openshwprojects / OpenBK7231T_App

Open source firmware (Tasmota/Esphome replacement) for BK7231T, BK7231N, BL2028N, T34, XR809, W800/W801, W600/W601 and BL602
1.33k stars 227 forks source link

Not issues. Request Tuya WBR2 W701 #642

Open AdrianGomez2023 opened 1 year ago

AdrianGomez2023 commented 1 year ago

Hi, first of all thanks for this great project and sorry for my english, i'm from Argentina.

I don't know if this is the right place to ask, but i cannot find another place to do. Do you plan add compatibility with Tuya WBR2 chip? i attach a photo of chip.

You can find this in most of smart switch and i have a lot of them. Thank for all, Best regards. wbr2

openshwprojects commented 1 year ago

Hey, is there SDK available somewhere?

AdrianGomez2023 commented 1 year ago

Hi, thank for answer. After several tries to download the SDK from Tuya website, i cannot find a way to download. Then i don't know where i can get the SDK =(

brenard commented 1 year ago

Hello, I also have a WBR2 based relay device, I would love to be able to use OpenBK on it. I looked for the SDK, and I mean the SDK to use is:

I'm not sure is what you are looking for, but may be...

More information about it :

WBR2 Module Datasheet_Tuya IoT Development Platform_Tuya IoT Development Platform.pdf

Blackspell01 commented 11 months ago

Are there any news yet? :)

Screenshot 2023-07-27 at 19 53 33
Blackspell01 commented 8 months ago

@AdrianGomez2023 are you planning on adding support for this chip any soon?

lulol commented 6 months ago

Mine is in a WiFi-BT Tuya cloud gateway and uses a CR3L module with W701M chip RTL8720CM Ameba Zii.

WBR2 is W701-VA2-CG CR3L is W701M-VT2-CG

Realtek provides an SDK but I'm not sure it would be practical to include this chip family in this project. The SDK is based on IAR Embedded Workbench. Realtek Ameba ZII DEV User Manual

IMG_20230724_1926_27_1 IMG_20230724_195958_2

bootlog (◼️=censored ids, keys and mac)

$ picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0
picocom v3.1
port is        : /dev/ttyUSB0
flowcontrol    : none
baudrate is    : 115200
parity is      : none
databits are   : 8
stopbits are   : 1
escape is      : C-a
local echo is  : no
noinit is      : no
noreset is     : no
hangup is      : no
nolock is      : no
send_cmd is    : sz -vv
receive_cmd is : rz -vv -E
imap is        : 
omap is        : 
emap is        : crcrlf,delbs,
logfile is     : none
initstring     : none
exit_after is  : not set
exit is        : no
Type [C-a] [C-h] to see available commands
Terminal ready
== Rtl8710c IoT Platform ==
Chip VID: 5, Ver: 3
ROM Version: v3.0
== Boot Loader ==
Nov 12 2020:10:54:11
fwx SELE[fffffffc]
fw SELE Bitidx 2, fw1 valid 1, sn 0, fw2 valid 1, sn 1
fw1 USE, return sn 0
Boot Loader <==
== RAM Start ==
Build @ 19:49:10, Mar 11 2022
[MEM DBG] heap init-------size:178272 addr:->100131a0---------
[MEM DBG] heap init-------size:4194304 addr:->60000000---------
interface 0 is initialized
interface 1 is initialized
Initializing [01-01 18:1WIFI ...2:15 TUYA I][mqc_app.c:350] mqc app init ...
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA I][uni_thread.c:220] thread_create name:sys_timer,stackDepth:4096,totalstackDepth:4096,priority:5
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA I][uni_thread.c:220] thread_create name:cmmod,stackDepth:4096,totalstackDepth:8192,priority:4
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA D][mqc_app.c:144] mq_pro:5 cnt:1
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA D][mqc_app.c:144] mq_pro:31 cnt:2
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA D][svc_online_log.c:295] svc online log init success
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA D][log_seq.c:894] read m:1 f:0 l:0
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA I][uni_thread.c:220] thread_create name:wk_th-0,stackDepth:5120,totalstackDepth:13312,priority:3
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA E][ws_db_gw.c:80] wd_protected_read fails gw_bi -23
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA D][ws_db_gw.c:208] gw base read finish:-23
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA D][tuya_bt_sdk.c:92] ty bt cmmod regist ok:1
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA D][tuya_ble_api.c:315] upd adv para, send conn_req beacon.
dev id key: 16
◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ 
[TUYA OS NOTICE]tuya_os_adapt_param_init mode:1
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA N][tuya_ble_api.c:650] ble sdk re_inited
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA D][tuya_ble_active.c:523] bt active init
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA N][tuya_bt_sdk.c:141] ty bt sdk init success finish
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA N][tuya_device.c:291] SDK INFO: < TUYA IOT SDK V:3.1.3 BS:40.00_PT:2.2_LAN:3.3_CAD:1.0.4_CD:1.0.0 >
< BUILD AT:2022_03_11_13_56_54 BY ci_manage FOR ty_iot_gw_wr_wf_sdk AT rtl8720cm_ameba >
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA N][tuya_device.c:292] [oem_rtl8720cm_gw_plug, 1.5.5],firmware compiled at Mar 11 2022 19:49:58
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA N][tuya_device.c:293] firmware key:key◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA N][tuya_device.c:908] __save_reset_cnt success, cnt = 1
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA N][simple_flash.c:459] key_addr: 0x37f000   block_sz 4096
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA N][simple_flash.c:548] get key:
0x◼️◼️ 0x◼️◼️ 0x◼️◼️ 0x◼️◼️ 0x◼️◼️ 0x◼️◼️ 0x◼️◼️ 0x◼️◼️ 0x◼️◼️ 0x◼️◼️ 0x◼️◼️ 0x◼️◼️ 0x◼️◼️ 0x◼️◼️ 0x◼️◼️ 0x◼️◼️
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA N][tuya_device.c:120] js_len:48,pConfig = {module:CR3L,gw_type:0,ch_num:1,jv:1.0.0,crc:0,}
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA N][tuya_device.c:125] gw_module is CR3L
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA N][tuya_device.c:934] __read_reset_cnt success, cnt = 1
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA N][tuya_device.c:972] cur reset cnt 1.
rcd encrypt key 16
◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️
WIFI initialized
