openshwprojects / OpenBK7231T_App

Open source firmware (Tasmota/Esphome replacement) for BK7231T, BK7231N, BL2028N, T34, XR809, W800/W801, W600/W601 and BL602
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Driver for BMP085, 180, 280, and BME280, 680, 688. #1242

Closed NonPIayerCharacter closed 3 weeks ago

NonPIayerCharacter commented 1 month ago

BMP280 and BME680 works, unsure for BMP180. Mine prints nonsensical readings, and i don't have a free esp board to test it for now. Don't have the others, but BME688 is the same as BME680, as is BMP085 and BMP180. BME280 will work with pressure and temperature, but humidity is yet to be tested. This driver additionally have configuration (oversampling, iir filter, etc.), cycle setting and calibration. Chose not to implement gas readings and heater on BME68X, but, if needed, can be added later.

NonPIayerCharacter commented 1 month ago

image Now only has 2 i2c address selection, sixth startdriver parameter, 0 for 0x77, 1 for 0x76 If sensor is not found, then it will scan the other address and log the results. But if found, then the driver will have to be manually restarted.

openshwprojects commented 1 month ago

Thank you! Very good, is it ready to merge?

For me it looks ready to merge, the only thing I will change is that I will disable it by default (to reduce flash size...)

divadiow commented 1 month ago

great work


startdriver bmpi2c 11 10 1 2 3 0 for me


Flash ID detected gone though :(


NonPIayerCharacter commented 1 month ago

Chip id is not logged, if it is one of the known ones. If unknown, it will still be printed.

divadiow commented 1 month ago


divadiow commented 1 month ago

I was not concentrating and connected VCC to SDL or SDA and killed my BME280 🙄. new one arriving in a day or so.

NonPIayerCharacter commented 1 month ago

Verified that my bmp180 works ok with esp. Still unable to make it work on beken, even tried to make a new library from scratch for it. Will try to debug it later, with first comparing calibration data readings.

openshwprojects commented 4 weeks ago

Ok what is the state of this? Maybe I can merge it already (as disabled) and we will patch it later?

Futhermore, does your @NonPIayerCharacter previous PR also requires a merge or is everything inside that current PR?

NonPIayerCharacter commented 4 weeks ago

Everything, save bmp180 is done. It can be merged, will open a new pull if i will be able to solve the problem with it. Previous pull is for bmp280 driver, therefore a separate one, and should be tested with bme280 before merge.

divadiow commented 4 weeks ago

sorry for the wait. new BME280 still not arrived.

openshwprojects commented 3 weeks ago

So I will merge that one now. Thank you!