so that each can choose their level of visibility into pre-production features. For this Epic, control is limited to the UI -- in other words, the feature flags essentially control the visibility of UI elements.


Desired types of control

listed in priority order

For later:

Implementing Features

Impacted by

Parent Fundamental

2036 should be Testable in Production

qodfathr commented 6 years ago

@slemeur please see above, as Che is called out. Feel free to comment if you'd like to see any changes/additions.

corinnekrych commented 6 years ago

@qodfathr Our understanding of the requirements is that a logged-in user can opt in/out for internal/experimental/beta features. What should happen for anonymous users? Should they have access to no experimental feature, or as implemented today with Planner, access to all experimental features? Should we unified the behaviour and do not show an experimental feature to anonymous user.

joshuawilson commented 6 years ago

Since we store their choice to what they want to access on their profile they must be logged in to get past the experimental stage. Therefore, if they don't login then they can only see released content.

@qodfathr if you want it different then we need to rethink how we do things technically. I suppose they could access experimental areas but they would not store it as a setting. Still this would require a change.

corinnekrych commented 6 years ago

@catrobson @joshuawilson do we have an issue/epic for the UX flows for features toggles? One question that was asked by auth team cc @alexeykazakov @sbose78 @xcoulon is: for the admin flow, is it only the user that can select which toggle settings he is on? or could it be an admin user to define group of internal/experimental/beta users?

catrobson commented 6 years ago

We have a requirements gathering story to kick this off and gather information about this. We want to have a kick-off meeting with Eng, UX, PM to discuss these details together, and then we will build user flows & wireframes.

qodfathr commented 6 years ago

@corinnekrych @joshuawilson sorry that I missed the question from a few months ago. Joshua's response was and still is correct -- anonymous users only see "released" content.

corinnekrych commented 6 years ago

@qodfathr @joshuawilson @catrobson @xcoulon Could we close this one as an epic for G-train. We could open a new EPIC that hilghlights better what left to do:

qodfathr commented 6 years ago

@corinnekrych when we move to the OSIO Planner we'll have a way to deal with multi-train "epics", but, to keep GitHub Issues clean and moving forward, I'm fine with this plan -- open a new Epic, xref it from here, and close this Epic.

qodfathr commented 6 years ago

@corinnekrych after some thought, I think it's best to just keep this issue open and complete it in Heather. Let's use it as motivation to get it done early in the train. :)

qodfathr commented 6 years ago

Question -- how do feature flags handle anonymous browsing?

PM has decided that anonymous browsing should be treated the same as a user who is set to the Released level of flags. Does the burden of making this determination lie with the consumer of the feature flag APIs, or do these APIs handle this use case automatically?

corinnekrych commented 6 years ago

@qodfathr this is how it is displayed atm: screenshot 2018-01-25 19 21 03_preview the fabric8-toggles-service api/features return a 401 so we don't get the information on each feature's level (therefore the grey - indetermined- banner). If we want a separate behavior it's worth opening a user story for it. we might need to revisit the endpoint or offer another endpoint. cc @xcoulon

corinnekrych commented 6 years ago

@qodfathr tracked in:

mceledonia commented 6 years ago

Latest designs for feature flags - user opt-in and visual indicator are found here

qodfathr commented 6 years ago

@catrobson I'm still envisioning value in having a "release candidate" level for feature flags (maybe call it "production candidate" to match the current nomenclature?), but I'd appreciate a recommendation from UXD on that.

As a reminder, in this model the features at the RC level are production ready. The differences between RC and prod are (1) RC features can turn on at any time, whereas prod features follow a regular cadence (e.g. every 3 weeks) and (2) RC features might not have all of the docs yet published. But RC features would not have any on-screen visual indicator (just like prod does not). That will facilitate the creation of documentation and screen shots, as RC is otherwise indistinguishable from prod. (As opposed to a screenshot of a feature late in the beta cycle, which would end up have the 'beta' markings on the screen.)

I'd even consider RC being internal-only, but I personally don't think that's necessary - but, again, I seek UXD guidance.

catrobson commented 6 years ago

Thanks Todd. We'll update the designs to capture this - sorry this got lost in the revisions!

corinnekrych commented 6 years ago

I've created:

@joshuawilson @qodfathr @catrobson @xcoulon to be able to work on Display feature-flagged components, we really need concrete use-cases. Something better than feature1 is beta feature2 is experimental etc... Identifying several components under experiment in either fabric8-ui or fabric8-planner will really help. Besides without use cases, there is nothing to demo possible in prod.

From the discussion, I understand the UX design is still under discussion (so dev is waiting until design is agreed) but pls consider taking real use cases.

cc @aslakknutsen

qodfathr commented 6 years ago

@corinnekrych we can get you some real examples. @joshuawilson @xcoulon @aslakknutsen we likely need to become more prescriptive with all new development to ensure that it's backed by new feature flags.

corinnekrych commented 6 years ago

@qodfathr @xcoulon @aslakknutsen @joshuawilson @mceledonia let's identify use-case for next UX review, replacing feature1, feature2 with real components.