Anyone who is using Launcher (from standalone or from its integration within OSIO) will be able to get a developer workspace in Che fully ready and configured to work on the generated project (boosters).
When a user is using Launcher, he is selecting a booster which is then uploaded on a git repository. We want to provide the associated Chefile with the booster so that it provides a ready-to-use definition of a developer workspace in Che.
The Chefile will provide the information about the workspace’s runtime that is needed, as well as all the information that are needed to build, run and debug on the project.
Note: This Chefile will work only with Che installed on kubernetes/openshift.
Anyone who is using Launcher (from standalone or from its integration within OSIO) will be able to get a developer workspace in Che fully ready and configured to work on the generated project (boosters).
When a user is using Launcher, he is selecting a booster which is then uploaded on a git repository. We want to provide the associated Chefile with the booster so that it provides a ready-to-use definition of a developer workspace in Che.
The Chefile will provide the information about the workspace’s runtime that is needed, as well as all the information that are needed to build, run and debug on the project.
Note: This Chefile will work only with Che installed on kubernetes/openshift.
Along with the work we are doing on upstream Che :