init_thread(65), Available heap 0x410334[01-01 18:12:16 TUYA N][tuya_main.c:330] mf_init succ
[01-01 18:12:16 TUYA E][tuya_gw_prod_test_auth_info.c:483] wd_common_read tptk_mac_need_update ret:-6
[01-01 18:12:16 TUYA E][tuya_gw_prod_test_auth_info.c:30] need not update wifi mac. has not prodtest
[01-01 18:12:16 TUYA N][tuya_device.c:329] start gateway device...
[01-01 18:12:16 TUYA N][tuya_gw_key_app.c:88] key_init success,key pin -> TY_GPIOA20
[01-01 18:12:16 TUYA N][tuya_gw_led_app.c:225] led_hardware_init,pin -> TY_GPIOA3
[01-01 18:12:16 TUYA N][tuya_gw_led_app.c:225] led_hardware_init,pin -> TY_GPIOA2
[01-01 18:12:16 TUYA N][tuya_gw_pt_app.c:458] tuya_testframe_register_uart_func success
PT DEBUG:[tuya_prod_test.c]:[tuya_prodtest_print_sdkInfo:1870]:###########################################
PT DEBUG:[tuya_prod_test.c]:[tuya_prodtest_print_sdkInfo:1871]:###########################################
PT DEBUG:[tuya_prod_test.c]:[tuya_prodtest_print_sdkInfo:1872]:#######PROTOCOL VERSION:1.0.0##############
PT DEBUG:[tuya_prod_test.c]:[tuya_prodtest_print_sdkInfo:1873]:#######SDK      VERSION:1.0.2##############
PT DEBUG:[tuya_prod_test.c]:[tuya_prodtest_print_sdkInfo:1874]:###########################################
PT DEBUG:[tuya_prod_test.c]:[tuya_prodtest_print_sdkInfo:1875]:###########################################
PT DEBUG:[tuya_prod_test.c]:[tuya_prodtest_init:1991]:####tuya_prodtest_init success####
[01-01 18:12:16 TUYA W][tuya_gw_pt_app.c:148] #####PRODTEST UART REV TIMEOUT
PT DEBUG:[tuya_prod_test.c]:[tuya_prodtest_thread_process:1848]:***************TUYA TEST THREAD EXIT****************
PT DEBUG:[tuya_prod_test.c]:[tuya_prodtest_deinit:2014]:####tuya_prodtest_deinit process####
[WIFI DEBUG]tuya_os_adapt_wifi_set_work_mode(), mode:2[TUYA OS DEBUG]tuya_os_adapt_bt_stack_deinit
[TUYA OS DEBUG]current_bt_mode: 0xff, no need deinit
Deinitializing WIFI ...
WIFI deinitialized
Initializing WIFI ...
WIFI initialized
[TUYA OS DEBUG]tuya_os_adapt_bt_stack_init
[TUYA OS DEBUG]current_bt_mode:0xff, new bt_param->mode:0x1
[TUYA OS DEBUG]###init ble slave###
BT BUILD Date: Mar 11 2022, 19:48:39 
BT Reset ok
bt_iqk_efuse_valid: has data
bt_dump_iqk:    DUMP,
the IQK_xx  data is 0xc6,
the IQK_yy  data is 0x2,
the QDAC   data is 0x1d,
the IDAC   data is 0x1e,
the QDAC2  data is 0x1d,
the IDAC2  data is 0x1d,
hci_read_rom_check: rom_version 0x0003, bt_hci_chip_id 0x0004
 WRITE  physical FLATK=tx_flatk=eff0 
We use fw_buf = 0x1001c24c, fw_len = 0x1fb8, config_buf = 0x1001c214, config_len = 0x32
Set baudrate to 921600
hci_tp_config:BT INIT success 7
Start upperStack
[TUYA OS DEBUG][BLE peripheral] GAP stack readys
[TUYA OS DEBUG]not ready
[TUYA OS DEBUG]le_adv_start
[01-01 18:12:17 TUYA N][tuya_main.c:221] current product ssid name:tuya_bt_gw_scan
[WIFI NOTICE]not find scan ssid (tuya_bt_gw_scan)
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_gw_mgr.c:568] current gw_protocol_full_attr: 0x00000041
[TUYA OS NOTICE]tuya_os_adapt_param_init mode:4
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_device.c:687] tuya_hal_bt_port_init mesh mode.
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_device.c:741] app gw active flag read ret =0, flag=1, mode=2.
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA E][ws_db_gw.c:687] schema read fails 00000433gj -6
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][rcd_flash_app.c:700] maxlen 131072, pagesz 64, sec_num :1, 2 22015 68 
bit map len[8] 0x7f 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][rcd_flash_app.c:700] maxlen 131072, pagesz 64, sec_num :1, 3 22015 68 
bit map len[8] 0x7f 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][rcd_flash_app.c:700] maxlen 131072, pagesz 64, sec_num :1, 4 22015 68 
bit map len[8] 0x7f 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA E][rcd_flash_app.c:1260] __read_entry_with_key fail. -10114
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][rcd_flash_app.c:700] maxlen 16384, pagesz 64, sec_num :1, 0 21861 84 
bit map len[8] 0x7f 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][rcd_flash_app.c:700] maxlen 16384, pagesz 64, sec_num :1, 1 22015 68 
bit map len[8] 0x7f 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_devos_entry.c:1753] Last reset reason: 0
