openshwprojects / OpenBK7231T_App

Open source firmware (Tasmota/Esphome replacement) for BK7231T, BK7231N, BL2028N, T34, XR809, W800/W801, W600/W601 and BL602
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Add bme280 humidity #1231

Closed NonPIayerCharacter closed 2 weeks ago

NonPIayerCharacter commented 1 month ago

Measurement code copied from esphome. Don't have a bme280, but bmp280 continue to work normally. Can try to add bme680, but it is significantly different from bmx280, so the code here will not work. So if i'm to try, am i to code it in this library, or add a new one instead?

openshwprojects commented 1 month ago

Very good, thank you! I don't have this chip as well but maybe @divadiow has?

Regarding 680 - well, if you say it's different, then create a separate driver, you know, separate entry in drv_main.c, then a file drv_bme680, etc. You can also ask me for help anytime and I will try my best. Just make sure to put your driver disabled by default because we are trying to avoid reaching max OTA size on some platforms

divadiow commented 1 month ago

only BME680/BMP280 currently. will buy BME280

openshwprojects commented 1 month ago

What is the state of this feature? Has it been already tested? I would like to merge it but i dont have required chip at hand

divadiow commented 1 month ago

if it's any help, my BME280 should arrive this week

divadiow commented 2 weeks ago


Address 0x76 (dec 118)


openshwprojects commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you, I think I can merge it now

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

:tada: This PR is included in version 1.17.610 :tada:

The release is available on GitHub release

Your semantic-release bot :package::rocket:

DeDaMrAzR commented 2 weeks ago

to initiate and read BME280 use the following in your autoexec file:

// startDriver BMP280 [ClkPin] [DatPin] [OptionalTargetChannel]
startDriver BMP280 7 8 2
BMP280_Adr 0x76