read wifi mac:◼️◼️:◼️◼️:◼️◼️:◼️◼️:◼️◼️:◼️◼️[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_devos_entry.c:1116] serial_no:◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_devos_entry.c:1147] gw_cntl.gw_wsm.stat:0
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_devos_netcfg.c:1345] gw_cntl->gw_wsm.nc_tp:0
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_devos_netcfg.c:1346] gw_cntl->
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_devos_entry.c:1207] gw_cntl.gw_if.abi:1 input:1
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_devos_entry.c:1208] gw_cntl.gw_if.product_key:key◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️, input:key◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_devos_entry.c:1209], input:0
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA E][rcd_flash_app.c:1260] __read_entry_with_key fail. -10114
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA E][gw_kv_db.c:115] rcd_entry_kv_read fails lp_off_dev -10114
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA E][subdev_sigmesh.c:863] sigmesh key null
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_bt_sdk.c:162] ty bt upd product:key◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️ 1
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_ble_api.c:415] upd product_id type:1 key◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️ ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️ ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_device.c:746] tuya_iot_reg_get_wf_nw_stat_cb success.
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA E][tuya_gw_beacon_http.c:227] ret:-6
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_gw_mgr.c:568] current gw_protocol_full_attr: 0x00000049
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_gw_beacon_mgmt.c:64] tuya_beacon_dev_mgmt_start success.
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_gw_ble_mgmt.c:825] bt dev join, permit:0 timeout:0,fp_fail_cnt:0
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA E][tuya_bt_hal.c:381] tuya hal adv mesh hasn't been started
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA E][tuya_gw_mesh_prov.c:293] bt hal mesh scan error: -1
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA E][tuya_gw_user_offline_log.c:93] ret:-2
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_device.c:761] --> tuya_gw_bt_start success.
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_device.c:766] --> device init success.
[WIFI DEBUG]tuya_os_adapt_wifi_set_work_mode(), mode:0[TUYA OS DEBUG]tuya_os_adapt_bt_stack_deinit
[TUYA OS DEBUG]###deinit ble slave###
[TUYA OS DEBUG]bt state.gap_init_state:1
[TUYA OS DEBUG]bte_deinit
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_ble_api.c:485] Ble Disonnected
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_ble_data_handler.c:64] ble reset sn
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_ble_data_handler.c:78] ble clear pair rand
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA N][tuya_ble_api.c:1464] ble set conn stat:2
Deinitializing WIFI ...
WIFI deinitialized
[rltk_wlan_rf_off] netif is DOWN
WIFI is not running
[rltk_wlan_rf_off] netif is DOWN[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA E][tuya_devos_netcfg.c:229] wf_wk_mode_set err:-10169
[01-01 18:12:20 TUYA N][tuya_device.c:880] __clear_reset_cnt success.
[01-01 18:12:20 TUYA N][tuya_device.c:475] __gw_wf_nw_stat_cb:0
[01-01 18:12:20 TUYA N][tuya_gw_led_app.c:293] ******* gw wifi_stat:[0]
[01-01 18:12:30 TUYA E][subdev_sigmesh.c:972] key is null.
[01-01 18:12:30 TUYA E][tuya_gw_mesh_mgmt.c:129] tuya_iot_sigmesh_get_net_info op_ret:-1
[01-01 18:12:30 TUYA E][tuya_gw_mesh_mgmt.c:630] get net info err:-1
[01-01 18:12:45 TUYA E][subdev_sigmesh.c:972] key is null.
[01-01 18:12:45 TUYA E][tuya_gw_mesh_mgmt.c:129] tuya_iot_sigmesh_get_net_info op_ret:-1
[01-01 18:12:45 TUYA E][tuya_gw_mesh_mgmt.c:630] get net info err:-1
[01-01 18:13:00 TUYA E][subdev_sigmesh.c:972] key is null.
[01-01 18:13:00 TUYA E][tuya_gw_mesh_mgmt.c:129] tuya_iot_sigmesh_get_net_info op_ret:-1
[01-01 18:13:00 TUYA E][tuya_gw_mesh_mgmt.c:630] get net info err:-1
[free mem:4161 KB, 4260888 Bytes], dev_num:[0,0] 
[01-01 18:13:15 TUYA E][subdev_sigmesh.c:972] key is null.
[01-01 18:13:15 TUYA E][tuya_gw_mesh_mgmt.c:129] tuya_iot_sigmesh_get_net_info op_ret:-1
[01-01 18:13:15 TUYA E][tuya_gw_mesh_mgmt.c:630] get net info err:-1
[01-01 18:13:30 TUYA E][subdev_sigmesh.c:972] key is null.
[01-01 18:13:30 TUYA E][tuya_gw_mesh_mgmt.c:129] tuya_iot_sigmesh_get_net_info op_ret:-1
[01-01 18:13:30 TUYA E][tuya_gw_mesh_mgmt.c:630] get net info err:-1
[01-01 18:13:37 TUYA N][tuya_key.c:418] get key interrupt
[01-01 18:13:39 TUYA N][tuya_gw_key_app.c:125] KEY TY_GPIOA20 trigger..type:0,cnt:0
[01-01 18:13:39 TUYA W][tuya_device.c:513] dev offline,no permit bt dev add
[01-01 18:13:40 TUYA N][tuya_gw_key_app.c:125] KEY TY_GPIOA20 trigger..type:0,cnt:0
[01-01 18:13:40 TUYA W][tuya_device.c:513] dev offline,no permit bt dev add
[01-01 18:13:41 TUYA N][tuya_gw_key_app.c:125] KEY TY_GPIOA20 trigger..type:0,cnt:0
[01-01 18:13:41 TUYA W][tuya_device.c:513] dev offline,no permit bt dev add
[01-01 18:13:43 TUYA N][tuya_gw_key_app.c:125] KEY TY_GPIOA20 trigger..type:0,cnt:0
[01-01 18:13:43 TUYA W][tuya_device.c:513] dev offline,no permit bt dev add
[01-01 18:13:45 TUYA E][subdev_sigmesh.c:972] key is null.
[01-01 18:13:45 TUYA E][tuya_gw_mesh_mgmt.c:129] tuya_iot_sigmesh_get_net_info op_ret:-1
[01-01 18:13:45 TUYA E][tuya_gw_mesh_mgmt.c:630] get net info err:-1
[01-01 18:13:47 TUYA N][tuya_gw_key_app.c:125] KEY TY_GPIOA20 trigger..type:0,cnt:0
[01-01 18:13:47 TUYA W][tuya_device.c:513] dev offline,no permit bt dev add
[01-01 18:13:50 TUYA N][tuya_gw_key_app.c:125] KEY TY_GPIOA20 trigger..type:0,cnt:0
[01-01 18:13:50 TUYA W][tuya_device.c:513] dev offline,no permit bt dev add
[01-01 18:13:52 TUYA N][tuya_gw_key_app.c:125] KEY TY_GPIOA20 trigger..type:0,cnt:0
[01-01 18:13:52 TUYA W][tuya_device.c:513] dev offline,no permit bt dev add
[01-01 18:13:58 TUYA N][tuya_gw_key_app.c:125] KEY TY_GPIOA20 trigger..type:2,cnt:0
[01-01 18:13:58 TUYA N][tuya_iot_wifi_api.c:305] gw unactive ret:0
[01-01 18:13:58 TUYA N][tuya_gw_ble_mgmt.c:825] bt dev join, permit:0 timeout:0,fp_fail_cnt:0
[01-01 18:13:58 TUYA E][tuya_bt_hal.c:381] tuya hal adv mesh hasn't been started
[01-01 18:13:58 TUYA E][tuya_gw_mesh_prov.c:293] bt hal mesh scan error: -1
[01-01 18:13:58 TUYA E][tuya_bt_hal.c:1881] tuya hal adv mesh hasn't been started
bit map len[8] 0x67 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 
bit map len[8] 0x67 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 
bit map len[8] 0x6f 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 
bit map len[8] 0x6f 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 
bit map len[8] 0x7f 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 
bit map len[8] 0x7f 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 
[01-01 18:13:59 TUYA E][group_scene_serve.c:547] fopen group scene file : error.
[01-01 18:13:59 TUYA E][group_scene_serve.c:553] fopen group scene file : error.
[01-01 18:13:59 TUYA E][home_security.c:984] Will clear home security save data.
[01-01 18:14:00 TUYA N][tuya_gw_ble_mgmt.c:825] bt dev join, permit:0 timeout:0,fp_fail_cnt:0
[01-01 18:14:00 TUYA E][tuya_bt_hal.c:381] tuya hal adv mesh hasn't been started
[01-01 18:14:00 TUYA E][tuya_gw_mesh_prov.c:293] bt hal mesh scan error: -1
[01-01 18:14:00 TUYA E][subdev_sigmesh.c:972] key is null.
[01-01 18:14:00 TUYA E][tuya_gw_mesh_mgmt.c:129] tuya_iot_sigmesh_get_net_info op_ret:-1
[01-01 18:14:00 TUYA E][tuya_gw_mesh_mgmt.c:630] get net info err:-1
[01-01 18:14:01 TUYA N][tuya_device.c:615] __event_ctl_reboot
== Rtl8710c IoT Platform ==
Chip VID: 5, Ver: 3
ROM Version: v3.0
== Boot Loader ==
Nov 12 2020:10:54:11
fwx SELE[fffffffc]
fw SELE Bitidx 2, fw1 valid 1, sn 0, fw2 valid 1, sn 1
fw1 USE, return sn 0
Boot Loader <==
== RAM Start ==
Build @ 19:49:10, Mar 11 2022
[MEM DBG] heap init-------size:178272 addr:->100131a0---------
[MEM DBG] heap init-------size:4194304 addr:->60000000---------
interface 0 is initialized
interface 1 is initialized
Chasbrot commented 5 months ago

Hi! I recently bought a smart water relay for irrigation from amazon.

It also has a W701 chip inside, on a CR3L module. It connects to WiFi and communicates via bluetooth to the outdoor relay.


Depends of course on the amount of work required.

Many thanks.